You know who else has NOT read Mueller's report???.....Yep, Bill Barr

Hitler adored Muslims and modeled his anti-Semitism on Muslim leaders at the time in Palestine,
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism agenda . We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.

Define for me if you will 'the Californian clown world insanity". Have you ever been to California? I doubt it.

BTW, the Midwest is a large area, are you ashamed of where you live?
Yes indeed. I have been to Clownifornia. Must be why people are fleeing the place en mass to go to greener pastures. Truth is, I love the real California. Big sur, walking over the golden gate bridge, beachcombing. I loved the real California, Fuck that. I spoke to almond farmers and just plain folks. And they told me they HATED this dictatorship of the elitist liberal idealist imposing their will on EVEYONE. Gay marriage? Imposed. Sanctuary cities? Again, nobody asked or got to vote on these things, it was unilateraly imposed on them. Isn't that sort of Undemocratic?

You didn't answer my question. Where in the Midwest do you live?

I see you're confused, CA voted against Gay Marriage, we have our share of bigots. It was voided by the courts.

My wife of 45 years was born and raised in Wisconsin, and attended UW Madison. She moved to CA along with many from the Midwest, East Coast and South.

As for almond growers, they've been slammed by Trump's Tariff War with China.

SF has a long history of acceptance of those who are different, look up Emperor Norton for a slice of our history. Of course we also had a Committee of Vigilance which hung some people at Washington Square, and the home in which I was raised now sells for six figures (3 & 1; 1100 sq. ft. in Sunset Dist).

Once again, where do you live; I live in one of these communities: Home - Visit Tri-Valley

My wife of 45 years was born and raised in Wisconsin, and attended UW Madison.

Is his name Brad?
Yeah.. The lying NY Times.. It's time for them to disembark from the crazy train.. Too late for most everyone at the WashPo or MSNBC/CNN, but I GUESS they want to stay in business more than they want to promote "a resistance" that has mortally wounded itself...
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.

So freaking what? You babies RUINED the relationship with Russia over this witch hunt at a time where dialogue about Syria and Venezuela and Iran and N. Korea are REAL world crises. No matter how many Internet trolls they paid $5000 -- it's not worth having a global showdown on these current issues where animosity runs high..
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer, shake his hand ,,believe what he says before believing our own agencies ,whom republicans throw dirt on? Let's be friends?? Are you kidding me?
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer,

You leave poor Obama alone, he's been out of office for years.
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.

So freaking what? You babies RUINED the relationship with Russia over this witch hunt at a time where dialogue about Syria and Venezuela and Iran and N. Korea are REAL world crises. No matter how many Internet trolls they paid $5000 -- it's not worth having a global showdown on these current issues where animosity runs high..
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer, shake his hand ,,believe what he says before believing our own agencies ,whom republicans throw dirt on? Let's be friends?? Are you kidding me?
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer,

You leave poor Obama alone, he's been out of office for years.
Toddstertraitor you twist words like a good little repub dotard
Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.

So freaking what? You babies RUINED the relationship with Russia over this witch hunt at a time where dialogue about Syria and Venezuela and Iran and N. Korea are REAL world crises. No matter how many Internet trolls they paid $5000 -- it's not worth having a global showdown on these current issues where animosity runs high..
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer, shake his hand ,,believe what he says before believing our own agencies ,whom republicans throw dirt on? Let's be friends?? Are you kidding me?
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer,

You leave poor Obama alone, he's been out of office for years.
Toddstertraitor you twist words like a good little repub dotard


Use this gift from Hillary.
Trump is so far over his head in dealing with a highly trained KGB agent Putin....He's taking America to the cleaners

How come progs say shit they know isn't true, and why do progs agree with them?

The boards have become very "ugly" since LibStains got wiped out by the nothing burger Mule report, Killaries loss of a "sure-fire" win, DJTs' economic improvements.

Yes, there is a shift in them. They cant take much more WINNING! I also fire harder at them as they "get uglier", w/o any apologies.
Your link talks about a silly question Booker asked and Barr said he didn't know anything about it. I didn't see a video of him denying the polling date issue. I did see a video of him asking Barr about some 215 attempts to make contacts with Russians.......but didn't say specifically which attempts or when it supposedly happened. Barr acted like this was the first time anyone has mentioned it....probably because Booker was fucking making it up....or he was relying on fake news (unnamed sources from the media) to make the accusations.

it was all in the report, lenny. that proves that barr didn't read it all,& admitted he didn't even look at the evidence... but gave his summary of it. that goes beyond irresponsible. barr is as much trump's bitch as donny is putn's bitch. & god only knows what ms lindsey is doing for them.
Does Barr know he hasnt read the report that he summarized and helped the mueller team redact?

I didnt think you could get more off the wall than the collusion delusion conspiracy, but you found a new conspiracy. Is there any tin foil left in the stores?
82000 messages and you can't tell barr is nothing but a kissass for the vile crook trump??? for shame

You had Hillary donors investigating him for two years and couldn't find a crime, so how is he a crook?

mueller said that if it weren't for the DOJ policy that a sitting prez cannot be indicted, he would have found 10 instances of obstruction & listed them. he was not exhonerated of obstruction - which is a crime. nixon didn't break into watergate, but covered it up & would have been impeached for it had he not resigned.
AND remember Clinton went thru the ringer over lying about a BJ Trumps sins are far worse

Yeahhhh...riiight! :D
William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)


Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute
pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 misdemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration

Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly classified documents from the National Archive and destroying them.

oh please throw in whitewater & vince foster too - just for old times sake.
Does Barr know he hasnt read the report that he summarized and helped the mueller team redact?

I didnt think you could get more off the wall than the collusion delusion conspiracy, but you found a new conspiracy. Is there any tin foil left in the stores?
82000 messages and you can't tell barr is nothing but a kissass for the vile crook trump??? for shame

You had Hillary donors investigating him for two years and couldn't find a crime, so how is he a crook?

mueller said that if it weren't for the DOJ policy that a sitting prez cannot be indicted, he would have found 10 instances of obstruction & listed them. he was not exhonerated of obstruction - which is a crime. nixon didn't break into watergate, but covered it up & would have been impeached for it had he not resigned.
16 more investigations into the orange scums doings
Your link talks about a silly question Booker asked and Barr said he didn't know anything about it. I didn't see a video of him denying the polling date issue. I did see a video of him asking Barr about some 215 attempts to make contacts with Russians.......but didn't say specifically which attempts or when it supposedly happened. Barr acted like this was the first time anyone has mentioned it....probably because Booker was fucking making it up....or he was relying on fake news (unnamed sources from the media) to make the accusations.

it was all in the report, lenny. that proves that barr didn't read it all,& admitted he didn't even look at the evidence... but gave his summary of it. that goes beyond irresponsible. barr is as much trump's bitch as donny is putn's bitch. & god only knows what ms lindsey is doing for them. act like everything that these people claim is in the report is fact.
Most of the so-called facts were pure speculation by a bunch of leftist lawyers.
Many of them with massive conflict of interests....thanks to the fact that many of them worked either for Hillary or Obama and donated to Democrats.
Your link talks about a silly question Booker asked and Barr said he didn't know anything about it. I didn't see a video of him denying the polling date issue. I did see a video of him asking Barr about some 215 attempts to make contacts with Russians.......but didn't say specifically which attempts or when it supposedly happened. Barr acted like this was the first time anyone has mentioned it....probably because Booker was fucking making it up....or he was relying on fake news (unnamed sources from the media) to make the accusations.

it was all in the report, lenny. that proves that barr didn't read it all,& admitted he didn't even look at the evidence... but gave his summary of it. that goes beyond irresponsible. barr is as much trump's bitch as donny is putn's bitch. & god only knows what ms lindsey is doing for them. act like everything that these people claim is in the report is fact.
Most of the so-called facts were pure speculation by a bunch of leftist lawyers.
Many of them with massive conflict of interests....thanks to the fact that many of them worked either for Hillary or Obama and donated to Democrats.

m'k... sure. first of all everybody has the right to belong to & donate to a political party, including the feds. don't forget these are seasoned prosecutors who have worked on watergate, enron, etc... mueller is a (R) who brought down mobsters. facts are facts & there is no speculation lenny. they don't deal in that, so give it up with that silly speculation on YOUR part. barr didn't read the whole report & the EVIDENCE gathered.
Most of the so-called facts were pure speculation by a bunch of leftist lawyers.
Many of them with massive conflict of interests....thanks to the fact that many of them worked either for Hillary or Obama and donated to Democrats.

".......and after the above, Fox and Friends will be right back with MORE bullshit...Stay tuned....."
Most of the so-called facts were pure speculation by a bunch of leftist lawyers.
Many of them with massive conflict of interests....thanks to the fact that many of them worked either for Hillary or Obama and donated to Democrats.

".......and after the above, Fox and Friends will be right back with MORE bullshit...Stay tuned....."
EVEN Chris Wallace from FAUX said his people better start dealing in facts And their lawyer spoke out against them Slowly but surely trumpsters will be brought down by everyone
Most of the so-called facts were pure speculation by a bunch of leftist lawyers.
Many of them with massive conflict of interests....thanks to the fact that many of them worked either for Hillary or Obama and donated to Democrats.

".......and after the above, Fox and Friends will be right back with MORE bullshit...Stay tuned....."
EVEN Chris Wallace from FAUX said his people better start dealing in facts And their lawyer spoke out against them Slowly but surely trumpsters will be brought down by everyone
Chris Wallace is a fag liberal.
oh please throw in whitewater & vince foster too - just for old times sake.

Works for me, just the Progressives up to their old tricks.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault

Women have been charging Bill Clinton with sexual assault since his days as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford 30 years ago.

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute

pardongate payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 misdemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration

Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly classified documents from the National Archive and destroying them.
Yeah.. The lying NY Times.. It's time for them to disembark from the crazy train.. Too late for most everyone at the WashPo or MSNBC/CNN, but I GUESS they want to stay in business more than they want to promote "a resistance" that has mortally wounded itself...
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.

So freaking what? You babies RUINED the relationship with Russia over this witch hunt at a time where dialogue about Syria and Venezuela and Iran and N. Korea are REAL world crises. No matter how many Internet trolls they paid $5000 -- it's not worth having a global showdown on these current issues where animosity runs high..
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer, shake his hand ,,believe what he says before believing our own agencies ,whom republicans throw dirt on? Let's be friends?? Are you kidding me?

You think our CIA folks have clean hands? You'd be a mental midget if you did. Intel work on that scale is dirty business. Lying and disinformation are just tools for them.

So when Obama and Clinton depose Kadahfy in Libya and create YET ANOTHER Hell Hole on earth in that country for no apparent reason to do with US security -- THAT'S not evil to you???

Or compromise EVERYTHING principled just to make a deal with "Death to America" squad in Iran so that they would not TEST a nuclear weapon on Obama's watch --- AND THEN dump them truckload of cash that go into proxy wars around the globe -- that's clean business?

We don't get to CHOOSE other country's leaders.. TALKING TO ALL THEM is a smart policy... Pretending you're ABOVE that -- is brain dead foreign policy... For Walking Dead brain causes like YOU -- it's just a talking point that you've NEVER actually thought thru....,
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.

So freaking what? You babies RUINED the relationship with Russia over this witch hunt at a time where dialogue about Syria and Venezuela and Iran and N. Korea are REAL world crises. No matter how many Internet trolls they paid $5000 -- it's not worth having a global showdown on these current issues where animosity runs high..
SO to your way of thinking there's nothing wrong with our leader embracing a former KGB murderer, shake his hand ,,believe what he says before believing our own agencies ,whom republicans throw dirt on? Let's be friends?? Are you kidding me?

You think our CIA folks have clean hands? You'd be a mental midget if you did. Intel work on that scale is dirty business. Lying and disinformation are just tools for them.

So when Obama and Clinton depose Kadahfy in Libya and create YET ANOTHER Hell Hole on earth in that country for no apparent reason to do with US security -- THAT'S not evil to you???

Or compromise EVERYTHING principled just to make a deal with "Death to America" squad in Iran so that they would not TEST a nuclear weapon on Obama's watch --- AND THEN dump them truckload of cash that go into proxy wars around the globe -- that's clean business?

We don't get to CHOOSE other country's leaders.. TALKING TO ALL THEM is a smart policy... Pretending you're ABOVE that -- is brain dead foreign policy... For Walking Dead brain causes like YOU -- it's just a talking point that you've NEVER actually thought thru....,
Talking to and believing a KGB murderer is quite another thing Trump is buddy buddy with him ? Believe him before cia ,fbi?? Speak to him for more than hour and not tell him to quit fn with our elections ?? Surely you can't be that stupid to put up with that
Talking to them all is smart policy? How's those talks working out wit Iran and how are those missiles doing in NK with un ,trumps other dictator friend? Making friends and influencing people ,,that's your guy trump?

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