You sign a petition to curb gay rights. Should your name be public?

...I typically am opposed to such issues all the way around especially when there is a threat of violence.

What threats of violence? These anecdotal cases must be vetted in a court of law before they get the weight needed to allow restrictong access to public information.

You are starting to sound like Cheney/FOX and friends whne it comes to keeping everything SECRET. Trust me, they say.

We demand proof in this country.

If I knew you personally, I'd kick your ass and if you are bigger than me, I'd find someone else to do it for me, for the Cheney comment. ;)

Proof has already been given, I think it was even earlier in this thread regarding the vandalism perpetrated upon Prop 8 supporters.

If you guys don't want to review the links, I can't help that.

Information is NOT given out. Some people have chosen, on their own, to make public reciords more widely accessable to the public .

Do you think threats warrant the sealing off of public access to public records,

The information on anti abortion sites is another issue. Anti abortion leaders have called murdering abortion providers both just and deserving. Name anyone who advocates such for Prop. 8 backers.

My concern is why?

Why are they posting those names? Is it to set up a "wanted" website?

That is where my problem with this lies.

It is clear to everyone except for maybe Shogun that the people who want to post names want to do so in order to intimidate those who oppose them. This can only lead to violence.

Your conclusion doesn't even follow your false premises.

What lies are on the website listing the signers info?

The signers signed a public petition to take away an already legal right. The neighbors, family members and friends and coworkers should know who these people are. How else would one try to convince/intimidate those who signed petitions that were pushed by people using deceit, deception and lies?

The proponents of Prop. 8 will be caught in their lies in court.

Intimidate? That is the entire issue here, we're talking about intimidation through violence and that does not belong in a free society.

Not that you asked me either but i've been watching and want to chime in.

I support the law and the law says those names are public. If people want to change the law and petition (irony) to do so I would support the new law if they got it changed. i dont care if my name is, or is not, kept secret on a petition.

As far as gay marriage I dont care. As long as no one passes a law forcing a church that is against gay marriage to marry gay people...that would be my only forseeable issue but I dont think that type of law would ever even get written.


Who put you up to this? r u reading from a script?

Makes too much sense. And the civility. My world view of USMB is being challenged....I'm melting...I'm melting....
I might be one of the biggest, if not the loudest chest thumpers on this issue. I've started a few threads and jumped in with arguments based on reason and facts. I've listed what the lawyers on BOTH sides are arguing and I've listed the opinions of opposing views by Justices.

and I have rarely hid behind anonymity on the web or elsewhere.

question: what side are you on regarding this issue and why?

i don't have one on the petition issue. if you're asking me about gay marriage, i don't care one way or the other.

The petition issue is simple. It has to do with access to public records. It's like asking about democracy and open government. You have an opinion. You just want it kept hidden. :lol:

Gay marriage is about civil rights.. I don't care about individual couples getting married or not...but equality and access to government benefits as well as societal ones are big must have an opinion.

if they're public records, then they should be accessible.

as you know, i've supported same sex marriage. i don't get what the big deal is and i find that getting involved in debates about it is like teaching a pig to whistle. it frustrates me and pisses off the pig.
In fact everyone in this thread that is for releasing these names should post their real full names and telephone numbers.

According to you there is nothing to fear, right?

So let's see 'em.
In fact everyone in this thread that is for releasing these names should post their real full names and telephone numbers.

According to you there is nothing to fear, right?

So let's see 'em.

first, forum participation doesn't potentially restrict your personal liberty.

second, no one is asking for petitioner's phone numbers. Way to lather on the mellowdrama
They have the same right as any of us to marry someone of the SAME RACE. or to remain single. Same as anyone else.

Again, your qualifiers are pretty fucking stupid given where this nation has been in the marriage authorization game. Maybe it's time that you let your version of cultural ****** enjoy whatever bus seat they choose to sit on, tex.

Don't edit my quotes dumbass, I say what I mean and who are you to change it?

Hey Ollie... You are a big pussy. And, I didn't even need to run crying like a little bitch to a mod to discover that!

If it is already legal to do this, then why is there even a question?

I agree with Pilgrim. Those who are opposed to allowing names to be posted in such a manner (me) would need to get the law changed in order to prevent.

I don't like the idea of posting these names, but, if the law says it is public info and there is a legitimate reason for blocking the posting, then change the law.

First, the signatures on the petition do nothing but get a item on the ballot...the voters change the law.

Second, it is your contention that there is no safety issue to releasing those OTHER peoples name.

So prove it.

Put your own real names out there...there is nothing to fear, right.

P.s.- The numbers are to validate your real name.
First, the signatures on the petition do nothing but get a item on the ballot...the voters change the law.

Second, it is your contention that there is no safety issue to releasing those OTHER peoples name.

So prove it.

Put your own real names out there...there is nothing to fear, right.

P.s.- The numbers are to validate your real name.

I tell you what... feel free to find my name on the next public petition I sign. That you seem to think there is an equivalence between an internet message board and a distinct step of our political process would be hilarious if it weren't so sad. I assure you, throwing down the gauntlet over posting names on USMB doesn't quite make the same statement that you think it does.


ps.. I HAVE posted my name on this forum before. Ask Jillian all about it on your way to the corner.
I expect to find a multitude of excuses why nobody in this thread needs to post their real names when I return.
I expect to find a multitude of excuses why nobody in this thread needs to post their real names when I return.

Or, much more likely, a multitude of giggles as we laugh at you for equating an internet message board with a step in our political process.
You sign a petition to curb gay rights. Should your name be public?

By curbing gay rights, do you mean a petition that proposes that homosexuals cannot own firearms or that they are guilty until proven innocent?

I think that your name should be made public...unless you are gay.
Again...petitions change nothing.

Only the will of the voters does.

um, petitions, in fact, make said ballot initiatives possible. Seriously, are you taking different meds today?

Ballet initiatives can do nothing without the will of the votes.

The voters made Prop 8 law, not the petitioners.



come ON.

did you think that prop 8 wasn't a petition that needed signatures BEFORE IT WAS ABLE TO BE VOTED ON?

All these people want to do is get the names so they can post them on the net. Now tell me for what purpose would they want to post these names? It is not for any good reasons. I say the law should protect those names.

Not ship at the businesses of bigots. You find something wrong with people not wanting to shop at places that are owned by people who want to prevent others from having the same rights as them?

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