You think Cuomo is going to survive this ??

He is now a liability the Party and will be taken down. They will install the DA Leticia James. For his service to the Party, he will not be prosecuted for killing all those people in the nursing homes.
You think Cuomo is going to survive this ??

Absolutely he will. Note that barely anyone in the Democrat party is using the i word. They will jump up and down and scream and claim me to cred. Then it will go totally silent. And then it will be gone.

Just like the tornado that went through my neighborhood in high school.

There are two standards, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. I'll believe they are going to impeach and convict him when I see it
Nah even the left recognizes he's a loser and is savaging him.

He's finished

Do we endlessly hear the word resign? Yes, all the time.

Do we ever hear the word impeachment? Rarely.

Don't wake up for as long as you can since you're having a pleasant dream. Reality isn't so fair
He is now a liability the Party and will be taken down. They will install the DA Leticia James. For his service to the Party, he will not be prosecuted for killing all those people in the nursing homes.

Hard to prosecute him for following the CDC's advice at the time.

Point was, the only "controversy" here was that NY was counting people who caught Covid at a Nursing Home and died at a hosptial as a "hospital" death rather than a "nursing home death".

This is really a nothingburger.
Absolutely he will. Note that barely anyone in the Democrat party is using the i word. They will jump up and down and scream and claim me to cred. Then it will go totally silent. And then it will be gone.

Just like the tornado that went through my neighborhood in high school.

There are two standards, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. I'll believe they are going to impeach and convict him when I see it

You know, you might be on to something. There are two standards here.

Clarence Thomas- Still appointed
Kavanaugh - Still Appointed
Trump - Brags about grabbing pussy, still voted for by the Party of Family Values
Matt Gaetz - banging teenage girls, still there.
Dennis Hastert - Paying off little boys he molested as a coach.
Mark Sanford - finished his term
David Vitter - Didn't resign after he was found to be in the address book of a DC Madam

Meanwhile- Democrats
Al Franken- Forced to resign
John Conyers - forced to resign
Eric Schinderman - forced to resign
Katie Hill - forced to resign
David Wu - forced to resign

So you are quite right, there are two standards here...

Now, I would be remiss if I didn't point out there are exceptions. Bob Packwood was forced to resign while Bill Clinton surived Ken Starr's 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation. But when it comes to sexual scandals, the Democrats are a lot better at holding their own accountable than Republicans.

Hard to prosecute him for following the CDC's advice at the time.

Point was, the only "controversy" here was that NY was counting people who caught Covid at a Nursing Home and died at a hosptial as a "hospital" death rather than a "nursing home death".

This is really a nothingburger.

He's under fire for sexual abuse you idiot
his not going to survive this. Largely because the leftist power that be want him out. Cuomo is a weak link, and can likely directly connect the dnc to the fact he fudged covid numbers and it’s coverup in order to hurt trump.

this will help discredit him
Gfy limp wristed girly ..,err , "man".

That's questionable

Leave it to you to defend a sexual predator like Cumhole. .... It's so leftist

Now sit down

FatIrishSow, I get a little tired of Democrats shooting their own hoping Republicans will act decently.

You guys give sexual predators lifetime appointments to SCOTUS but expect our side to have anyone resign over a game of grabass with a stripper. It's really time for us to stop falling for it.
^^^ more proof the left are dishonest lying filthy scumbags who twist and spin.

There's nothing to twist or spin, buddy. The combination of Trump's trade policies and his covid policies were an economic disaster that lead to a massive recession.... not to mention the riots and the all the plague deaths.

A great American PResident said, "The Buck Stops Here". With Donald Trump, the buck never seems to get close.
Because he is a leftist , I think he may .
He is using the “ Bill Clinton “ tactics of waiting it out

The demon has sexually groped many females but his real crime is the death of most elderly New Yorkers
I think “pizza Pasta “ will escape again
I don't think so, he should resign right now, otherwise it's going to get real nasty for him. The wheels are already in motion, this train isn't going to stop until he's finished.
Because he is a leftist , I think he may .
He is using the “ Bill Clinton “ tactics of waiting it out

The demon has sexually groped many females but his real crime is the death of most elderly New Yorkers
I think “pizza Pasta “ will escape again
Now, had he voiced a fantasy about grabbing a pussy but not actually doing it, then the Democrats may lose their shit.
His brother on CNN is another complete psycho

Too bad both are not sleeping with the fishes
There seems to be no one who will formally accuse him...

I find this all bit hard to take... People run to the media before going to the police... Why don't people report to the police or sue in civil court?
Get sworn testimonies from everyone first...
Actually this is how it works in other countries... Generally the media don't go really near you until you have given a sworn statement (they have serious libel laws that punish spreading false information on people).

It also stops counter suing.... Since the victim has given a sworn statement, it is harder to sue them for saying it on TV...

Aide who says Cuomo groped her files criminal complaint

Because he is a leftist , I think he may .
He is using the “ Bill Clinton “ tactics of waiting it out

The demon has sexually groped many females but his real crime is the death of most elderly New Yorkers
I think “pizza Pasta “ will escape again
He's not GOP.
Democrats are dropping him and calling for resignation.
If he survives impeachment his career is done.


He should resign.
the evidence is in.
President Trump is out of office.

But if Trump was guilty of such a high crime, he would have been impeached for it and literally crucified by the media for it as well.

BTW, this thread is about Fredo, not the Trumpster.
Impeachment is not a trial... It is a political process... How fucking dumb are you?

I was just comparing the evidence against Cuomo is as damning as the evidence against Trump...

Difference is that Democrats are going to force Cuomo to resign or fire him... The evidence is that damning...

What did Republicans do when the same evidence was presented about Trump?

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