You know who else has NOT read Mueller's report???.....Yep, Bill Barr

There is no surprise that some fat assed lazy looking piece of turd such as Barr never read the Mueller report, and really; who expected the fucking lap dog AG for Orange Trump to actually function as AG?

That is not what Barr is in place to function as; Barr is in place to seek retribution for his master, Orange Trump.

ALSO: 99.99% of the members here @ USMB that comment on the issue have NEVER read a fucking single sentence of the report.

In Mueller's report, on page 182 of Volume II, page 394 of the PDF, is the following.


Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President' s conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.
View attachment 259411


Thank you .............. AND ALSO; GO FUCK YOURSELF ...............
That is not what Barr is in place to function as; Barr is in place to seek retribution for his master, Orange Trump.

Also pretty clear that this NEW Nadler Inquistition is in place to protect all those high level political appointees from the Obama Admin about to named as conspirators in election meddling.. So Nadler is only there to spew smoke and chaff as the REAL "Russia Collusion" investigation starts to roll down the runway at DOJ..

They're gonna focus on Barr now, not Trump.. Because BARR KNOWS folks need to punished for the attempted coup...

Why R U so stuck up Obama's ass? Really ..............
They're gonna focus on Barr now, not Trump.. Because BARR KNOWS folks need to punished for the attempted coup...

".....and FOX and Friends will be back after these short commercials....Stay tuned and please DO NOT think on your own.....".

You're focusing more on Barr now than Trump.., You're just another tool of the resistance media that's gonna get their SECOND major bus collision when the indictments and Grand Jury hearings start picking up those 10 or 12 conspirators that MISUSED Intel resources to spy on a political campaign and "infect" Trump associates with phony Russian contacts for later use should Trump win..

Papadopolous who was ostenibly the KEY to launching a large covert multi-national intel operation against the Trump campaign is COMPLETELY innocent and pissed. So is Carter Page and Michael Flynn and Caputo and other good people that got whacked and ruined by Mueller..

Justice is coming... The New York TIMES is covering how these phony assets baited Papadop and others.. WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE of actual Russian collusion... See you in traction when the bus comes....
The LYING NY Times???

Yeah.. The lying NY Times.. It's time for them to disembark from the crazy train.. Too late for most everyone at the WashPo or MSNBC/CNN, but I GUESS they want to stay in business more than they want to promote "a resistance" that has mortally wounded itself...
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
That is not what Barr is in place to function as; Barr is in place to seek retribution for his master, Orange Trump.

Also pretty clear that this NEW Nadler Inquistition is in place to protect all those high level political appointees from the Obama Admin about to named as conspirators in election meddling.. So Nadler is only there to spew smoke and chaff as the REAL "Russia Collusion" investigation starts to roll down the runway at DOJ..

They're gonna focus on Barr now, not Trump.. Because BARR KNOWS folks need to punished for the attempted coup...

Why R U so stuck up Obama's ass? Really ..............

^^^^ Made no sense at all, BECAUSE you've been mushroom farmed by DonDaLemon and MorningSchmoe for so long.. Kept in the dark about the biggest political scandal of your lifetime.. And it's gonna hurt when you realize how you've been used and abused....,.
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism agenda . We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.
Last edited:
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism. We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.
And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.}}

you did and we're going to pay for it for many years
That is not what Barr is in place to function as; Barr is in place to seek retribution for his master, Orange Trump.

Also pretty clear that this NEW Nadler Inquistition is in place to protect all those high level political appointees from the Obama Admin about to named as conspirators in election meddling.. So Nadler is only there to spew smoke and chaff as the REAL "Russia Collusion" investigation starts to roll down the runway at DOJ..

They're gonna focus on Barr now, not Trump.. Because BARR KNOWS folks need to punished for the attempted coup...

Why R U so stuck up Obama's ass? Really ..............

^^^^ Made no sense at all, BECAUSE you've been mushroom farmed by DonDaLemon and MorningSchmoe for so long.. Kept in the dark about the biggest political scandal of your lifetime.. And it's gonna hurt when you realize how you've been used and abused....,.

So, U bring up the Obama 'whataboutism' in a thread about Mueller & Barr, and you proceed to tell me my reply to your Obama SHIT makes no sense?

You are a fucking moron; go fuck yourself, bitch.

Go fucking derail a different thread, or better yet; go make your own goddamn fucking thread & piss all over it, like you just did with this thread, jack ass.
".....and FOX and Friends will be back after these short commercials....Stay tuned and please DO NOT think on your own.....".

You're focusing more on Barr now than Trump.., You're just another tool of the resistance media that's gonna get their SECOND major bus collision when the indictments and Grand Jury hearings start picking up those 10 or 12 conspirators that MISUSED Intel resources to spy on a political campaign and "infect" Trump associates with phony Russian contacts for later use should Trump win..

Papadopolous who was ostenibly the KEY to launching a large covert multi-national intel operation against the Trump campaign is COMPLETELY innocent and pissed. So is Carter Page and Michael Flynn and Caputo and other good people that got whacked and ruined by Mueller..

Justice is coming... The New York TIMES is covering how these phony assets baited Papadop and others.. WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE of actual Russian collusion... See you in traction when the bus comes....
The LYING NY Times???

Yeah.. The lying NY Times.. It's time for them to disembark from the crazy train.. Too late for most everyone at the WashPo or MSNBC/CNN, but I GUESS they want to stay in business more than they want to promote "a resistance" that has mortally wounded itself...
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.
That is not what Barr is in place to function as; Barr is in place to seek retribution for his master, Orange Trump.

Also pretty clear that this NEW Nadler Inquistition is in place to protect all those high level political appointees from the Obama Admin about to named as conspirators in election meddling.. So Nadler is only there to spew smoke and chaff as the REAL "Russia Collusion" investigation starts to roll down the runway at DOJ..

They're gonna focus on Barr now, not Trump.. Because BARR KNOWS folks need to punished for the attempted coup...

Why R U so stuck up Obama's ass? Really ..............

^^^^ Made no sense at all, BECAUSE you've been mushroom farmed by DonDaLemon and MorningSchmoe for so long.. Kept in the dark about the biggest political scandal of your lifetime.. And it's gonna hurt when you realize how you've been used and abused....,.

So, U bring up the Obama 'whataboutism' in a thread about Mueller & Barr, and you proceed to tell me my reply to your Obama SHIT makes no sense?

You are a fucking moron; go fuck yourself, bitch.

Go fucking derail a different thread, or better yet; go make your own goddamn fucking thread & piss all over it, like you just did with this thread, jack ass.

You're hallucinating.. I did not bring up Obama... It's hard for you to separate wrong-doing from his political hires and himself because your drain bramaged...
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism. We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.
And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.}}

you did and we're going to pay for it for many years
Predecessors. monkeys like , Clinton (voted for him) Obama (didn't vote for because of race actually). I am tired of politics. We have to end this bipolar bisexual bipartisanship. It's insanity. To who's benefit is this?
".....and FOX and Friends will be back after these short commercials....Stay tuned and please DO NOT think on your own.....".

You're focusing more on Barr now than Trump.., You're just another tool of the resistance media that's gonna get their SECOND major bus collision when the indictments and Grand Jury hearings start picking up those 10 or 12 conspirators that MISUSED Intel resources to spy on a political campaign and "infect" Trump associates with phony Russian contacts for later use should Trump win..

Papadopolous who was ostenibly the KEY to launching a large covert multi-national intel operation against the Trump campaign is COMPLETELY innocent and pissed. So is Carter Page and Michael Flynn and Caputo and other good people that got whacked and ruined by Mueller..

Justice is coming... The New York TIMES is covering how these phony assets baited Papadop and others.. WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE of actual Russian collusion... See you in traction when the bus comes....
1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.

9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.

10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.

11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.

12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.

13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.

Wow! The sheer panic of the far left Progressives is going off the rails.

No panic here, this is all detailed in the Mueller report.

Those 448 pages detail all of those points.

Those 448 pages arent just "no collusion" repeated thousands of time.

You're under the false impression that Mueller explains the TOTAL background of what happened.. That's why you and your conspiracy buds are still confused.. He carefully avoids the RELATIONSHIPS of the people that approached these Trump Campaign folks...

For instance, Papadopolous WAS contacted by a shady contractor for about 5 of the world's leading Intel agencies and TOLD that "the Russians had Hillary emails"... But Mueller STOPS at identifying the network of spies that were DIRECTING Mifsud to do this.. It's well known, even in the NY Times that the "Russian honeypot" that got Papadop liquored up and came on to him AND Mifsud and HALPER, the guy apparently directing this covert Intel Operation to "infect" Trump associates with knowledge about Russians were all apparently set in motion with the PLANNING AND HELP of Strzok and his higher-ups at the FBI and using Clapper (the DNI) and possibly Brennan (CIA) to get the foreign assets in motion... Because it would have been VERY CLEARLY illegal to "infect and compromise" this way on USA soil.....

This WAS NOT any kind of true Russian contact.. Neither was the episode with the OTHER honeypot or the Australian ambassador --- it was an attempt to PLANT seeds of "russian contacts" to COMPROMISE these people...

Barr effectively confirmed that was his belief as well in the hearing last week when he answered that he'd be surprised if someone ran an Intel compromise job like that and there wasn't MORE to it...
ok, you've got a conspiracy theory on 1 of the items, but there are 13 more which are a bigger deal than papadopoulos.
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism agenda . We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.

Define for me if you will 'the Californian clown world insanity". Have you ever been to California? I doubt it.

BTW, the Midwest is a large area, are you ashamed of where you live?
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism agenda . We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.

Define for me if you will 'the Californian clown world insanity". Have you ever been to California? I doubt it.

BTW, the Midwest is a large area, are you ashamed of where you live?

Californian clown world insanity would be when a large medical convention is canceled due to dirty streets and the homeless issue plaguing the city. A city that has "poop" maps, needs to change their name to Shit City...but since you live there you know all that.
They're gonna focus on Barr now, not Trump.. Because BARR KNOWS folks need to punished for the attempted coup...

".....and FOX and Friends will be back after these short commercials....Stay tuned and please DO NOT think on your own.....".

You're focusing more on Barr now than Trump.., You're just another tool of the resistance media that's gonna get their SECOND major bus collision when the indictments and Grand Jury hearings start picking up those 10 or 12 conspirators that MISUSED Intel resources to spy on a political campaign and "infect" Trump associates with phony Russian contacts for later use should Trump win..

Papadopolous who was ostenibly the KEY to launching a large covert multi-national intel operation against the Trump campaign is COMPLETELY innocent and pissed. So is Carter Page and Michael Flynn and Caputo and other good people that got whacked and ruined by Mueller..

Justice is coming... The New York TIMES is covering how these phony assets baited Papadop and others.. WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE of actual Russian collusion... See you in traction when the bus comes....
1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

8. Russian military hackers may have followed Trump’s July 27, 2016 public statement “Russia if you’re listening …” within hours by targeting Clinton’s personal office for the first time.

9. Trump requested campaign affiliates to get Clinton’s emails, which resulted in an individual apparently acting in coordination with the Campaign claiming to have successfully contacted Russian hackers.

10. The Trump Campaign—and Trump personally—appeared to have advanced knowledge of future WikiLeaks releases.

11. The Trump Campaign coordinated campaign-related public communications based on future WikiLeaks releases.

12. Michael Cohen, on behalf of the Trump Organization, brokered a secret deal for a Trump Tower Moscow project directly involving Putin’s inner circle, at least until June 2016.

13. During the presidential transition, Jared Kushner and Eric Prince engaged in secret back channel communications with Russian agents. (1) Kushner suggested to the Russian Ambassador that they use a secure communication line from within the Russian Embassy to speak with Russian Generals; and (2) Prince and Kushner’s friend Rick Gerson conducted secret back channel meetings with a Putin agent to develop a plan for U.S.-Russian relations.

14. During the presidential transition, in coordination with other members of the Transition Team, Michael Flynn spoke with the Russian Ambassador to prevent a tit for tat Russian response to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions for election interference; the Russians agreed not to retaliate saying they wanted a good relationship with the incoming administration.

Wow! The sheer panic of the far left Progressives is going off the rails.

No panic here, this is all detailed in the Mueller report.

Those 448 pages detail all of those points.

Those 448 pages arent just "no collusion" repeated thousands of time.

Panic AND desperation.


Investigations have now turned on the Democrats and the trainwreck is just beginning as our economy and place in the world races onward!

Why not sit back, take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the ride, a booming economy, great trade, and respect from the rest of the world.

Reserve your childish, snide comments. They just make you look even more foolish.
Hitler adored Muslims and modeled his anti-Semitism on Muslim leaders at the time in Palestine,
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism agenda . We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.

Define for me if you will 'the Californian clown world insanity". Have you ever been to California? I doubt it.

BTW, the Midwest is a large area, are you ashamed of where you live?
Yes indeed. I have been to Clownifornia. Must be why people are fleeing the place en mass to go to greener pastures. Truth is, I love the real California. Big sur, walking over the golden gate bridge, beachcombing. I loved the real California, Fuck that. I spoke to almond farmers and just plain folks. And they told me they HATED this dictatorship of the elitist liberal idealist imposing their will on EVEYONE. Gay marriage? Imposed. Sanctuary cities? Again, nobody asked or got to vote on these things, it was unilateraly imposed on them. Isn't that sort of Undemocratic?
Last edited:
You're focusing more on Barr now than Trump.., You're just another tool of the resistance media that's gonna get their SECOND major bus collision when the indictments and Grand Jury hearings start picking up those 10 or 12 conspirators that MISUSED Intel resources to spy on a political campaign and "infect" Trump associates with phony Russian contacts for later use should Trump win..

Papadopolous who was ostenibly the KEY to launching a large covert multi-national intel operation against the Trump campaign is COMPLETELY innocent and pissed. So is Carter Page and Michael Flynn and Caputo and other good people that got whacked and ruined by Mueller..

Justice is coming... The New York TIMES is covering how these phony assets baited Papadop and others.. WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE of actual Russian collusion... See you in traction when the bus comes....
The LYING NY Times???

Yeah.. The lying NY Times.. It's time for them to disembark from the crazy train.. Too late for most everyone at the WashPo or MSNBC/CNN, but I GUESS they want to stay in business more than they want to promote "a resistance" that has mortally wounded itself...
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.

So freaking what? You babies RUINED the relationship with Russia over this witch hunt at a time where dialogue about Syria and Venezuela and Iran and N. Korea are REAL world crises. No matter how many Internet trolls they paid $5000 -- it's not worth having a global showdown on these current issues where animosity runs high..
We have collusion, right here in river city . Illegal aliens getting sanctuary by so called elected officials...I, or we, never voted for way outside their purview . All these homeless people that lost their jobs to illegal aliens that are disenfranchised by Illegals and live in those in homeless camps we don't bother to vote any more. Because we are trash . Mexican trash? Those poor yearning to be exploited? They deserve special rights to be exploited, by rich exploiters, because cheap exploitable laborers are so much better than American poor yearning to free trash. Lets get real here. Why this is, definition of racism is up to the exploiters ?
Hitler adored Muslims and modeled his anti-Semitism on Muslim leaders at the time in Palestine,
I remember Nixon. Trump may be bad. Never should have been president, yep. But he was in response to the idiots that want to force the Californian clown world insanity on us. Sodomite child loving flat earthers alternate reality tinfoil hat wearing California. We in the rest of the rational states of America, don't want that. It seems to boggle Californians mind fuck fascism agenda . We really oppose you. And we would vote for a chimpanzee like Trump to prove it.

Define for me if you will 'the Californian clown world insanity". Have you ever been to California? I doubt it.

BTW, the Midwest is a large area, are you ashamed of where you live?
Yes indeed. I have been to Clownifornia. Must be why people are fleeing the place en mass to go to greener pastures. Truth is, I love the real California. Big sur, walking over the golden gate bridge, beachcombing. I loved the real California, Fuck that. I spoke to almond farmers and just plain folks. And they told me they HATED this dictatorship of the elitist liberal idealist imposing their will on EVEYONE. Gay marriage? Imposed. Sanctuary cities? Again, nobody asked or got to vote on these things, it was unilateraly imposed on them. Isn't that sort of Undemocratic?

You didn't answer my question. Where in the Midwest do you live?

I see you're confused, CA voted against Gay Marriage, we have our share of bigots. It was voided by the courts.

My wife of 45 years was born and raised in Wisconsin, and attended UW Madison. She moved to CA along with many from the Midwest, East Coast and South.

As for almond growers, they've been slammed by Trump's Tariff War with China.

SF has a long history of acceptance of those who are different, look up Emperor Norton for a slice of our history. Of course we also had a Committee of Vigilance which hung some people at Washington Square, and the home in which I was raised now sells for six figures (3 & 1; 1100 sq. ft. in Sunset Dist).

Once again, where do you live; I live in one of these communities: Home - Visit Tri-Valley
The LYING NY Times???

Yeah.. The lying NY Times.. It's time for them to disembark from the crazy train.. Too late for most everyone at the WashPo or MSNBC/CNN, but I GUESS they want to stay in business more than they want to promote "a resistance" that has mortally wounded itself...
The only institution mortally wounded is our Presidency with this lying cheating blabbermouth in charge

Not yet man.. The body count is still piling up as you can tell from the die-hard holdouts here at USMB that are recycling old junk as fact... Hard to convince those Jap soldiers the war is over and the kamikaze attacks are still occuring with each new thread from our butthurt resisters right here on this site...
For you flacal
This headline wins the Internet today

About this website


Trump, Putin discussed Mueller report and agreed no collusion, White House says
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the two leaders spoke by phone for an hour on Friday.

So freaking what? You babies RUINED the relationship with Russia over this witch hunt at a time where dialogue about Syria and Venezuela and Iran and N. Korea are REAL world crises. No matter how many Internet trolls they paid $5000 -- it's not worth having a global showdown on these current issues where animosity runs high..

Ruined the relationship with Russia? That already happened when Russia interfered in the 2016 election. Then they didn't follow the nuclear arms treaty with the U.S. Russia also didn't follow sanctions imposed on North Korea... Russia poisoned people in the UK. Give me a few minutes and I can come up with a whole bunch more. How many times in the last couple years has Russia intentionally flown into U.S. air space? How many times have they done close fly-bys to U.S. ships and aircraft? In the last couple of years the same U.S. intelligence people that you are blaming for ruining the relationship with Russia tipped Russia off to a terror attack being planned in St. Petersburg. Oh yeah... and Russian troops attacked U.S. troops in Syria just to get their asses handed to them.

C.I.A. Helped Thwart Terrorist Attack in Russia, Kremlin Says

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

To blame the investigation into Trump/Russia/2016 election as ruining the relationship with Russia is a bit off.
A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.

Manafort was neither indicted or convicted of collusion.

That's an essential point which Mr. Barr was aware of.

Barr definitely skimmed through the Mueller report. His underling Mr. Mueller gave his presentation about it, Barr asked the pertinent questions about the report and Mueller presumably gave truthful answers.

The fact that Barr doesn't micromanage his staff isn't terribly remarkable. Particularly as Mueller is considered to be a responsible underling, and is well trusted.

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