You know who else has NOT read Mueller's report???.....Yep, Bill Barr

A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.
Where's your link?
A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.
Where's your link?
Trump should use copies of the Mueller report to build the wall!

It’s sad people can’t even have faith in the president. I care less who but at least have some faith. I would’ve done that for Hillary cause I’m a decent human
A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.
Where's your link?

Well, I did share a link for the uninformed.....Think his mind will change???....LOL
Trump should use copies of the Mueller report to build the wall!

It’s sad people can’t even have faith in the president. I care less who but at least have some faith. I would’ve done that for Hillary cause I’m a decent human
MANY in the past have had faith in Trump He screwed them all How many of his have gone bankrupt ? Trump U ? He's a crook with lawyers backing him
A seldom mentioned exchange between Barr's testimony before the senate committee, occurred when Booker asked Barr about Manafort's exchanging poll data with a Russian spy during the lead-in to the Republican convention.......

Booker asked Barr about the legality of such collusion with the Russians and Barr responded that he didn't know anything about it.....even though it is clearly written in Mueller's report. Booker mentioned that current law prevents such polling data to be shared with U.S, PACS, the fact that Manafort shared these same data with a hostile, foreign entity seems to be now fully acceptable.

There's only two ways to interpret Barr's "lack of knowledge" of such an event....First, he may be a fucking idiot who has NOT read the Mueller report although he was more than willing to state that the report "fully exonerated Trump"....or........... second, he is a lying stooge..........You choose.
Where's your link?

Well, I did share a link for the uninformed.....Think his mind will change???....LOL
Not a chance
The Mule spent 2extra years when he knew it was all over the first month. He could have wrapped it up. But with such hatred for DJT (like those here) he kept it going, hoping, praying, begging for DJT to take the bait.

Now he wants more time in the limelight to spread more venom with his Dem and Rino Trump haters on TV.

Thanks so much Dr., it's nice to finally see a diagnosis so clear, so concise and sans bias.


Translation: The Coup has failed. We all know it but can we trash President Trump a bit more? before they start rounding up the real Criminals.
You tried your coup with B Clinton in charge A bitch when you get it back in your faces
AND remember Clinton went thru the ringer over lying about a BJ Trumps sins are far worse

Emmet Flood represented Clinton through that difficult time. I wonder why so many think he has no legal expertise now?
What you are too stupid to understand is he did that for a reason.

Now, tell us why?

I'm not here to educate morons....Try Hannity.
You can not educate these Trump morons Their heads are hard as rocks and support trump no matter if he is a GD traitor ,a friend of Americas enemy Putin

If this were true, Pelosi would be opening impeachment hearings right now. As it is, I doubt she will do anything of substance. It looks like your educational lectures should be directed at Pelosi. None of us here have the power to do anything one way or the other. Pelosi does, but will not act.
Your link talks about a silly question Booker asked and Barr said he didn't know anything about it. I didn't see a video of him denying the polling date issue. I did see a video of him asking Barr about some 215 attempts to make contacts with Russians.......but didn't say specifically which attempts or when it supposedly happened. Barr acted like this was the first time anyone has mentioned it....probably because Booker was fucking making it up....or he was relying on fake news (unnamed sources from the media) to make the accusations.
probably because Booker was fucking making it up....or he was relying on fake news (unnamed sources from the media) to make the accusations.

That's OK....stay dumb.......the country doesn't care or notice how many morons just parrot FOX "news"......
How can any of you support this scum in our WH when he 's afraid to tell putin not to fuk with our elections?

Riiiight! :D

That is not what Barr is in place to function as; Barr is in place to seek retribution for his master, Orange Trump.

Also pretty clear that this NEW Nadler Inquistition is in place to protect all those high level political appointees from the Obama Admin about to named as conspirators in election meddling.. So Nadler is only there to spew smoke and chaff as the REAL "Russia Collusion" investigation starts to roll down the runway at DOJ..

They're gonna focus on Barr now, not Trump.. Because BARR KNOWS folks need to punished for the attempted coup...
probably because Booker was fucking making it up....or he was relying on fake news (unnamed sources from the media) to make the accusations.

That's OK....stay dumb.......the country doesn't care or notice how many morons just parrot FOX "news"......
Fox news sucks dick.
But CNN and MSNBC suck pond-scum.
If you're getting your info from ether of them you're a gullible asshole with half a brain.

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