YOU LIE! Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Out Biden At SOTU For Claiming GOP Wants To ‘Sunset’ Social Security And Medicare

You actually believe that there were three during Trump's term?? hahahahahahahahahaha

Why only bring up these supposed "other balloons" after it happened to Biden? Why not bring it up at the time that it supposedly happened?? Hmmmmmm, because it DIDN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN.

Stop believing fake news, dude.

How do you know it didn't happen? Just because Dumb Donald didn't tell you it happened. If FOX News doesn't tell you, it didn't happen? How do you know when something is real or not?????
Link to precisely what he is proposing.

And besides, ONE senator doesn’t mean the GOP is trying to sunset Social Security. Otherwise, I could say that Democrats are trying to get Israeli Jewish children murdered because they want to help Palestinians attack (since Omar proposed to defund the Iron Dome).

Regardless, I’d like to see Scott’s proposal. Link please.
She pulled a Joe Wilson like when he shouted out to Obama (usurper) "You Lie!" during his SOTU. The current usurper gladly deserved to be called a liar for saying Republicans want to sunset social security and medicare.

She looks like a clit in that outfit.
Unless the Chinese have come up with "Stealth Balloons" then there is zero way that three of them floated across America but weren't seen by anyone! I know that the White House was scrambling to come up with something to deflect criticism for their handling of this Chinese spying but whoever came up with THAT narrative? They should be embarrassed!
We have a high altitude balloon expert here, folks.
As for the Democrat's claim that the GOP wants to end Social Security and Medicare? They've been claiming that the GOP wants to "push Grandma off that cliff" for decades now whenever they have no issues to run on and I've STILL seen nothing that would make that claim true! Sorry, White but that's as big a lie as the "Three Balloons" bullshit and deep down I think you KNOW it!
Make sure to keep your eyes tightly closed and your hands pressing hard on your ears.
Maybe, they certainly need to with SS, and follow Sweden's model....that's been proposed in part dating back to Bush, but met with complete stonewalling from the left.
What was the "complete stonewalling from the left," precisely?

Are current rightists enthusiastic about adopting Sweden's taxation system and social welfare programs?
It was kept from Trump? Or did they just put it in the briefing book? He never bothered to read?
If it even happened It was kept from Trump's entire cabinet dummy... but come on... this is from an anti Trump military leadership itching for more and more war.... they are lying....
Don't expect Social Security or Medicare to be slashed anytime soon.

Social Security does face funding challenges. For decades it collected more than it paid out, building a surplus that stood at $2.85 trillion at the end of 2021. But the system is starting to pay out more than it takes in, largely because the retiree population is growing faster than the working population, and living longer. Without changes in how Social Security is financed, the surplus is projected to run out in 2035, according to the latest annual report from the program's trustees.
Even then, Social Security won't be broke. It will still collect tax revenue and pay benefits. But it will only bring in enough to pay 80 percent of scheduled benefits, according to the latest estimate. To avoid that outcome, Congress would need to take steps to shore up Social Security's finances, as it did in 1983, the last time the program nearly depleted its reserves. The steps then included raising the full retirement age (see Myth #2), increasing the payroll tax rate and introducing an income tax on benefits.
The United States many need to follow the progress of other advanced, democratic nations by extending Medicare to all to consolidate the risk pool and maximize efficiency to reduce cost. The costly hodgepodge of insurance demands under 'ObamaCare' makes it untenable in the long term.
The longer we wait to take those steps, the harder it's going to be to take them. Yes, if we act NOW, we can stave off the ultimate collapse of the programs relatively painlessly, but if we bury our heads in the sand and insist nothing whatsoever can be done, that these programs are so sacred they simply cannot be touched at all, the result will be a lot harder to deal with. That's my point, and no, they won't be slashed, they're too popular. The people advocating that they be know that as well, and they're just staking out an extreme position hoping to pull the ostriches more towards the middle.
I would've love to see Speaker McCarty rip up his copy of the speech and ear the screams of the Democrats and the quisling MSM..

And everyone would laugh and laugh and laugh at McCarthy. Well, we're doing that anyway.

How come a fine American, Russian propaganda-posting Republican can't spell "McCarthy" properly????
Senator Rick Scott's 11 point program to save America: An 11 Point Plan To Rescue America

All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.

Rick Scott was the Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee for the mid-term elections.

Biden was not lying when he said some Republicans want to sunset Medicare and Social Security.
If it even happened It was kept from Trump's entire cabinet dummy... but come on... this is from an anti Trump military leadership itching for more and more war.... they are lying....

Why is it that EVERYONE is lying to you except Donald Trump?????? You have to be the most gullible poster here if you believe ANYTHING Donald Trump says.
Why is it that EVERYONE is lying to you except Donald Trump?????? You have to be the most gullible poster here if you believe ANYTHING Donald Trump says.
I've been asking for an example of a president Trump lie for 6 years on this board and all I get are crickets...
Why is it that EVERYONE is lying to you except Donald Trump?????? You have to be the most gullible poster here if you believe ANYTHING Donald Trump says.
68% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck....
Link to precisely what he is proposing.

And besides, ONE senator doesn’t mean the GOP is trying to sunset Social Security. Otherwise, I could say that Democrats are trying to get Israeli Jewish children murdered because they want to help Palestinians attack (since Omar proposed to defund the Iron Dome).

Regardless, I’d like to see Scott’s proposal. Link please.
His proposal was a fluff annoying piece from my perspective, trying to make America a Christian (semi) theocracy.... And he also proposed that all U.S. laws with spending, should be put on the table to review by the congress and Senate every 5 years... This allowed the spread of the rumors of him changing SS and Medicare to the chopping block arena ....I just read in a more right wing rag.

McConnell had a press conference shortly after Scott's proposal went to print in PDF form, and said the Senate majority did not support cutting social security and medicare and medicaid....

Scott then ran against McConnell for the senate minority leader position, and got 10 votes....from what I have read on it.

Here is the Scott proposal....give me a minute to edit in the link...

Here it is

Why haven't they?
Takes time? It took 50 years of republicans saying they would kill Roe v wade, and they finally got in enough justices that did it, against their claim in appointment hearings of supporting stare decisis.
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Why is it that EVERYONE is lying to you except Donald Trump?????? You have to be the most gullible poster here if you believe ANYTHING Donald Trump says.
78% of Americans feel we are going in the wrong direction....

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