You should always verify information you get from one source

Give me one pure capitalist country.
Capitalism and socialism are ideologies. Neither one works in the real world it it's purest form. Ideologue's, who are extremists, demand their ideology in it's purest form. It will never happen.
Trump was trying to increase the power of the Presidency so we would resemble an autocracy instead of a Democratic Union. Your diagram does not show the key to our government. At the top should be three dots, executive, judicial and legislative,
You are an ideologue not a realist.
I'll have to give you credit for giving rational arguments for your points. And you are somewhat correct.

There are no pure capitalist countries left that I can think of. All of Europe has embraced socialism to some degree or other, even though there is evidence that some people there are starting to reject that ideology due to the obvious failures that have shown up. Mexico may come close, although, without strong law enforcement and judiciary system, it "seems" to us to have a lot of corruption. Brazil is similar but has some of the same overall problems. Colombia was heading in the direction of free markets after its civil war, but its people are demanding more and more handouts lately.

I'm not sure why you bring up Trump, but since you did, I don't believe any of his actions were worse than the current administration or the prior administration. His stated goal was to "drain the swamp" of corruption, and his supporters see his actions as him carrying out his promises. Or at least an attempt to. When Hillary Clinton's accusations of "Russia Collusion" gained traction in the media and legislature, the ensuing sham impeachment proceedings undermined his authority to administer the executive branch more than a little. Of course, Clinton's accusations have now been fully debunked and shown to be pure fantasy. It seems the combined efforts of Clinton, the DNC, the FBI, and the media had more power than the duly elected president. Your statement that he increased the power of the Presidency is unfounded. That stolen power (usurped by these forces) still seems to be in play, as evidenced by the fact that none of the major allegations against Trump have proven to hold water. That includes the latest theatre of "Jan 6" collusion.

So back to your original posting title, I agree: Yes, you should always verify [the] information you get from one source.

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