You should always verify information you get from one source

It’s not really a matter of ‘failing’ to plan for retirement, it’s that most working Americans live paycheck to paycheck; there’s little if anything to ‘put away,’ nothing with which to ‘plan.’

Not every American will earn six figures a year; low- and middle-wage earners will always exist – indeed, it’s the very nature of a free-market economy that a significant number of workers be low- and middle-wage earners lacking the resources to ‘plan’ for retirement.

There are also workers who are disabled relying on Social Security for income; older workers who are laid-off during economic downturns – such as the Great Recession – through no fault of their own, who must exhaust their retirement savings to survive, and are compelled to depend on Social Security when they’re too old to work.

Social Security and Medicare were designed to address these and other circumstances; given these facts, the right’s unwarranted hostility to Social Security and Medicare is reckless and irresponsible.
I agree with you. I want to hear the other side. I have not seen much on the other side.
This appears to be who we are. I've been saying all along, this is a sociological crisis, not a political crisis.

Thing is, the electoral system we have changes the way people vote, changes the mentality of voters. Having the fairest system in place should be a given.
Social Security needs changed.
I personally know of 3 people that are receiving Social Security that should not be.
Just me. One guy. And I assure you this is not abnormal.
Social Security should have NOTHING to do with mental health benefits and medical benefits. NOTHING.
That should be an entirely different agency. That has the ability to consistently recheck claimants to keep their cash coming.
No system that large ever will be problem free. And yes its big deal & there should be a way to clean it up. except when a claim is denied here comes the lawyers..,. Its a system that has helped seniors and most of those who believe it or not will be needing some part of SS. WHEN WE ARE UNDER 50 ITS HARD TO BELIEVE WE WILL EVER NEED THE HELP.
First, ain't gonna happen.

Second, I see you're swallowing the commie propaganda. Enjoy.

You're claiming context. Provide it

Nope just want to see what was actually said and not your interpretation of what you thought they said. Oh, and while I'm here, I have one more question. Do you think the republicans will take super majorities in both houses of congress?

See the question in post 46. Answer it if you can.

I am pretty sure the Republicans will take the house. The Senate is a toss up.
For me, a former registered Republican who is an independent but am anti-MAGA Trumpism, the Republicans could win both but it could make me happy if we see the number of Republican Trump puppets reduced in both chambers. I think that will happen.
I am pretty sure the Republicans will take the house. The Senate is a toss up.
For me, a former registered Republican who is an independent but am anti-MAGA Trumpism, the Republicans could win both but it could make me happy if we see the number of Republican Trump puppets reduced in both chambers. I think that will happen.

So if you don't see super majorities in both houses, how would you propose they would have any path around the filibuster and presidential veto to do anything with SS or medicare?

So you are saying get rid of Social Security and Medicare? It is socialized retirement and healthcare.
What do you do with those who do not plan their own retirement and are homeless, broke and starving in old age.
What do you do with those who are old and a high risk for medical insurance so it is very expensive and they cannot afford it.
What do you do...?

The same thing that worked very, very well for hundreds of years: keep the socialist, communist, totalitarian government (whatever you wanna call big controlling government) out of our back pockets. Then, people will be able to afford to save their money and use it as they see fit. Those who slip and fall through the cracks or are just too stupid to live within their means will be picked up by charity. That's the Christian Way.

Practically all socialist programs are corrupt. I know, I know, they promise you they're going to use the money they are stealing for only the purpose intended and everything will be A-Okay and you'll be much more safe and secure if you just agree to give up a little more of your income, freedom, rights and so forth. But what happens, every time, always, and throughout history is that those socialist bureaucrats will decide that they deserve a pay raise, oh, hey, and while we're at it they need a better office and an expense account. After all, they are working so hard and have so much responsibility, don't they deserve a much higher income than the average citizen they oversee?

The best system, the system our American Forefathers set up, is the system that has been the shining light of prosperity and democracy around the world for hundreds of years until recently (we even abolished slavery in the socialist southern states). In that system, true power is spread out among the people, and the people only give just enough power to elected officials to do the bare minimum to accomplish civil works and projects deemed to be in the best interests of the majority of the people.

In the system which you are apparently supporting, socialism, all of the power is at the top and placed in the hands of a few bureaucrats. Those few decide who gets the benefits and they hand out money and power to those who support them. This system of power always turns evil: True power corrupts all, and it corrupts completely and truly.

It's appalling to me that our education system has failed so badly that people from this country are actually openly talking like socialism and its close partner communism and the like are a good idea. Alas, records indicate that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spent billions of dollars infiltrating our school system in order to foster its ideology. They have erased the part of your education that should have shown you WHY this country was founded and the PRINCIPLES of democracy upon which it was so incredibly successful for so long.
What do you do...?

The same thing that worked very, very well for hundreds of years: keep the socialist, communist, totalitarian government (whatever you wanna call big controlling government) out of our back pockets. Then, people will be able to afford to save their money and use it as they see fit. Those who slip and fall through the cracks or are just too stupid to live within their means will be picked up by charity. That's the Christian Way.

Practically all socialist programs are corrupt. I know, I know, they promise you they're going to use the money they are stealing for only the purpose intended and everything will be A-Okay and you'll be much more safe and secure if you just agree to give up a little more of your income, freedom, rights and so forth. But what happens, every time, always, and throughout history is that those socialist bureaucrats will decide that they deserve a pay raise, oh, hey, and while we're at it they need a better office and an expense account. After all, they are working so hard and have so much responsibility, don't they deserve a much higher income than the average citizen they oversee?

The best system, the system our American Forefathers set up, is the system that has been the shining light of prosperity and democracy around the world for hundreds of years until recently (we even abolished slavery in the socialist southern states). In that system, true power is spread out among the people, and the people only give just enough power to elected officials to do the bare minimum to accomplish civil works and projects deemed to be in the best interests of the majority of the people.

In the system which you are apparently supporting, socialism, all of the power is at the top and placed in the hands of a few bureaucrats. Those few decide who gets the benefits and they hand out money and power to those who support them. This system of power always turns evil: True power corrupts all, and it corrupts completely and truly.

It's appalling to me that our education system has failed so badly that people from this country are actually openly talking like socialism and its close partner communism and the like are a good idea. Alas, records indicate that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spent billions of dollars infiltrating our school system in order to foster its ideology. They have erased the part of your education that should have shown you WHY this country was founded and the PRINCIPLES of democracy upon which it was so incredibly successful for so long.
Every government in the world is a hybrid between capitalism and socialism. Neither works in their purest form. It is a matter of degree of each.
Government, itself, is a form of socialism. It is coming together to fill a group need. It is not a private entity that runs the government. Schools, police, fireman, military, infra-structure are all socialist in theory.
Our country was founded with a population of 5 million. You could live off the land. Doctors services could be bartered for, Today's world is much different.
The problem with insurance is you have to charge higher raters for those who are at highest risk of payouts. Through no fault of their own, old people are high risk. Private insurance does not want to insure them. There will be tens of millions who will be irresponsible and cannot support themselves in old age. To make a privatized, personal accountability system work you will need to let millions upon millions die because of no insurance and no money. If we are willing to do that, we do not need social security or Medicare
So if you don't see super majorities in both houses, how would you propose they would have any path around the filibuster and presidential veto to do anything with SS or medicare?

There could be super majorities. You need to focus on politicians intent. The system is dynamic. It can change so intentions can be carried out at a later time even if not at the beginning.
There could be super majorities. You need to focus on politicians intent. The system is dynamic. It can change so intentions can be carried out at a later time even if not at the beginning.

Excuse me dude, wasn't the meme you posted in the OP about THIS ELECTION? At the rate xiden is going he'll have us in WWIII before the next election, hell we could all be glow in the dark chew toys for the cockroaches.

Every government in the world is a hybrid between capitalism and socialism. Neither works in their purest form. It is a matter of degree of each.
Government, itself, is a form of socialism. It is coming together to fill a group need.
FALSE. You have been duped. The government itself is NOT a form of socialism. Socialism is a distinct thing, far separate from a government run by the people and for the people under a representational democracy and with natural, free market capitalism as a system of trade. A civil works project, authorized and efficiently run with oversight by the people, is not socialism.
It is not a private entity that runs the government. Schools, police, fireman, military, infra-structure are all socialist in theory.
Our country was founded with a population of 5 million. You could live off the land. Doctors services could be bartered for, Today's world is much different.
The problem with insurance is you have to charge higher raters for those who are at highest risk of payouts. Through no fault of their own, old people are high risk. Private insurance does not want to insure them. There will be tens of millions who will be irresponsible and cannot support themselves in old age. To make a privatized, personal accountability system work you will need to let millions upon millions die because of no insurance and no money. If we are willing to do that, we do not need social security or Medicare
Totally false in your concept of what socialism is. You are confusing several concepts, probably lied to by your professors at school who were paid a lot of money to hide the truth from you.

Let me draw you a picture:
Democracy Vs Socialism for dummies.png
Not a lot of “source verifying” going on with Republicans lately
Excuse me dude, wasn't the meme you posted in the OP about THIS ELECTION? At the rate xiden is going he'll have us in WWIII before the next election, hell we could all be glow in the dark chew toys for the cockroaches.

I don't think Biden will get us into WWIII. You support Ukraine to Stop the Russian aggression. Russia will keep going if not stopped in Ukraine and there will be a WWIII.

Trump supporters are paranoid. They are a group driven by fear. Trump takes advantage of people driven by fear. Fear is Trump's tool to control. His tool to divide us.
FALSE. You have been duped. The government itself is NOT a form of socialism. Socialism is a distinct thing, far separate from a government run by the people and for the people under a representational democracy and with natural, free market capitalism as a system of trade. A civil works project, authorized and efficiently run with oversight by the people, is not socialism.

Totally false in your concept of what socialism is. You are confusing several concepts, probably lied to by your professors at school who were paid a lot of money to hide the truth from you.

Let me draw you a picture:
Give me one pure capitalist country.
Capitalism and socialism are ideologies. Neither one works in the real world it it's purest form. Ideologue's, who are extremists, demand their ideology in it's purest form. It will never happen.
Trump was trying to increase the power of the Presidency so we would resemble an autocracy instead of a Democratic Union. Your diagram does not show the key to our government. At the top should be three dots, executive, judicial and legislative,
You are an ideologue not a realist.
I don't think Biden will get us into WWIII. You support Ukraine to Stop the Russian aggression. Russia will keep going if not stopped in Ukraine and there will be a WWIII.

Trump supporters are paranoid. They are a group driven by fear. Trump takes advantage of people driven by fear. Fear is Trump's tool to control. His tool to divide us.

Weren't you the one that started coming up with fairy tale scenarios beyond this election when I blew your OP out of the water with a little dose of reality? I guess you're the only one that can engage in that activity. Carry on, my work is done here.

Weren't you the one that started coming up with fairy tale scenarios beyond this election when I blew your OP out of the water with a little dose of reality? I guess you're the only one that can engage in that activity. Carry on, my work is done here.

Please refresh my memory on how you blew me out of the water.

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