You only need third grade math to see the scam

Yes. I have never understood why wanting a colorblind society is racist, but assuming that black people are too fragile to hear certain words or phrases or see certain images, must have standards lowered so they can compete, must be compensated now because their earlier family members were mistreated, etc. is not racist?
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Yes. I have never understood a rationale that wanting a colorblind society is racist, but assuming that black people are too fragile to hear certain words or phrases or see certain images, must have standards lowered so they can compete, must be compensated now because their earlier family members were mistreated, etc. is not racist?
Sorry I have the wrong Link in the original post. Check it out now I changed it to what it should be.
This is what happens when people start with an answer and then try to invent the question instead of doing the proper scientific investigation.


That's a cute video. Just keep in mind that "warming" is something that happens over time. Each of those reports referred to a certain span of time.

So, you think no one has done a "proper scientific investigation" of global warming? What do you think has not been examined? What examinations do you believe were not done properly?
Yes. I have never understood why wanting a colorblind society is racist, but assuming that black people are too fragile to hear certain words or phrases or see certain images, must have standards lowered so they can compete, must be compensated now because their earlier family members were mistreated, etc. is not racist?
Do you think blacks and other minorities suffer no discrimination now? There is a big difference between a legal system that is colorblind and a society that is colorblind. We are close to having the former, but an enormous distance from having the latter.
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Do you think blacks and other minorities suffer no discrimination now? There is a big difference between a legal system that is colorblind and a society that is colorblind. We are close to having the former, but an enormous distance from having the latter.

If they do then they probably bring it on themselves and deserve it.

3million Vietnamese were killed in a horrible 10 year war. Many escaped and showed up here on rubber rafts labeled "BOAT PEOPLE" Called every name in the books. Hated****despised. Racist talk yes. What did they do? No whining, no BS. They went to work. Within a decade or two they are valuable productive members of American society.

Quity your whining and lying and go to work. Not shooting, murdering, raping, stealing, sucker punching on street corners in the daylight.

Yes, it can be done.
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Do you think blacks and other minorities suffer no discrimination now? There is a big difference between a legal system that is colorblind and a society that is colorblind. We are close to having the former, but an enormous distance from having the latter.
We don't have the latter because Democrat race baiters, both black and white, will not allow it. So long as I have to carefully measure every word and expression, avoid certain metaphors, even be careful what I serve for dinner or as a snack if black people are present or in some cases even if no black people are present, I am not allowed to be colorblind. I am not allowed to treat my black friends and neighbors exactly like I treat everybody else.

As long as the left pushes a CRT curriculum that demands children see themselves as racist, demands reparations for people just because of the color of their skin, demands that I see myself as more privileged than my black neighbor who earns five times what I earn, and does not allow any black person to disagree with their beliefs, agenda, propaganda or else they are Uncle Toms or hanky heads or a discredit to their race. . .

When the Democrats see black people as their own personal plantation of voters and demand they see themselves as victims of racism. . .

When black opportunists see fanning the flames of racism as the best way to get freebies and compensation. . .

Racism will remain alive and well in the world.

But the OP has provided the correct video for his intent for this thread so let's respect that. No more talk of racism.
This is what happens when people start with an answer and then try to invent the question instead of doing the proper scientific investigation.


Climate Change is the new cash cow for the left. There is so much misinformation out there and, because they control 90% or more of the media including search engines, it is becoming more and more difficult to find honest information that is not politicized anywhere.
I I think most of the guilt lies with the media not necessarily with the scientific personnel.
I believe if more scientists were allowed to do their own writing and publishing we would see less spectacularism and more of what is actually factual.
We don't have the latter because Democrat race baiters, both black and white, will not allow it. So long as I have to carefully measure every word and expression, avoid certain metaphors, even be careful what I serve for dinner or as a snack if black people are present or in some cases even if no black people are present, I am not allowed to be colorblind. I am not allowed to treat my black friends and neighbors exactly like I treat everybody else.

As long as the left pushes a CRT curriculum that demands children see themselves as racist, demands reparations for people just because of the color of their skin, demands that I see myself as more privileged than my black neighbor who earns five times what I earn, and does not allow any black person to disagree with their beliefs, agenda, propaganda or else they are Uncle Toms or hanky heads or a discredit to their race. . .

When the Democrats see black people as their own personal plantation of voters and demand they see themselves as victims of racism. . .

When black opportunists see fanning the flames of racism as the best way to get freebies and compensation. . .

Racism will remain alive and well in the world.

But the OP has provided the correct video for his intent for this thread so let's respect that. No more talk of racism.
White people are scrutinized to the nth degree for even the tiniest expression of "microaggressions".

The IM2 and CurriedGoats of the world can say anything they damn well please, and as directly and aggressively as they want.
If they do then they probably bring it on themselves and deserve it.
So, you're saying our society is colorblind as well and any mistreatment they experience is a valid response to their misbehavior and bad choices?
3 million Vietnamese were killed in a horrible 10 year war. Many escaped and showed up hear on rubber rafts labeled "BOAT PEOPLE"
They did not label their boats "BOAT PEOPLE".
Called every name in the books. Hated****despised. Racist talk yes.
I think you are projecting. The Vietnamese refugees were not always well treated, but they did not suffer the mistreatment blacks have suffered since they were brought here as slaves. The Vietnamese do NOT have the same historical background as blacks in this country. They were never segregated as a matter of policy. They were not banned from businesses, public transport or other facilities. Prejudice against blacks in the US is something that has existed and developed for as long as we have been a nation. Roughly 125,000 Vietnamese willingly came to this country following the war. The current black population of the US, almost all the descendants of slaves, numbers 41.57 million.
What did they do? No whining, no BS. They went to work. Within a decade or two they are valuable productive members of American society.
So you think Black Americans are whining and lazy?
Quit your BS whining and lying and go to work.
I'm retired. I did work.
Not shooting, murdering, raping, stealing, sucker punching on street corners in the daylight.
In any society, rates of violent crime and property crime are inversely proportional to wealth

Yes, it can be done.
What can be done?
People should strive to put themselves in a position where they can tell everyone else to "kiss my ass". Of course one wouldn't say it, but one can think it, and live it. :biggrin:
If they do then they probably bring it on themselves and deserve it.

3million Vietnamese were killed in a horrible 10 year war. Many escaped and showed up here on rubber rafts labeled "BOAT PEOPLE" Called every name in the books. Hated****despised. Racist talk yes. What did they do? No whining, no BS. They went to work. Within a decade or two they are valuable productive members of American society.

Quity your whining and lying and go to work. Not shooting, murdering, raping, stealing, sucker punching on street corners in the daylight.

Yes, it can be done.
A Vietnamese family is an amazing unit to watch. I had Vietnamese neighbors for about 10 years. The family works like a little military unit.

These people had nine children. Each sibling had the next sibling younger than themselves as a responsibility to take care of.

It was amazing to watch the efficiency with which they did their duties and how well the family worked together.

I watched as one young adult after another was sent off to college to become something in the professional fields.

It was a sad day when they moved away, we became close friends. Some of the best neighbors I've ever had.
That's a cute video. Just keep in mind that "warming" is something that happens over time. Each of those reports referred to a certain span of time.

So, you think no one has done a "proper scientific investigation" of global warming? What do you think has not been examined? What examinations do you believe were not done properly?
Glacial cycle causes. It’s the ocean not the sun.
I I think most of the guilt lies with the media not necessarily with the scientific personnel.
I believe if more scientists were allowed to do their own writing and publishing we would see less spectacularism and more of what is actually factual.

They are ... and they do ... scientists aren't held to account what they say to commercial media ... it's a job to read from a script ... suppliment the crappy teacher's pay ...

Not so in the scientific media, where experts "fact-check" the story ... actually reading the citations to make sure they say what the author says it says ... making sure all the information needed to duplicate the experiment is given ... you'll even find better speltitating, grammering and puncturing in the scientific media ... fuckers grade on Englishing skills, the bastards ...

Just remember, the scientific media is experts speaking to experts ... you'll need a college education, especially college math, to understand what is written ...
Do you think blacks and other minorities suffer no discrimination now? There is a big difference between a legal system that is colorblind and a society that is colorblind. We are close to having the former, but an enormous distance from having the latter.
I'm afraid it goes against human nature to hope for the latter. Some research has shown that instinctually, a genetic identity will differentiate itself from one that is not identical to it. It's a sort of hard wired instinct. I suppose you could call this inherent racism if you want to.
I just prefer to call a human nature.

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