You sign a petition to curb gay rights. Should your name be public?

By the way, due to a public information bill in Washington State where this started, all petitions are for public viewing. Only your vote is private, which is what is stated in the constituition.
Do I think they should publish their names on a website? no, but people could have petitioned to see the information anyways.

Freedom of Information Act comes to mind, I think.
Just what "rights" are faggots bitching about losing this time? Or is this just another BS story?

Go back to cleaning your rope you want to hang Obama with there Pale. Better yet, go and find the "real" birth certificate.
What is next? Demanding open voting so you can see whom voted for what? Same concept indeed.

You REALLY don't get it.

The way you vote - Matter of PRIVATE records.

Petitions which are PUBLIC are a matter of PUBLIC records.

God you are so obtuse.
you're not following the bouncing ball....

i never said the state didn't have the right to decide. i said, that if the issue is a "national" issue, then the constitution comes into play. as i said before, imo, petitions should be as private as votes. now, i understand the process is different, i am talking about the publishing of those petition signatures.

somehow i am not surprised that you keep avoiding the a key issue raised by avatar....................

what or why is the reason you want those petitions public? if not to intimidate, then why?

You want to change a long standing law because of this one incident. My goodness there Yurt, how Democrat of you. :eusa_whistle:

Fact: Petitions are public, not as private as votes. Petitions are public for good reason in many cases.

They wanted to publish them on the internet, that's what they're trying to do. I can already go down there and find out who signed on what.

And I already answered why many would want to know who signed the petition.
Waiting for DogBert to come across one of my posts :lol:

My name Is Robert Paulson

No, but they can print your phone number and address with directions to your house. I don't think they'll be visiting to tell you you are wrong.

Find Your Neighborhood Prop 8 Supporters

Find Your Neighborhood Prop 8 Supporters / Queerty

It's bullshit. How about if we map out directions to pro-choice supporters or any old gay person? It's wrong, and anyone who supports it is inviting violence.

Irrelevant. You are saying that the rarity is the norm. That's saying everyone going to vote is going to commit voting fraud.

You can easily release a petition with just the names and the other information censored.

Also, mind telling me where a Gay person has killed someone for being against Gay Marriage in California? I'll wait for one case. But in the meantime, I think I'll live 80 years and be dead by the time you do. But do find one, amuse me.
eat shit, motherfucker. MAKE me stop editing your posts. Especially when such illustrates the sever retardation of your selective qualifiers in relation to the exact same argument once used to keep blacks from hooking up with white women.

enjoy feeling powerless, fuck bunny.

Oh ho ho ho, the irony! You're making him feel as powerless as the Homosexuals do when voters in their states either take away their equal rights or deny them equal rights. :popcorn:
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Well you just helped me form an answer to wry...i'm still thinking of my position but the retailiation/blacklisting type of stuff is pushing me toward wanting the USSC to judge that names on a petition are private and not to be released publicly.

On any petition too, i'm not thinking about gay rights only. What if you sign a petition to institute a water ban in your town, it passes, your neighbor is angry about it and finds out you signed the petition, then murders you over it. I know I know thats highly unlikely but way stranger stuff has happened.

This is all irrelevant Pilgrim. Petitions are and have been a matter of public record. If I lived in your town and you signed a petition, I could easily find that information out as far as I know.

You can just as easily give a name only. No need for address, phone number, etc. People aren't being mass murdered in the streets yet, so I say the system is working out pretty well.
i live in massachusetts.

i stopped caring about gay marriage a long, long time ago.

And as it turns out, the Gays did not take over your state and turn it into some massive Gay orgy. In fact, you guys are going to be voting in a Republican for the first time in over thirty years tomorrow. :lol:
In fact everyone in this thread that is for releasing these names should post their real full names and telephone numbers.

According to you there is nothing to fear, right?

So let's see 'em.

Missourian, you're making something out of a public law already in place for a long time. Why, I have no idea.
First, the signatures on the petition do nothing but get a item on the ballot...the voters change the law.

Second, it is your contention that there is no safety issue to releasing those OTHER peoples name.

So prove it.

Put your own real names out there...there is nothing to fear, right.

P.s.- The numbers are to validate your real name.

If signatures on a petition get a item on the ballot, then it doesn't do nothing and is highly important in the process.

You do in fact realize that you want to change the current long standing law correct?
I wonder if those oppose this information being made public are also okay with the names of lobbyists being secret?

Because there really is no difference.
I wonder if those oppose this information being made public are also okay with the names of lobbyists being secret?

Because there really is no difference.

I have no problem with lobbyists being named. Lets see the list.
um, petitions, in fact, make said ballot initiatives possible. Seriously, are you taking different meds today?

Ballet initiatives can do nothing without the will of the votes.

The voters made Prop 8 law, not the petitioners.



come ON.

did you think that prop 8 wasn't a petition that needed signatures BEFORE IT WAS ABLE TO BE VOTED ON?


Yeeeeesssss I understand the process.

Your claim was you didn't "curb anyones rights" therefore y'all needent post your your real names.

Setting aside the argument of rights or non-rights, the petitions no more "curbed rights" than you did.

They let the voters decide and the VOTERS decided.
Alright, well I've gone through this thread.

Conclusion: Many people seem ill-informed on the topic and are debating to change something already in place in most states. There are plenty of innocent reasons to have the names of those on the petitions out. So you can avoid shopping at places owned by these people for example.

People have a tendency to flock to the worst, but in reality not one person in California or anywhere as far as I know have been killed for being against Gays. Look at the list of assholes out there who constantly say Gays should be killed and yet the Gays do not kill them. Pat Robertson and Fred Phelps come to mind.

However, Gay people constantly risk their own lives by putting themselves out there. Matthew Shepard comes to mind. I recently watched the movie Milk, and even in California in the 70's, bigotry was rampant.

It is alright to be against Gay Marriage if it against your religion. Honestly, I'm a Christian but I'm not against Gay Marriage. However, if you are against the idea of civil unions for everybody in the legal system and equal rights for everybody THEN you are a bigot.

I don't mean to call people who are against something because of their religion because marriage is in fact a religious ceremony. However, if you want to deny equal rights to others, then there is no excuse. Injustice is the poison of society that seeps and waiting for the perfect moments. One of these moments being now.

On these days of all days, we must remember the words of MLK Jr.

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

And finally:

"We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."

your vote is private and a petition is a process in voting. privacy in voting is fundamental.

No, a petition is not a process in voting...and if I sign a petition for gay marriage, my signature is public. But then again, I'm not a coward.

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