YOU LIE! Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Out Biden At SOTU For Claiming GOP Wants To ‘Sunset’ Social Security And Medicare

Unearthed video shows Sen. Mike Lee saying getting rid of Social Security is why he ran in 2010

Image of Lauren Sue, author
by Lauren Sue

Fox News host Sean Hannity has to know better than to ever start a sentence with what Republicans would never do. They’ve already proven, they’ll do anything, say anything, to get elected. Before Hannity could even form his mouth to allege on his show Tuesday that “not a single Republican” has ever said “they want to take away your Social Security and Medicare and cut it,” a video of Sen. Mike Lee of Utah saying exactly that in his 2010 campaign had already emerged on social media.

“It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it,” Lee said in the video. "People who advise me politically always tell me that's dangerous, and I tell them, in that case, it's not worth my running. That's why I'm doing this, to get rid of that. Medicare and Medicaid are of the same sort and need to be pulled up.”
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The boorish behavior between 2016 and 2020 got you 9M vote ass kicking.

Please keep it up.
As for the Democrat's claim that the GOP wants to end Social Security and Medicare? They've been claiming that the GOP wants to "push Grandma off that cliff" for decades now whenever they have no issues to run on and I've STILL seen nothing that would make that claim true! Sorry, White but that's as big a lie as the "Three Balloons" bullshit and deep down I think you KNOW it!
GWB wanted to put your SS money into the stock market.
And the balloons your blob let go by are real too.
It would’ve been nice to see President Biden stand up to the far left and take this opportunity to rebuke blm and their Allie’s for the terrorism the far left unleashed on us in 2020 and subsequently with cancel culture. He should’ve said we’re going to rebuild the statues of the great Christian European men that were torn down. What an unbelievable crushing disgusting legacy of Democrats of the 21st-century that many of them apparently don’t even care about. The destruction of history in this country did destruction of statues that had nothing to do with the confederate states. Wake the hell up Democrats what world are they actually living in.

This is the ugly face of Democrats today. They literally don’t even care about cancel culture or they approve of it. So again it’s not just that we have a bad economy it’s not just that we have high inflation or the high mortgage rates yes we had that in the American past the differences we have a horrendous democratic party today that is evil that is racist. That is a problem.

While that makes sense.

That would be 100% antithetical to all that these Democrats believe in.
They are the enemy of the people.
They have been since JFK was taken out.
A new Democrat prototype took over.
Not a good one.
Oh, White! You really fell for that bullshit about spy balloons during Trump's Presidency? Shame on you! The balloons that nobody saw and nobody knew about until Joe didn't do diddly about this one? The balloons that we're told existed by "unnamed sources"? Don't be such a sap, dude...
Translation: Its inconvenient for Trump so I must rush to my cult leader's defense!!!
SS and Medicare are wildly popular and both parties know this. If you cut them the country doesn't recover.
Rick Scott, the senator head of their GOP reelection committee, called for the end of social security as it independently stands, and for Congress to vote on its renewal or disolving, every 5 years.

That is calling for the end of social security guarantee.
Of course, they could just wait for it to go bankrupt and collapse.
She pulled a Joe Wilson like when he shouted out to Obama (usurper) "You Lie!" during his SOTU. The current usurper gladly deserved to be called a liar for saying Republicans want to sunset social security and medicare.


I'm amused that you think a concern about the solvency of Social Security equates to a desire to get rid of it, Smokin'! Rick Scott isn't trying to get rid of SS...he's trying to make sure it's still here for future generations.
That's what republicans have been lying about for 43 years.

October 21 2022
Scott created a buzz in February when he released an 11-point plan to “Rescue America,” outlining his vision for the GOP’s agenda. On page 19 of the 31-page blueprint was a proposal to reduce government spending.

“All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the document reads. It also includes a provision to “Force Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”

Over the summer, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson straight up came out and said Social Security and Medicare should not be guaranteed—as they currently are—and should instead be negotiated by Congress every single year. Johnson, who is running for a third term in November.

Johnson argued that mandatory programs like Social Security and Medicare should be reformed and fall under “discretionary spending”—which means Congress could cut funding for them or eliminate them altogether.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who in June said “entitlement reform is a must” and suggested he’s open to changing the income cap and eligibility age for programs like Social Security and Medicare.
That's what republicans have been lying about for 43 years.

October 21 2022
Scott created a buzz in February when he released an 11-point plan to “Rescue America,” outlining his vision for the GOP’s agenda. On page 19 of the 31-page blueprint was a proposal to reduce government spending.

“All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the document reads. It also includes a provision to “Force Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”

Over the summer, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson straight up came out and said Social Security and Medicare should not be guaranteed—as they currently are—and should instead be negotiated by Congress every single year. Johnson, who is running for a third term in November.

Johnson argued that mandatory programs like Social Security and Medicare should be reformed and fall under “discretionary spending”—which means Congress could cut funding for them or eliminate them altogether.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who in June said “entitlement reform is a must” and suggested he’s open to changing the income cap and eligibility age for programs like Social Security and Medicare.
Social Security is unsustainable the way it's currently set up. That's not even controversial and pretending it can go forever like this is Monty Pythonesque, "It's just a flesh wound". So, there will be those who want to get rid of it altogether, but they will not prevail, and pretending they represent the entire GOP is no more credible than pretending Bernie Sanders views represent the entire democrat party just because he votes with them.
If it is cut the way my wife views it is an attack by corporations on average working people.
March 29 2022
In promoting his plan to “rescue America,” Sen. Rick Scott went too far in claiming that Medicare will go “bankrupt” in four years and Social Security in 12 years. Government trustees project that certain Medicare and Social Security trust funds would become depleted by then, but payments would continue, albeit at a reduced rate.

Scott made his remarks March 27 on “Fox News Sunday” when host John Roberts asked the Florida Republican about “An 11-Point Plan to Rescue America” — which is Scott’s blueprint for a Republican-controlled Congress after the 2022 elections.

Scott, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, discusses Medicare and Social Security in the plan under “Point Six: Government Reform/Debt.”

That section of his plan calls for sunsetting “all federal legislation” in five years, forcing Congress to act if it wants to keep federal programs. “If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again,” the plan says. It also calls on “Congress to issue a report every year telling the public what they plan to do when Social Security and Medicare go bankrupt.”
This sounds quite responsible to me. Only in Democrat La-La land should we keep paying out for a program careening toward insolvency without giving a concern to changes that need to be made to avoid that outcome.

All he said was that every five years, we should review where SS stands and make adjustments to keep it gong.
It was kept from Trump.... if it even happened... so at best its sedition and even treason by the military... you libs use to care about that...
But I don't believe it... just like everything else from this white house... theatrics and bullshit...
Remember civilian control of the military?... well Biden and the dems rolled right over that....

It was kept from Trump? Or did they just put it in the briefing book? He never bothered to read?

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