You Lost


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Weep and despair, Democrats. After all of your efforts to destroy and derail a good man, he triumphed over you. He put you underneath his heel and stepped up to claim what was rightfully his. Your resistance was ultimately futile. Hang your heads in shame, and never lecture anyone, ANYONE, on decency and civil discourse again. You exploited a vulnerable woman and tried to strike down an innocent man, all for your wretched political goals.

How utterly sickening, to see you not care who you hurt or destroy in pursuit of those goals. Fairness and presumption of innocence mean nothing to you. Guilty until proven guilty (NOT a typo). If this were Sharia Law, it would take the word of three men to equal that a woman. Reverse Sharia Law if you will. This obsession with automatic guilt you have is destroying us all. It's needlessly tarnishing the names of good people!

And it will do nothing but silence real victims of sexual assault. Nobody will believe them anymore. No thanks to you weaponizing and politicizing this. For shame.

But nevertheless, congratulations to JUSTICE Kavanaugh. I hope he does this country proud. And instead of revenging against those who wronged him, I hope he applies his jurisprudence equally as he has always done in the past. I may not always agree with the future rulings and conclusions he reaches, but I just hope he never lets anyone intimidate him.

For Democrats and far leftists, however...

You lost. Not only this fight, but your very decency and credibility.

And you have none other than yourselves to blame.

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With deflated democrat turnout we will retain both houses.. People are pissed about republicans and moderats will be out in force..

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