Connecting the Mueller Investigation to the current Impeachment Inquiry

UkraineGate is already stone-cold dead. Trump has killed it. Only relentlessly gaslighting by Democrats and their media allies is keeping up the pretense that the Ukraine phone call allegations are going anywhere.

Then go back to bed......All is well in your fantasy world.......LMAO
Trump is probably the greatest president the best thing that ever happened to the America in the history of this country..
Which is why people who hate America hate him so much.
I remember how invested Democrats were in the Mueller russia thing. The media was able to convince the average Democrat that trump was a Russian spy. That's how dumb and gullible Democrats are.

Putin is VERY pleased with Trump's undying devotion to his cause.......

What Putin Got From the Trump-Zelensky Phone Call

[URL='']Trump's Confused Russia Policy Is a Boon for Putin

President Trump's Talk of Leaving NATO Will MakePutin ...
All along, Comey was memorializing every discussion he had with Trump. Trump was still speaking in his freewheeling way. Trump had spoken about Flynn publicly the same way he told Comey privately. Comey was writing down every word. the memos were his insurance policy, even leverage.

Comey deserved to be fired, my friends! and Trump is an idiot.
NPR? October 18, 2016 NPR announced "Hillary is winning and it isn't even close".
For all those who shrugged off the Mueller investigation and findings as a "waste of money"......Here's a few issues to be considered and how the investigation/findings are PIVOTAL to the impeachment inquiry.

First of all, a "minor" consideration. Mueller's investigation cost millions....HOWEVER, Mueller managed to collect almost 3 times the cost.....How??? Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager agreed to hand over real estate and cash estimated to be worth between $42 million and $46 million.

Mueller’s Report Is Released to the Public. How Much Did It Really Cost Taxpayers?

If one had paid careful attention to Mueller's OWN testimony and overlooked the lack of enthusiasm by Mueller, one would see that he CLEARLY laid out to Congress the responsibility to follow his findings and IMPEACH (and eventually indict) Trump once he was out of office.

Mueller passed the impeachment baton to Congress.

Robert Mueller's Statement an Impeachment Referral ...

But the value of Mueller's findings are priceless for those citizens who STILL value the rule of law and who are not subject to idol worship.

A federal judge has OVER-RULED Bill Barr's corrupt DOJ in compelling the DOJ to hand over UN-REDACTED grand jury testimonies gathered by Mueller.....following the precedent set during the Nixon scandal. Such testimony records are crucial in determining the extent that Trump's staff and cabinet dealt with Russia, Ukraine and Turkey........There must have been "reasons" why the stooge, Barr, had first refused to keep such testimonies away from the eyes of "curious" House committee members.

Judge orders DOJ to turn over Mueller grand jury evidence

Justice Department Must Hand Over Mueller Grand Jury ...

Mueller's report and findings were UNDERMINED by the Trump stooge, Bill Barr.........NOW, Pelosi is finally determined to resurrect the Mueller's admonition that........given the policy (NOT LAW) that a sitting president cannot be indicted and is ABOVE the law........ Congress is entrusted by the Constitution to kick a corrupt Trump regime to the curb.
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NPR? October 18, 2016 NPR announced "Hillary is winning and it isn't even close".

Why is it that when Trump cultists see their cult leader getting slammed.....they ALWAYS bring up Hillary?

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