YOU LIE! Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Out Biden At SOTU For Claiming GOP Wants To ‘Sunset’ Social Security And Medicare

This sounds quite responsible to me. Only in Democrat La-La land should we keep paying out for a program careening toward insolvency without giving a concern to changes that need to be made to avoid that outcome.

All he said was that every five years, we should review where SS stands and make adjustments to keep it gong.

Yeah, I can see how it would appeal to someone with no economic knowledge. How are people supposed to plan for the retirement 20 years down the road when five years from now, things they depend on could be sunsetting?

The idiocy of Republicans voters on the subject of the economy, public debt, and employment law is a disgrace. You people don’t have the common sense God gave a goose.
SS and Medicare are wildly popular and both parties know this. If you cut them the country doesn't recover.
If you don’t make some sort of adjustments, they both go bankrupt. We could go a long way to avoiding that scenario by pushing out the retirement age by six months.

Start that rule with today’s 45-year-olds. They have 20 years (!!) to save six months worth of living expenses if they still want to retire at 65.
You know what other high-profile politician had a plan to change Social Secuity as recently as 2020?

Joe Biden.
She pulled a Joe Wilson like when he shouted out to Obama (usurper) "You Lie!" during his SOTU. The current usurper gladly deserved to be called a liar for saying Republicans want to sunset social security and medicare.


Poor McCarthy. The President deftly used the crazies as very effective props.

All that was missing was his call out to George Santos aka Anthony Devoder aka Kitara to stand up and take a curtsy.

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"I groveled, begged, and emasculated myself for this!"
Republicans do want to cut Social Security and Medicare.
The President deftly manipulated the whackjobs into publicly rejecting Rick Scott (R)'s proposal.

After he tricked the berserkers into raging like banshees in heat, he nailed them:

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“So folks, as we all apparently agree,
Social Security and Medicare off the books now, right?

All right. We got unanimity!”
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If it is cut the way my wife views it is an attack by corporations on average working people.
The program is unsustainable, and we will have to make changes. You can't do that without impacting some people, but putting our heads in the sand pretending everything's fine is not a solution. We need to give the courageous few credit for proposing solutions when everyone else refuses to even acknowledge there's a problem.
The President deftly manipulated the whackjobs into publicly rejecting Rick Scott (R)'s proposal.

After he tricked the berserkers into raging like banshees in heat, he nailed them:

View attachment 755021
“So folks, as we all apparently agree,
Social Security and Medicare off the books now, right?

All right. We got unanimity!”
And again, he kicked the can down the road. We all know that fixing a problem when it's small is a lot easier than fixing it when it's big. All, that is, except for Quid Pro and his sycophants (you know who you are).
If good old Joe wanted to turn the tables on the MAGANUTS and make them cry, he did it.

"No Cuts Biden" practically got unanimous consent on his proposal to not cut SS or Medicare from both sides.
And again, he kicked the can down the road. We all know that fixing a problem when it's small is a lot easier than fixing it when it's big. All, that is, except for Quid Pro and his sycophants (you know who you are).
Biden got Republicans to publicly concur that Social Security and Medicare must be safeguarded.

You can label them however you wish.
Yeah, I can see how it would appeal to someone with no economic knowledge. How are people supposed to plan for the retirement 20 years down the road when five years from now, things they depend on could be sunsetting?

The idiocy of Republicans voters on the subject of the economy, public debt, and employment law is a disgrace. You people don’t have the common sense God gave a goose.
Playing games with mortgages destroyed a lot of people who played y the rules in the 2008 debacle. Giving mortgages out to people who had issues in paying before was stupid and of course the peasants suffered for it.
Except no Democrat is talking about dismantling, defunding, or privatizing Social Security and Medicare. It's just Republicans, year, after year, after year that pitch it. Fact. ^Shrug^.
What Biden did was brilliant. He pointed out the truth. Yes Mike Lee and Rick Scott and others in the GOP caucus HAVE proposed cuts and sunsets and even elimination of SS and Medicare.

But NOW… the GOP can’t attack them with this debt ceiling bullshit.

They SWORE they won’t.

They weren’t lying… right??
She pulled a Joe Wilson like when he shouted out to Obama (usurper) "You Lie!" during his SOTU. The current usurper gladly deserved to be called a liar for saying Republicans want to sunset social security and medicare.


Truth's a bitch ain't it?

Joe expertly trapped the GQP in its own rhetoric.
Get them to boo their own publicly stated policies.

Of course
Here we are in MAGAT country where they fart as loudly as possible then deny the brown streak in their stinky pinkies is theirs.
Biden got Republicans to publicly concur that Social Security and Medicare must be safeguarded.

You can label them however you wish.
I don't care who did what, the programs are not sustainable and castigating anyone who even says we need to address them helps no one. Pretending this was Quid Pro being some kind of a statesmen is ridiculous.

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