You Taught The GOP A Lesson: You Want Higher Taxes So They Will Grant Your Wish

They like paying for needed services, ya reckon? Maybe a tax hike so guvmint can provide clean drinking water is better than lettin folks buy their own?

Yep. It's got Libertarian written all over it.

There is a big gap between creating and running a water system used by a municipality, and raising taxes on people to allow other people to live on the dole.

Its amazing the aristotilian logic employed by alot of the progressives on this board.
why does the conservative right assume that everyone who is not rich is on the dole? there any plenty of american who fall into the category of not having to pay federal income tax since they make too little. many of these people are hard working individuals or families who simply dont make enough money to fall outside their deductions. does this make them leeches? what about the elderly? what about disabled vets? what about the family of 4 living on a single income of $50k? it irritating to see the such generalization be made of half the people in the US. a college student making $25,000 a year and working his or her way through school pays no income tax. are they a leech? a teaching making a starting salary of $35,000 will pay no income tax. does that make them a leech?

do any of these people sit on their asses all day and get free money from the government? please explain this to everyone for me.

Let me try to explain this to you. The problem with people not paying federal income taxes when others pay the lions share of it is that it creates the illusion that all of these benefits we get from said taxation are "free", and there is no consequence to just keep raising taxes on someone else. Sooner or later you get to the point where you cant squeeze anymore out of those people paying for the rest of the nation.

Everyone should have some part of paying for the government, even if it is only 1-2% of thier income. Also, once proper rates are determined, the law should be written that they scale with each other, so that one group of citizens cannot use the power of the mob to raise taxes on others. There is an inherent unfairness in being able to plunder someone elses earnings via government fiat.

Progressives would be far more honorable taking up arms and taking money from the wealthy at gunpoint, instead of using the governments guns.
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

Oh, so the GOP is our saviors now.

I don't think they have much of a choice in the matter.

The tax-cuts expire Jan 1.

I don't see Obama or the Democrats bringing a plan to the they want the GOP to do everything.

And if the GOP doesn't have a partner in this nothing gets done and the rates go up automatically.

I figure the GOP could just adjourn and go home and let the Democrats deal with the mess they made in Washington. If they give in they're screwed. So I guess the best thing to do is learn their lesson and let em go up on everyone and see what happens.

Actually, if the Republicans don't try to fix this problem, they are the ones who are screwed.

The people WILL blame them.
If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

Oh, so the GOP is our saviors now.

I don't think they have much of a choice in the matter.

The tax-cuts expire Jan 1.

I don't see Obama or the Democrats bringing a plan to the they want the GOP to do everything.

And if the GOP doesn't have a partner in this nothing gets done and the rates go up automatically.

I figure the GOP could just adjourn and go home and let the Democrats deal with the mess they made in Washington. If they give in they're screwed. So I guess the best thing to do is learn their lesson and let em go up on everyone and see what happens.

Actually, if the Republicans don't try to fix this problem, they are the ones who are screwed.

The people WILL blame them.

It's too late to fix it.

At this writing the White House wants the Debt-Ceiling removed.

After hearing that I'd just pack up and leave. This is going nowhere.
They like paying for needed services, ya reckon? Maybe a tax hike so guvmint can provide clean drinking water is better than lettin folks buy their own?

Yep. It's got Libertarian written all over it.

There is a big gap between creating and running a water system used by a municipality, and raising taxes on people to allow other people to live on the dole.

Its amazing the aristotilian logic employed by alot of the progressives on this board.
why does the conservative right assume that everyone who is not rich is on the dole? ...

Approximately the same reason the liberal left assumes everyone who is rich is crooked. Doesn't make much sense in either case, but partisan politics rarely does in terms of policy.
There is a big gap between creating and running a water system used by a municipality, and raising taxes on people to allow other people to live on the dole.

Its amazing the aristotilian logic employed by alot of the progressives on this board.
why does the conservative right assume that everyone who is not rich is on the dole? there any plenty of american who fall into the category of not having to pay federal income tax since they make too little. many of these people are hard working individuals or families who simply dont make enough money to fall outside their deductions. does this make them leeches? what about the elderly? what about disabled vets? what about the family of 4 living on a single income of $50k? it irritating to see the such generalization be made of half the people in the US. a college student making $25,000 a year and working his or her way through school pays no income tax. are they a leech? a teaching making a starting salary of $35,000 will pay no income tax. does that make them a leech?

do any of these people sit on their asses all day and get free money from the government? please explain this to everyone for me.

Let me try to explain this to you. The problem with people not paying federal income taxes when others pay the lions share of it is that it creates the illusion that all of these benefits we get from said taxation are "free", and there is no consequence to just keep raising taxes on someone else. Sooner or later you get to the point where you cant squeeze anymore out of those people paying for the rest of the nation.

Everyone should have some part of paying for the government, even if it is only 1-2% of thier income. Also, once proper rates are determined, the law should be written that they scale with each other, so that one group of citizens cannot use the power of the mob to raise taxes on others. There is an inherent unfairness in being able to plunder someone elses earnings via government fiat.

Progressives would be far more honorable taking up arms and taking money from the wealthy at gunpoint, instead of using the governments guns.
just because individuals do not pay federal income tax, doesnt mean they dont pay SSDI, medicare, or payroll tax. this means that they do have "skin in the game"

the reason these individuals dont pay federal income tax is actually due to the GOP policies of lowering tax liability for low income earners as well as increasing the standard deduction. for 2012 the standard deduction is near $5750.

lets look at the states where people pay no federal income tax come from. the top 10 highest states are actually of historically GOP controlled:


imagine the backlash the GOP would actually have in these states?
why does the conservative right assume that everyone who is not rich is on the dole? there any plenty of american who fall into the category of not having to pay federal income tax since they make too little. many of these people are hard working individuals or families who simply dont make enough money to fall outside their deductions. does this make them leeches? what about the elderly? what about disabled vets? what about the family of 4 living on a single income of $50k? it irritating to see the such generalization be made of half the people in the US. a college student making $25,000 a year and working his or her way through school pays no income tax. are they a leech? a teaching making a starting salary of $35,000 will pay no income tax. does that make them a leech?

do any of these people sit on their asses all day and get free money from the government? please explain this to everyone for me.

Let me try to explain this to you. The problem with people not paying federal income taxes when others pay the lions share of it is that it creates the illusion that all of these benefits we get from said taxation are "free", and there is no consequence to just keep raising taxes on someone else. Sooner or later you get to the point where you cant squeeze anymore out of those people paying for the rest of the nation.

Everyone should have some part of paying for the government, even if it is only 1-2% of thier income. Also, once proper rates are determined, the law should be written that they scale with each other, so that one group of citizens cannot use the power of the mob to raise taxes on others. There is an inherent unfairness in being able to plunder someone elses earnings via government fiat.

Progressives would be far more honorable taking up arms and taking money from the wealthy at gunpoint, instead of using the governments guns.
just because individuals do not pay federal income tax, doesnt mean they dont pay SSDI, medicare, or payroll tax. this means that they do have "skin in the game"

the reason these individuals dont pay federal income tax is actually due to the GOP policies of lowering tax liability for low income earners as well as increasing the standard deduction. for 2012 the standard deduction is near $5750.

lets look at the states where people pay no federal income tax come from. the top 10 highest states are actually of historically GOP controlled:


imagine the backlash the GOP would actually have in these states?

Most of the states in red have very low standard of living costs. In other words.....incomes are lower because household expenses are lover.
why does the conservative right assume that everyone who is not rich is on the dole? there any plenty of american who fall into the category of not having to pay federal income tax since they make too little. many of these people are hard working individuals or families who simply dont make enough money to fall outside their deductions. does this make them leeches? what about the elderly? what about disabled vets? what about the family of 4 living on a single income of $50k? it irritating to see the such generalization be made of half the people in the US. a college student making $25,000 a year and working his or her way through school pays no income tax. are they a leech? a teaching making a starting salary of $35,000 will pay no income tax. does that make them a leech?

do any of these people sit on their asses all day and get free money from the government? please explain this to everyone for me.

Let me try to explain this to you. The problem with people not paying federal income taxes when others pay the lions share of it is that it creates the illusion that all of these benefits we get from said taxation are "free", and there is no consequence to just keep raising taxes on someone else. Sooner or later you get to the point where you cant squeeze anymore out of those people paying for the rest of the nation.

Everyone should have some part of paying for the government, even if it is only 1-2% of thier income. Also, once proper rates are determined, the law should be written that they scale with each other, so that one group of citizens cannot use the power of the mob to raise taxes on others. There is an inherent unfairness in being able to plunder someone elses earnings via government fiat.

Progressives would be far more honorable taking up arms and taking money from the wealthy at gunpoint, instead of using the governments guns.
just because individuals do not pay federal income tax, doesnt mean they dont pay SSDI, medicare, or payroll tax. this means that they do have "skin in the game"

the reason these individuals dont pay federal income tax is actually due to the GOP policies of lowering tax liability for low income earners as well as increasing the standard deduction. for 2012 the standard deduction is near $5750.

lets look at the states where people pay no federal income tax come from. the top 10 highest states are actually of historically GOP controlled:


imagine the backlash the GOP would actually have in these states?

Well there is going to be a backlash anyway, so it might as well happen now. It will happen when states start defaulting and the feds have no money left to bail them out, it will happen when the younger generations realize they are going to have to pay back the loans of thier parents and grandparents, and it will happen when they see a $80B tax increase on the wealthy does jack shit for the economy or the deficit.
Of course obama is pulling the wool over his sheep's eyes, they say, yeah tax them rich people..Like that will DO ANYTHING to tackle the problems he has now HELP CREATE

The top 10% have 90% of the wealth. I find it hard to believe that raising taxes on them won't solve our problems.

When the rich paid their fair share, we had balanced budgets.

It wont solve any problems. 800 billion over 10 years? :lmao:

We haven't had a balanced budget for decades. Borrowing money to create a surplus doesn't count either.

Conservatives complain about fucking MILLIONS here and there for programs helping poor and elderly as essential things that need cutting, and suddenly 800 billion is nothing?
The top 10% have 90% of the wealth. I find it hard to believe that raising taxes on them won't solve our problems.

When the rich paid their fair share, we had balanced budgets.

It wont solve any problems. 800 billion over 10 years? :lmao:

We haven't had a balanced budget for decades. Borrowing money to create a surplus doesn't count either.

Conservatives complain about fucking MILLIONS here and there for programs helping poor and elderly as essential things that need cutting, and suddenly 800 billion is nothing?

800 billion OVER 10 YEARS. If we keep up our deficit spending at the current rate over 10 years we will be another 13 TRILLION in the hole.

To raise 1.3 trillion in revenue yearly would require tax increases across the board to rates so staggering even card carrying socialists would balk at them.

So we talk about spending, yes in small amounts, but this type of crap is being paid for with borrowed money, so its a double dip.
It wont solve any problems. 800 billion over 10 years? :lmao:

We haven't had a balanced budget for decades. Borrowing money to create a surplus doesn't count either.

Conservatives complain about fucking MILLIONS here and there for programs helping poor and elderly as essential things that need cutting, and suddenly 800 billion is nothing?

800 billion OVER 10 YEARS. If we keep up our deficit spending at the current rate over 10 years we will be another 13 TRILLION in the hole.

To raise 1.3 trillion in revenue yearly would require tax increases across the board to rates so staggering even card carrying socialists would balk at them.

So we talk about spending, yes in small amounts, but this type of crap is being paid for with borrowed money, so its a double dip.

It's 80 billion a year, so we shouldn't do it?
Be proud of what you did. You taught the GOP that you don't want low taxes. You don't care if the Democrats raise your taxes and spend it faster than they can steal it from you. So I figure they're out to give you what you wanted.

How does it feel to teach those Republicans a lesson?

If you really think the GOP is going to be stupid enough to raise taxes on the middle class because the rich will be finally paying their fair share, you're delusional.

We've been through this before you envious little man. The wealthy pay WAY MORE THAN THEIR 'FAIR SHARE'. If you really want them to pay their fair share, we would need to drop taxes by about 25% for them. The people not paying their fair share are parasites like you.

CBO Report Confirms Rich Already Pay Their "Fair Share"
just because individuals do not pay federal income tax, doesnt mean they dont pay SSDI, medicare, or payroll tax. this means that they do have "skin in the game"

the reason these individuals dont pay federal income tax is actually due to the GOP policies of lowering tax liability for low income earners as well as increasing the standard deduction. for 2012 the standard deduction is near $5750.

lets look at the states where people pay no federal income tax come from. the top 10 highest states are actually of historically GOP controlled:


imagine the backlash the GOP would actually have in these states?

In other words, the GOP has been the party working hardest to help out the folks on the lower rungs of the income ladder. How does that fact fit in with the Democrat's talking points, anyway?
Conservatives complain about fucking MILLIONS here and there for programs helping poor and elderly as essential things that need cutting, and suddenly 800 billion is nothing?

800 billion OVER 10 YEARS. If we keep up our deficit spending at the current rate over 10 years we will be another 13 TRILLION in the hole.

To raise 1.3 trillion in revenue yearly would require tax increases across the board to rates so staggering even card carrying socialists would balk at them.

So we talk about spending, yes in small amounts, but this type of crap is being paid for with borrowed money, so its a double dip.

It's 80 billion a year, so we shouldn't do it?

because thats all they want to do, and all it does is feed the government even more, when it is already bloated beyond anything it was expected to be.

Raising taxes on the wealthy is just bread and circuses for the masses.
I want all the wealthy to pay their fair share, thanks. Because the country works better when they do.

Actually, the country works better when we have constitutional government. Sadly though, parasites like you have created an uncontrollable monstrosity which spends beyond all comprehension.

Here's the funniest part about moron's like you: you're so profoundly stupid, you actually believe that if we raise taxes, the government won't raise spending. For 200 years, the federal government has spent more than they've taken in, regardless of tax rates. You could raise tax rates to 100% and then the government would be flooded with costs for food stamps (since no one would have any money for food), healthcare, etc. causing the spending to skyrocket right along with the new revenue stream. The fact that you can't understand this basic, fundamental reality speaks to you limited IQ (and explains why you're the communist parasite you are).
It wont solve any problems. 800 billion over 10 years? :lmao:

We haven't had a balanced budget for decades. Borrowing money to create a surplus doesn't count either.

Conservatives complain about fucking MILLIONS here and there for programs helping poor and elderly as essential things that need cutting, and suddenly 800 billion is nothing?

800 billion OVER 10 YEARS. If we keep up our deficit spending at the current rate over 10 years we will be another 13 TRILLION in the hole.

To raise 1.3 trillion in revenue yearly would require tax increases across the board to rates so staggering even card carrying socialists would balk at them.

So we talk about spending, yes in small amounts, but this type of crap is being paid for with borrowed money, so its a double dip.

Obama wants $1,600,000,000,000,000.00 in tax increases and he wants to be able to raise the debt ceiling on his own with no interference from Congress.

$1.6 trillion in new taxes.

So who do you think Obama wants to raise taxes on?

Fiscal Cliff 2012 - US Business News

Then the White House Spokesman repeated the lie:

"There can be no deal without rates on top earners going up."

"This should not be news to anyone on Capitol Hill. It is certainly not news to anyone in America who was not in a coma during the campaign season."

The problem is the numbers don't add up. Somebody other than the rich has to pony up to reach this amount of revenue.

This has become a common occurrence with the Obama Administration. This is why none of his budgets have ever been passed. This will assure that there will be no accountability for spending and will assure that we go off the fiscal cliff.

So, Obama lied during the debates when he said we wouldn't go off the cliff and sequestration would never go into effect. It also means Obama plans to blame it all on the Republicans.
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