YOU LIE! Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Out Biden At SOTU For Claiming GOP Wants To ‘Sunset’ Social Security And Medicare


This is a level of willful blindness which is deep in mental illness territory.
Sorry... but failing on one campaign promise is not a lie... see if you have to change the definition of a lie to show an example of a Trump lie... you lose from the start...
you got video proof of those?
No. Just what has been reported by joint chiefs for the last few days, one near or over Hawaii, one Texas, and one Florida. I don't actually know if it is bullsht or not. Could be either way. Who knows. It is said, the Chinese can't have gotten much different than they could with existing satellites. I don't know if that is bullsht or not either. I have seen a license plate, readable for satellite, so could be. Again, who knows? Not too excited. They are looking at White 6's house, and besides, nude swim Wednesdays don't start back up for months.

Sorry... but failing on one campaign promise is not a lie... see if you have to change the definition of a lie to show an example of a Trump lie... you lose from the start...
When Trump says "bleev me" or "make no mistake" or "that I can tell you" three times, you can bet the farm he is lying.
Sorry... but failing on one campaign promise is not a lie... see if you have to change the definition of a lie to show an example of a Trump lie... you lose from the start...

He claimed the bill that had been passed by the House was a full repeal and replace of Obamacare.

It wasn't. He lied. Flat out lied.

Nice try, tard.
It's amazing the lengths to which a tard will go to maintain their delusions.
The one is true.....the three is an outright lie.There is no, I mean zero documentation of any balloons flying in US airspace during the Trump administration.That sir has proven to be a lie...While the Drooler in Chief allowed the Chinese balloon to take a leisurely stroll across the continental US. Only pausing occasionally over sensitive military/nuclear installations. I still maintain this was an intentional and allowed activity by Biden. IMO he is a treasonous bastard bent on our destruction.
Just passing along what has been written. I take it all with a grain of salt.
BTW Don't get paranoid over it. The sky ain't fallen. We spy pretty good ourselves.
She pulled a Joe Wilson like when he shouted out to Obama (usurper) "You Lie!" during his SOTU. The current usurper gladly deserved to be called a liar for saying Republicans want to sunset social security and medicare.


Disgusting, childish, disrespectful.
R-Rick Scott has an opinion regarding what should be done about SS, so Biden falsely claimed 'Republicans' - as in ALL of them - want to sunset SS.

Even Biden is not so cognitively impaired to know what he said was a lie. Several on the left called Joe's comment 'wily'. It wasn't 'wily' - it was an intentional, fear-mongering, politicaly partisan lie.

As 'they' say, 'It's politics', political gamesmanship - AKA a lie.
Give us one legitimate lie told by president Trump... in your own words not some stupid link by a fake news outfit like G5 always does....
You have been given examples. You dismiss them. You are in full denial. You'll dismiss all of them, no matter what.

It would look like this:


The most blatant con man this country has ever seen owns you.
Oh, White! You really fell for that bullshit about spy balloons during Trump's Presidency? Shame on you! The balloons that nobody saw and nobody knew about until Joe didn't do diddly about this one? The balloons that we're told existed by "unnamed sources"? Don't be such a sap, dude...
Oh, you really fell for that bullsht that this was something new? Don't be gullible, and don't think we don't do it too. We do.
You actually believe that there were three during Trump's term?? hahahahahahahahahaha

Why only bring up these supposed "other balloons" after it happened to Biden? Why not bring it up at the time that it supposedly happened?? Hmmmmmm, because it DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN.

Stop believing fake news, dude.
I would not surprise me a bit.
And when Pelosi tore up Trump‘s terrific speech, 30 seconds after he completed it? What do you call THAT?
Was that before or after he refused to shake her hand? It was disrespectful by both. You ok with these behaviors?
We spy pretty good ourselves.
We could identify a license plate from orbit decades ago, along with most advanced countries on this rock

so why would any county deploy a balloon to 'spy' on anyone?

further, it was purposely shot down over what i'm understanding are rather deep waters to enable salvage of payload

or at least that's the excuse given for not making it public


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