You need an ID to by booze, cigarettes,board planes, etc. but you won't need an ID to vote? Does that mean ANYONE illegally in USA will vote?

You should be a citizen and registered. Period.
How do you prove either of those? Is being an adult and speaking English enough? Do you even need to speak English? I personally would say no...

By providing the voters registration card everyone gets when they register.
Well... Good.. All we have to do is make it a requirement then. There you go.

Edit: How do you do that with Mail in ballots?

Learn about voting by mail – Utah Voter Information
For most people, driver's licenses issued by the respective state and territorial governments have become the de facto identity cards, and are used for many identification purposes, such as when :
  • purchasing alcohol and tobacco,
  • opening bank accounts, and boarding planes,
  • along with confirming a voter's identity in states with voter photo identification initiatives.
Individuals who do not drive are able to obtain an identification card with the same functions from the same state agency that issues driver's licenses. In addition, many schools issue student and teacher ID cards.

Thirty-four states have identification requirements at the polls.
Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot – no exception
One of the ACLU's example: In Texas, some people in rural areas must travel approximately 170 miles to reach the nearest ID office.

House Democrats quietly passed a bill to federalize vote by mail and passed the “For the People Act,”

The last point confirming a voter's identity will be under Federal law UNNECESSARY to vote.
So how many swing states for Trump/Biden election didn't require photo id?

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until,
in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted.
Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’;

You need a license to drive a car or a boat, to hunt or fish, to fly a plane, even to be a contractor or handle refrigerant,. It you don't need one to own a firearm?
None of those things you mention are a right except owning a gun, scumbag.
Voting is, and you want to require ID for that. But not for owning a gun?
why would you need an id to own a gun?
You need a license to drive a car or a boat, to hunt or fish, to fly a plane, even to be a contractor or handle refrigerant,. It you don't need one to own a firearm?

It's called the Constitution.
I have no idea why people who believe the Russians was interfering with our elections supports further deterioration of actually showing that.

If I had the money at time... It's easy to cheat the system... I just want to run and/or own old folks homes. I have their location of where they live, I have their full names, I have their social security numbers. You don't need anything else. Those people will now vote, and there is no way to track it. ESPECIALLY if it's legal for various people to collect ballots rather than forcing the voter to actually show up themselves.
Yeah you should do that. You might get a few hundred votes and would risk a felony and jail time. Go for it
How? The people in the home wouldn't even know they voted... Have you seen what they are trying to pass now? For the People Act (also known as H.R 1)? There are a few things in it that are pretty good... And... A few things like the above would just be easier to do.

Few hundred votes in a federal election might not mean much... But for City/Country... Could damn well be important.
It takes one person to notice something is off. Signatures would need to be forged for each person. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
It takes one person to notice something is off. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
Does it? Lots of affidavits suggest otherwise.

Edit: I'm not saying that every one of those affidavits are honest or true... I am saying that the both major parties aren't interested in election integrity.
Morbid curiosity... What happens when they receive more ballots than they sent out? Which ones do they throw out?

When and if that ever actually happens we can figure out what happened.
It's never happened, or the public doesn't know if it's never happened? Has anyone ever bothered to ask the question?

Elections are constantly audited.
I have no idea why people who believe the Russians was interfering with our elections supports further deterioration of actually showing that.

If I had the money at time... It's easy to cheat the system... I just want to run and/or own old folks homes. I have their location of where they live, I have their full names, I have their social security numbers. You don't need anything else. Those people will now vote, and there is no way to track it. ESPECIALLY if it's legal for various people to collect ballots rather than forcing the voter to actually show up themselves.
Yeah you should do that. You might get a few hundred votes and would risk a felony and jail time. Go for it
How? The people in the home wouldn't even know they voted... Have you seen what they are trying to pass now? For the People Act (also known as H.R 1)? There are a few things in it that are pretty good... And... A few things like the above would just be easier to do.

Few hundred votes in a federal election might not mean much... But for City/Country... Could damn well be important.
It takes one person to notice something is off. Signatures would need to be forged for each person. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
Who goes to prison over a haircut?

They do
It takes one person to notice something is off. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
Does it? Lots of affidavits suggest otherwise.

Edit: I'm not saying that every one of those affidavits are honest or true... I am saying that the both major parties aren't interested in election integrity.
Both parties are corrupt and will do what they think keeps them in power. Election integrity is important but that effort has been steam rolled by Trump and his lies. Now the Dems won’t touch it because any cases of fraud is going to erupt the stop the steal crowd and will undermine confidence in our elections not secure it. Trump did the same thing with the border wall. Polarized the issue even further so Dems can’t touch border security without tremendous backlash.
Elections are constantly audited.
How? I'm sorry... I have trust issues. It's why I do so want to be able to validate that I did vote and who for. Better yet... If I don't vote... I want to make sure that I didn't. There is no audit that I'm aware of that takes care of that last one. If someone votes for me, and I didn't vote... I want to know that.
Both parties are corrupt and will do what they think keeps them in power.
Unless we as a nation agree... Yes... It will stay that way.

Election integrity is important but that effort has been steam rolled by Trump and his lies.
*shrugs* We're talking about it. Sooner or later Trump isn't' going to be a good answer anymore. I suggest we talk about the issues.

No the Dems won’t touch it because anything cases of fraud is going to erupt the stop the steal crowd and will undermine confidence in our elections not secure it.
Unless... They actually get together and try to secure it. If you make it voter auditable with their own vote... Goes a long way.

Trump did the same thing with the border wall. Polarized the issue even further so Dems can’t touch border security without tremendous backlash.
I would argue it was polarized before Trump... The media just jumped on it because Trump did something in that field. Works for me.
I have no idea why people who believe the Russians was interfering with our elections supports further deterioration of actually showing that.

If I had the money at time... It's easy to cheat the system... I just want to run and/or own old folks homes. I have their location of where they live, I have their full names, I have their social security numbers. You don't need anything else. Those people will now vote, and there is no way to track it. ESPECIALLY if it's legal for various people to collect ballots rather than forcing the voter to actually show up themselves.
Yeah you should do that. You might get a few hundred votes and would risk a felony and jail time. Go for it
How? The people in the home wouldn't even know they voted... Have you seen what they are trying to pass now? For the People Act (also known as H.R 1)? There are a few things in it that are pretty good... And... A few things like the above would just be easier to do.

Few hundred votes in a federal election might not mean much... But for City/Country... Could damn well be important.
It takes one person to notice something is off. Signatures would need to be forged for each person. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
Who goes to prison over a haircut?

They do
What are you talking about?
I have no idea why people who believe the Russians was interfering with our elections supports further deterioration of actually showing that.

If I had the money at time... It's easy to cheat the system... I just want to run and/or own old folks homes. I have their location of where they live, I have their full names, I have their social security numbers. You don't need anything else. Those people will now vote, and there is no way to track it. ESPECIALLY if it's legal for various people to collect ballots rather than forcing the voter to actually show up themselves.
Yeah you should do that. You might get a few hundred votes and would risk a felony and jail time. Go for it
How? The people in the home wouldn't even know they voted... Have you seen what they are trying to pass now? For the People Act (also known as H.R 1)? There are a few things in it that are pretty good... And... A few things like the above would just be easier to do.

Few hundred votes in a federal election might not mean much... But for City/Country... Could damn well be important.
It takes one person to notice something is off. Signatures would need to be forged for each person. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
Who goes to prison over a haircut?

They do
What are you talking about?
We are on a news and politics it
In short...Dems want to make sure they stay in power. Forever.
And they do it using a very simple strategy. It's based on democracy, and getting more people to vote for them.

Republicans gerrymander, use draconian voter ID laws, and voting restrictions making it as difficult to vote as possible. Thereby changing it from an election where the winner is who gets the most voter support, to who has the most supportive voters.
Both parties are corrupt and will do what they think keeps them in power.
Unless we as a nation agree... Yes... It will stay that way.

Election integrity is important but that effort has been steam rolled by Trump and his lies.
*shrugs* We're talking about it. Sooner or later Trump isn't' going to be a good answer anymore. I suggest we talk about the issues.

No the Dems won’t touch it because anything cases of fraud is going to erupt the stop the steal crowd and will undermine confidence in our elections not secure it.
Unless... They actually get together and try to secure it. If you make it voter auditable with their own vote... Goes a long way.

Trump did the same thing with the border wall. Polarized the issue even further so Dems can’t touch border security without tremendous backlash.
I would argue it was polarized before Trump... The media just jumped on it because Trump did something in that field. Works for me.
Ok well let’s just watch and see how it plays out. I think my take is going to be closer to reality.

talking about it is fine but that’s not what we are doing. The nation is fighting over it. Fighting is not productive
Elections are constantly audited.
How? I'm sorry... I have trust issues. It's why I do so want to be able to validate that I did vote and who for. Better yet... If I don't vote... I want to make sure that I didn't. There is no audit that I'm aware of that takes care of that last one. If someone votes for me, and I didn't vote... I want to know that.

I have no idea why people who believe the Russians was interfering with our elections supports further deterioration of actually showing that.

If I had the money at time... It's easy to cheat the system... I just want to run and/or own old folks homes. I have their location of where they live, I have their full names, I have their social security numbers. You don't need anything else. Those people will now vote, and there is no way to track it. ESPECIALLY if it's legal for various people to collect ballots rather than forcing the voter to actually show up themselves.
Yeah you should do that. You might get a few hundred votes and would risk a felony and jail time. Go for it
How? The people in the home wouldn't even know they voted... Have you seen what they are trying to pass now? For the People Act (also known as H.R 1)? There are a few things in it that are pretty good... And... A few things like the above would just be easier to do.

Few hundred votes in a federal election might not mean much... But for City/Country... Could damn well be important.
It takes one person to notice something is off. Signatures would need to be forged for each person. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
Who goes to prison over a haircut?

They do
What are you talking about?
We are on a news and politics it
Learn how to make coherent arguments I’m not here to google search your randomness
I have no idea why people who believe the Russians was interfering with our elections supports further deterioration of actually showing that.

If I had the money at time... It's easy to cheat the system... I just want to run and/or own old folks homes. I have their location of where they live, I have their full names, I have their social security numbers. You don't need anything else. Those people will now vote, and there is no way to track it. ESPECIALLY if it's legal for various people to collect ballots rather than forcing the voter to actually show up themselves.
Yeah you should do that. You might get a few hundred votes and would risk a felony and jail time. Go for it
How? The people in the home wouldn't even know they voted... Have you seen what they are trying to pass now? For the People Act (also known as H.R 1)? There are a few things in it that are pretty good... And... A few things like the above would just be easier to do.

Few hundred votes in a federal election might not mean much... But for City/Country... Could damn well be important.
It takes one person to notice something is off. Signatures would need to be forged for each person. Do you really think the risk reward is there to do that? Jail for a handful of votes? Who would take that risk?
Who goes to prison over a haircut?

They do
What are you talking about?
We are on a news and politics it
Learn how to make coherent arguments I’m not here to google search your randomness
Learn to know news and politics before you post otherwise you're an idiot.

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