You think Cuomo is going to survive this ??

Impeachment is not a trial... It is a political process... How fucking dumb are you?

I was just comparing the evidence against Cuomo is as damning as the evidence against Trump...

Difference is that Democrats are going to force Cuomo to resign or fire him... The evidence is that damning...

What did Republicans do when the same evidence was presented about Trump?

That's just not true at all, Cowboy.

Ralph Northam got a pass even when picture emerged showing him in blackface and wearing a Triple K uniform. Still in office.

Just like Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, still in the Democrat caucus in the Senate after his membership in White Supremacist organizations was discovered.

Fredo is still in office, we'll see if he gets kicked out by the D's. I hear a lot of talking but I don't see any walking.
That's just not true at all, Cowboy.

Ralph Northam got a pass even when picture emerged showing him in blackface and wearing a Triple K uniform. Still in office.

Well, here's the problem. It was never clear that he was the guy in blackface or the guy in the robes. He couldn't have been both because there were two people in that picture. It's very possible he could have been neither. Not that we should hold anything someone did in college against them.

Just like Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, still in the Democrat caucus in the Senate after his membership in White Supremacist organizations was discovered.
he belonged to an all-white beach club. Seriously, this is the best you got.

Fredo is still in office, we'll see if he gets kicked out by the D's. I hear a lot of talking but I don't see any walking.

He'll probably be impeached, because as LBJ said, the difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.
On that premise it is the Obama Economy..
Stop LYING Christ the left and their lies it's becoming pathetic. :eusa_hand: We can point to pro business Trump policies, legislation and decisions that assisted the economy. You assholes can't do the same for Obama and Biden. There I bitch slapped you into next week fool.
On previous election days, Cuomo loved the voting vaginas that voted him into office. Now those voting vaginas are demanding he resign. Oh, the irony.
Well, here's the problem. It was never clear that he was the guy in blackface or the guy in the robes. He couldn't have been both because there were two people in that picture. It's very possible he could have been neither. Not that we should hold anything someone did in college against them.

he belonged to an all-white beach club. Seriously, this is the best you got.

He'll probably be impeached, because as LBJ said, the difference between liberals and cannibals is cannibals don't eat their friends.

If you don't have any problem with a White Supremacist beach club, that's your own affair.

But pardon me if I'm offended by them.
That's just not true at all, Cowboy.

Ralph Northam got a pass even when picture emerged showing him in blackface and wearing a Triple K uniform. Still in office.

Just like Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, still in the Democrat caucus in the Senate after his membership in White Supremacist organizations was discovered.

Fredo is still in office, we'll see if he gets kicked out by the D's. I hear a lot of talking but I don't see any walking.
Ralph Northam was about a picture taken 35 years previously... It wasn't murder or rape....

Sheldon Whitehouse, White Supremacist, get real... Show it is a White Supremacist Org...

Well if they act like Republicans they will hold him a rally and invade the state house... Democrats criticised him heavily and called on him to resign...

Where is the same response when women came forward about Trump/
Because he is a leftist , I think he may .
He is using the “ Bill Clinton “ tactics of waiting it out

The demon has sexually groped many females but his real crime is the death of most elderly New Yorkers
I think “pizza Pasta “ will escape again

'Survive' mean like 'LIVE'?

If there is any justice he would get the death penalty gor committing several thousand cou to of murder - declaring tbeelderly are the most likely to die from the virus then order virus-infected people be packed into nursing homes ... then intentionally misreporting the # of dead to the federal govt because he knew how much trouble he would be in.

There are currently no less than 3 investigations of Cuomo crimes - 1 still by the NY AG, 1 by the FBI (joke), & 1 by a NY prosecutor (despite the NY AG already having done all the work for him).

- Where us the 4am raid by full armored / armed forces being trailed by a full CNN film crew that just happened to be in the neighborhood?

The NY AG publicly declared she has theevidence to prove Cuomo violated both State and Federal laws.

The President of the US has called for him to step down.

The VP has called on him to step down.

The Speaker of the House and Leader of the Senate have called on him to step down.

AOC called for him to step down.

The Mayor of NY called for him to resign.

There are at least 50 NY state politicians ready to vote to Impeachment.

The SOB has enough valid charges that can be filed against him to warrant several life sentences in prison, if not the death penalty....

...and he won't spend 1 day in prison.

'White, Elitist, multi-Millionaire, Liberal, Marxist Democrat Privilege'

Because he is a leftist , I think he may .
He is using the “ Bill Clinton “ tactics of waiting it out

The demon has sexually groped many females but his real crime is the death of most elderly New Yorkers
I think “pizza Pasta “ will escape again

Groping women is child's play when it comes to Demonicracks. Fuck look who they supported for POTUS, he has a long history of groping children he's just met, on video. My guess is he survives it. Remember early COVID Cuomo was the left's favorite flavor? Well he's Demonicrat, so he can be once again.

Leftists are only calling for his resignation for appearances, that can change and if Cuomo plays his cards right, agree, he can out last them and once again be who he is, a Democrat.
Because he is a leftist , I think he may .
He is using the “ Bill Clinton “ tactics of waiting it out

The demon has sexually groped many females but his real crime is the death of most elderly New Yorkers
I think “pizza Pasta “ will escape again

Cuomo was in no way responsible for the deaths of anyone in nursing homes. Both Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis have much higher nursing home death rates that Cuomo - even with the adjusted figures.

Cuomo has an average number of nursing home deaths - about 36% of cases. But given that New York got hit first, had no PPE, and no idea how to treat the virus, the record is quite remarkable, no matter how hard Republican have tried to flog this dead horse, the facts simply do not back up any assertions that Cuomo's policies killed any nursing home residents.

But he will definitely swing for his abuse of women. And deservedly so.
There seems to be no one who will formally accuse him...

I find this all bit hard to take... People run to the media before going to the police... Why don't people report to the police or sue in civil court?
Get sworn testimonies from everyone first...
Actually this is how it works in other countries... Generally the media don't go really near you until you have given a sworn statement (they have serious libel laws that punish spreading false information on people).

It also stops counter suing.... Since the victim has given a sworn statement, it is harder to sue them for saying it on TV...

Why don't people report him? Because it's not worth your life and career to file a report that says the Governor told you he likes your boobs. And quite frankly, since the same thing happens every day when a woman walks down the street, and getting groped on public transit is no longer ever mentioned because it's gonna happen, why would you?

You gotta be tougher than that to be an attractive young woman today. It was almost a relief to age out of that daily bullshit and harassment, but I see it wearing on my daughter too. She won't take public transit anymore because of it.

If the guy is rich enough, powerful enough, or if he brings in enough money, he will be protected, because the woman isn't any of those things. I know of a top stock broker who raped the receptionist, and after talking her out of filing charges, the company fired her, and kept him. He was giving them a $1 million a year in commissions. She was answered the phones.
Why don't people report him? Because it's not worth your life and career to file a report that says the Governor told you he likes your boobs. And quite frankly, since the same thing happens every day when a woman walks down the street, and getting groped on public transit is no longer ever mentioned because it's gonna happen, why would you?

You gotta be tougher than that to be an attractive young woman today. It was almost a relief to age out of that daily bullshit and harassment, but I see it wearing on my daughter too. She won't take public transit anymore because of it.

If the guy is rich enough, powerful enough, or if he brings in enough money, he will be protected, because the woman isn't any of those things. I know of a top stock broker who raped the receptionist, and after talking her out of filing charges, the company fired her, and kept him. He was giving them a $1 million a year in commissions. She was answered the phones.
Fair comment on everything said there....
That is a down right lie !!
He is 100 percent responsible for the deaths of 15,000
As far as Texas ?? I have no clue what you’re taking about

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