You should be honored to live during the Obama Age


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
we are alive during the time that the "historians" are going to completely re-write.

most people agree, Republican and Democrat, that Obama is nothing special, but that's not what history will say.

in the future, the big propaganda machine will go to work.
70 years from now, (if the planet is still here), someone will say "You know, i pay a lot of money for health care insurance, and i don't get very much in return. Some health care insurance CEO just became the first trillionare , ... who is the guy who passed this?"

...and that's when our big lie of a society springs into action.
they'll say "Do you know what it was like when people didn't have insurance?"
he'll say "No"
they'll say "why... , why..., why...if you didn't have insurance, you were placed in a gutter until you died! ...and if you had a pre-existing ailment , there was no way to buy insurance"

of course we all know that's BS, but none of us will be around to correct the "historians"

do you think this theory is crazy?
it's already happened before.
most Americans aren't aware that Abraham Lincoln was the most hated President in our history.
our "historians" completely re-wrote his legacy as a reward for giving so much power to the Federal Government.
he was despised by the South, hated by middle America, and the northern public wasn't too thrilled with him either.

70 years from now America will be gone and it will be too late. What the American people need to do is get on their faces and repent before God for the murder of 50 million babies, allowing idolaters to build their altars to baal gods on American soil including baal allah - siding with Israels enemies and intruding in their affairs - dividing up their land - treating Benjamin Netanyahu like dirt ( Obama ) and standing by in silence while anti semitism rises up again. Openly parading homosexuality throughout the land as if it is something to be proud of when they should be ashamed - it is an abomination before God Almighty. They must repent and return to God with all their hearts. That is the only answer for each American because although America has fallen under this judgment they can still survive what is coming if they will turn to Jesus Christ now. I know of many Christians who have had visions of America being hit by the Russians and in every scenario it is the liberals, the haters and mockers of God that they saw dying horrific deaths -buried alive in underground bunkers they built to keep them safe below while people were perishing above ground - but they were the ones who were buried alive due to a great earthquake. Yes the people who were declaring themselves liberals, progressives, people who were mocking God and the bible and the christians of America ( who were not in the underground bunkers but survived ... ) were actually eating their own children because they were starving to death.. Meanwhile it was quite a different scene for the Christians. They were living under divine protection - they had food stored and no one bothered them because the people feared God after seeing what had taken place.... What they witnessed is the coming judgment of God upon America. All of these things have led to the judgment we are under. I hate to tell you but there is no way America will see another president now. This is it. Then it will ALL be history. People had better get right with God now and repent. Time is running out.

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70 years from now America will be gone and it will be too late. What the American people need to do is get on their faces and repent before God for the murder of 50 million babies, allowing idolaters to build their altars to baal gods on American soil including baal allah - siding with Israels enemies and intruding in their affairs - dividing up their land - treating Benjamin Netanyahu like dirt ( Obama ) and standing by in silence while anti semitism rises up again. Openly parading homosexuality throughout the land as if it is something to be proud of when they should be ashamed - it is an abomination before God Almighty. They must repent and return to God with all their hearts. That is the only answer for each American because although America has fallen under this judgment they can still survive what is coming if they will turn to Jesus Christ now. I know of many Christians who have had visions of America being hit by the Russians and in every scenario it is the liberals, the haters and mockers of God that they saw dying horrific deaths -buried alive in underground bunkers they built to keep them safe below while people were perishing above ground - but they were the ones who were buried alive due to a great earthquake. Yes the people who were declaring themselves liberals, progressives, people who were mocking God and the bible and the christians of America ( who were not in the underground bunkers but survived ... ) were actually eating their own children because they were starving to death.. Meanwhile it was quite a different scene for the Christians. They were living under divine protection - they had food stored and no one bothered them because the people feared God after seeing what had taken place.... What they witnessed is the coming judgment of God upon America. All of these things have led to the judgment we are under. I hate to tell you but there is no way America will see another president now. This is it. Then it will ALL be history. People had better get right with God now and repent. Time is running out.


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There is one story that stands out to me I should tell the readers about. There was a Mormon woman back in the 70's ( I believe it was 70's could have been 60's ) who did commit suicide. Upon her death she was immediately in the presence of Jesus Christ. He told her he wanted her to see what was going to happen to America. He showed her a vision of America and how America would fall. She describes in great detail the twin towers falling, the emerging of terror attacks using car bombs here in usa, her description of terrorist activities was amazing as she had no knowledge of Islam or anything about their jihads, yet she describes a people who were going house to house raping, hacking to death people with great pleasure. She described these people as having an insatiable desire for blood of Americans and the only places these dangerous mobs would not go near were the Christian homes that were set up as refuges for the people who could make it there. She said most of the people in the cities didn't make it. Very important to emphasize that the LORD sent her back here to warn the people of America and this experience led to her conversion to Christianity from Mormon Church. Wish I could remember her name but I'm sure a google search would find it. Much of what she saw is now taking place including the Middle East. - Jeremiah NOTE* In the vision the Lord gave her she saw Americans digging in the ground for worms to eat. Her description of the famine fits perfectly with the timeline we are in right now.
Polkow, do you think Yuri Bezmenov left something out in his instruction about how communists take over a nation? I do. You see, he never gave the answer. There is an answer you know. In fact, the communists have admitted that they couldn't succeed against Americans until they could distract them away from their God. Infiltrate the church - get their spies into every walk of american life.

The Soviets know very well there is a God. Lenin, Stalin, Marx all worshiped his adversary - the devil - as you probably already know. But the truth is there is no history of Communism in America. Nothing to repeat. My God is not going to allow America to fall under communism, instead he is going to destroy it, clean out the trash and start over.. sounds like a plan to me. I am praying for you that you come to know Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Whatever it takes, I pray God does it. - Jeremiah
I should mention also that now that you have read this you are accountable for it. That is the way it goes with God. Before you didn't know? He would not have counted it against you. Now that you do know? You are going to be held accountable.


70 years from now America will be gone and it will be too late. What the American people need to do is get on their faces and repent before God for the murder of 50 million babies, allowing idolaters to build their altars to baal gods on American soil including baal allah - siding with Israels enemies and intruding in their affairs - dividing up their land - treating Benjamin Netanyahu like dirt ( Obama ) and standing by in silence while anti semitism rises up again. Openly parading homosexuality throughout the land as if it is something to be proud of when they should be ashamed - it is an abomination before God Almighty. They must repent and return to God with all their hearts. That is the only answer for each American because although America has fallen under this judgment they can still survive what is coming if they will turn to Jesus Christ now. I know of many Christians who have had visions of America being hit by the Russians and in every scenario it is the liberals, the haters and mockers of God that they saw dying horrific deaths -buried alive in underground bunkers they built to keep them safe below while people were perishing above ground - but they were the ones who were buried alive due to a great earthquake. Yes the people who were declaring themselves liberals, progressives, people who were mocking God and the bible and the christians of America ( who were not in the underground bunkers but survived ... ) were actually eating their own children because they were starving to death.. Meanwhile it was quite a different scene for the Christians. They were living under divine protection - they had food stored and no one bothered them because the people feared God after seeing what had taken place.... What they witnessed is the coming judgment of God upon America. All of these things have led to the judgment we are under. I hate to tell you but there is no way America will see another president now. This is it. Then it will ALL be history. People had better get right with God now and repent. Time is running out.


America was never and will never be, a theocracy.
Polkow, do you think Yuri Bezmenov left something out in his instruction about how communists take over a nation? I do. You see, he never gave the answer. There is an answer you know. In fact, the communists have admitted that they couldn't succeed against Americans until they could distract them away from their God. Infiltrate the church - get their spies into every walk of american life.

The Soviets know very well there is a God. Lenin, Stalin, Marx all worshiped his adversary - the devil - as you probably already know. But the truth is there is no history of Communism in America. Nothing to repeat. My God is not going to allow America to fall under communism, instead he is going to destroy it, clean out the trash and start over.. sounds like a plan to me. I am praying for you that you come to know Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Whatever it takes, I pray God does it. - Jeremiah

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70 years from now America will be gone and it will be too late. What the American people need to do is get on their faces and repent before God for the murder of 50 million babies, allowing idolaters to build their altars to baal gods on American soil including baal allah - siding with Israels enemies and intruding in their affairs - dividing up their land - treating Benjamin Netanyahu like dirt ( Obama ) and standing by in silence while anti semitism rises up again. Openly parading homosexuality throughout the land as if it is something to be proud of when they should be ashamed - it is an abomination before God Almighty. They must repent and return to God with all their hearts. That is the only answer for each American because although America has fallen under this judgment they can still survive what is coming if they will turn to Jesus Christ now. I know of many Christians who have had visions of America being hit by the Russians and in every scenario it is the liberals, the haters and mockers of God that they saw dying horrific deaths -buried alive in underground bunkers they built to keep them safe below while people were perishing above ground - but they were the ones who were buried alive due to a great earthquake. Yes the people who were declaring themselves liberals, progressives, people who were mocking God and the bible and the christians of America ( who were not in the underground bunkers but survived ... ) were actually eating their own children because they were starving to death.. Meanwhile it was quite a different scene for the Christians. They were living under divine protection - they had food stored and no one bothered them because the people feared God after seeing what had taken place.... What they witnessed is the coming judgment of God upon America. All of these things have led to the judgment we are under. I hate to tell you but there is no way America will see another president now. This is it. Then it will ALL be history. People had better get right with God now and repent. Time is running out.


America was never and will never be, a theocracy.

America is a republic. Once God drives the communists - communism - islam and the rest of what doesn't belong here out she will be restored to her original values. I doubt she will ever be a superpower again but she will survive you guys. Definitely. - Jeremiah
we are alive during the time that the "historians" are going to completely re-write.

most people agree, Republican and Democrat, that Obama is nothing special, but that's not what history will say.

in the future, the big propaganda machine will go to work.
70 years from now, (if the planet is still here), someone will say "You know, i pay a lot of money for health care insurance, and i don't get very much in return. Some health care insurance CEO just became the first trillionare , ... who is the guy who passed this?"

...and that's when our big lie of a society springs into action.
they'll say "Do you know what it was like when people didn't have insurance?"
he'll say "No"
they'll say "why... , why..., why...if you didn't have insurance, you were placed in a gutter until you died! ...and if you had a pre-existing ailment , there was no way to buy insurance"

of course we all know that's BS, but none of us will be around to correct the "historians"

do you think this theory is crazy?
it's already happened before.
most Americans aren't aware that Abraham Lincoln was the most hated President in our history.
our "historians" completely re-wrote his legacy as a reward for giving so much power to the Federal Government.
he was despised by the South, hated by middle America, and the northern public wasn't too thrilled with him either.


That just about does it for me......You folks live in a Fox News bubble:



..............................ANNUAL INTEREST/NATIONAL DEBT................................

Total U S Debt

09/30/2009 $11,909,829,003,511.75(80% Of All Debt Across 232 Years Borrowed By Reagan And Bushes)

09/30/2008 $10,024,724,896,912.49(Times Square Debt Clock Modified To Accomodate Tens of Trillions)

09/30/2007 $9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 $8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 $7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 $7,379,052,696,330.32

09/30/2003 $6,783,231,062,743.62(Second Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2002 $6,228,235,965,597.16

09/30/2001 $5,807,463,412,200.06(First Bush Tax Cuts Enacted Using Reconciliation)

09/30/2000 $5,674,178,209,886.86(Administration And Congress Arguing About How To Use Surplus)

09/30/1999 $5,656,270,901,615.43(First Surplus Generated...On Track To Pay Off Debt By 2012)

09/30/1998 $5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 $5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 $5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 $4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 $4,692,749,910,013.32

09/30/1993 $4,411,488,883,139.38(Debt Quadrupled By Reagan/Bush41)

09/30/1992 $4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 $3,665,303,351,697.03
09/28/1990 $3,233,313,451,777.25
09/29/1989 $2,857,430,960,187.32
09/30/1988 $2,602,337,712,041.16
09/30/1987 $2,350,276,890,953.00
09/30/1986 $2,125,302,616,658.42
09/30/1985 $1,823,103,000,000.00
09/30/1984 $1,572,266,000,000.00
09/30/1983 $1,377,210,000,000.00

09/30/1982 $1,142,034,000,000.00(Total Debt Passes $1 Trillion)

09/30/1981 $997,855,000,000.00

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