You really aren't Right to Life!

Like I have time to proofread when this kindle fire has some kind of auto correct. I know posting threads is your life's work so I'll go easy on you. I see I'm losing Rep points now for engaging in your intelligent debates of your an you are. No u r. Fix that splg buddy. Did you choose to pay for car insurance and social security or is it forced upon u.blame your educational system for putting out division one honor student idiots. Obama for America — 2012 — Barack Obama
Can you tell me why water is wet and the sky is blue Cecile? When you are finished tell me how to comprehend how we all appear to stay on the ground while the earth rotates around the sun at what speed? Gravity, will you explain what that is now and where it came from? Gravity always wins, will you debate that you will escape the process of decaying?Help me comprehend that. Make sure your policy includes morphine.
Because people die without healthcare. If you are so serious about protecting the unborn, why wouldn't you want the living to stay alive? what is it, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in America? I bet if you got phnemonia without health insurance you wouldn't be pursuing any happiness and you might lose your life. Seems like a violation of our bill of rights as a citizen to be left without medical care even if we are poor. The legislation was passed by the elected representatives of the American people. The people wanted this and voted to make it happen. We've been mandated to pay for retirement through social security. What's the point if people die before they reach the age limit? See what happens if you drive without car insurance and then tell me the government can't require you to purchase something. The constitution isn't the ten commandements, it can change through votes. It's a growing document that evolves as the American peoples needs grow.

I look forward to that 'thought' you're planning to have.
Ah ya' beat me to it! :D
I don't even think you people take the time to actually read what I said. You just start barking like a dog when you know someone doesn't share your world view. There is a difference between reading and comprehension. Maybe you failed the Act test,or Sat, or is it both? Go slow and take it one word at a time tough guys and girls. It's bad to not quote on a forum? Where I'm from it's bad to deal drugs, murder someone, and slap a punk. We ain't Coming from the same place but we in the same race. I know that I haven't resorted to insults. Face to face you wouldn't say one word to me. Come to Lansing,Mi and get brave with ur mouth.
touche, I never said I had one. How do you think I thought of that? I'm always up for a little mind boxing. Pretty impressed by the mods to allow this type of dialogue. Maybe freedom of speech does still exist.
Because people die without healthcare. If you are so serious about protecting the unborn, why wouldn't you want the living to stay alive? what is it, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in America? I bet if you got phnemonia without health insurance you wouldn't be pursuing any happiness and you might lose your life. Seems like a violation of our bill of rights as a citizen to be left without medical care even if we are poor. The legislation was passed by the elected representatives of the American people. The people wanted this and voted to make it happen. We've been mandated to pay for retirement through social security. What's the point if people die before they reach the age limit? See what happens if you drive without car insurance and then tell me the government can't require you to purchase something. The constitution isn't the ten commandements, it can change through votes. It's a growing document that evolves as the American peoples needs grow.

You sound very confused. You are supporting fundamental change without the consent of the governed void of due process. Why even argue why Everyone is entitled to the same bankrupting Healthcare services? Why not instead question why Healthcare costs are the way they are? How did they get that way? What practices and trends brought them so far out of reach and why? Why not seek formulas to bring down the cost? Why buy into the $10,000.00 Band-aid or the over priced Hospital Room or Ambulance ride? It's Louis Farrakhan math, at best. Why encourage it? You think the more involved Government gets, it will get better, when in reality, the denial of service is already getting worse.
Lol, I'm more for catastrophic coverage, not insurance for my cold. I love people who think they have earned everything in their lives. You can't pay for your security from Russia. Some things are to big for your pocket book big guy. 4 more to end the war!

Ok, Problem Child, I'll play. It just so happens that I have paid my installment of the cost of our national security (among other things)-9+years in the U.S. Army (active and reserve), including a combat tour in Vietnam. What about YOU? I've also made quite a bit of money, and I wasn't born with it, didn't steal it, or cheat anyone for it; I earned it! I probably pay more in taxes each year than you earn. You want to have a discussion about who has and has not earned what? You can start right here.
You'll find out how unaffordable health care is soon enough if you that what's up with not being able to erase brain farts?
I love it when people call it freedom here in America. How many millions of laws do we have on the books that we are supposed to follow? It should be called Lawdom or Pricedom. Don't get me wrong, the system has worked for me but it came with hard work and serious pain. I wish God would charge for every breath we took. I wonder if he thinks he earned the body he lives in? did he pay for that to?
I'm.not sure:/stupider is a word grammer man. I beeleve it is more stupid.

You're using a spell checker, fucknut, and you can't spell "grammar" OR "believe". What ever made you think you had the chops to try to correct my English?

Stupider is an accepted comparative conjugation of the word "stupid", as is "stupidest". The belief that they cannot be used is a common grammar misconception, similar to the idea that you cannot end a sentence with a preposition.
I'm.not sure:/stupider is a word grammer man. I beeleve it is more stupid.

You're using a spell checker, fucknut, and you can't spell "grammar" OR "believe". What ever made you think you had the chops to try to correct my English?

Stupider is an accepted comparative conjugation of the word "stupid", as is "stupidest". The belief that they cannot be used is a common grammar misconception, similar to the idea that you cannot end a sentence with a preposition.

Well stated, as usual, Cecilie.

The most commonly misspelled word in the English language is "grammar."

And yes, it is now perfectly grammatically acceptable, to begin and end, a sentence with a preposition. Love that! Makes so much

Those grammarians.....always changing the rules on us.

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