You think Cuomo is going to survive this ??

That is a down right lie !!
He is 100 percent responsible for the deaths of 15,000
As far as Texas ?? I have no clue what you’re taking about

Sorry... But can you explain this:


So how about a bit of consistency.... Can you be horrified all the states above New York....

A lot of those states had much more time to prepare... Florida has a rate 3 times New York...


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Cuomo has the right to a defence... He stated he wants his day in court...

I think he should step down (rather than be pushed), let Kathy Hochul take over for the rest of the term... Go to court and defend yourself...

Is he guilty? Let the courts find that out, media trials can be a bit suspect...

If they hurry things along the trial and verdict will be in in 5 months..

Then if he thinks he has any chance of a political future, let him run, the voters will decide..

As to answering the OP Question... NO, I think he is goosed..
Is he guilty? Selling out his office, sexual predatorship, and purposely killing off old people with covid---yes--very GUILTY.
Sorry... But can you explain this:

View attachment 523232

So how about a bit of consistency.... Can you be horrified all the states above New York....

A lot of those states had much more time to prepare... Florida has a rate 3 times New York...
Florida has all the New yorkers here---they are assholes, you can't miss them. We flooded with New yorkers, New Jersey, Mass., and NH in my area...they are obnoxious assholes. Bad enough when we were getting the old but we got young ones now too and they are worse.
The pizza pasta pirate decided to stack elderly in the nursing home without checking the population for the virus
This meatball monster should get the death penalty
A complete fettuccine fascist he is
Governor Cuomo will not survive this. His own party is calling for his resignation and he cannot blame the GOP for his hubristic behavior.
If you don't have any problem with a White Supremacist beach club, that's your own affair.

But pardon me if I'm offended by them.

You're problem is they probably don't let Poles join, either. Somehow, I doubt you are welcoming black folks into wherever you live, Stosh.
Probabaly the media will quickly want to move on from this story as it reminds everyone how much they spent much of the last year fawning over Cuomo and kissing his ass much like they did with Avenatti before him.
That is a down right lie !!
He is 100 percent responsible for the deaths of 15,000
As far as Texas ?? I have no clue what you’re taking about

Repeating the lie that Cuomo killed people in nursing homes won’t make it true.

Cuomo under-reported the number of nursing home residents who died by not reporting nursing home residents who died in hospital as “nursing home deaths”. But he didn’t kill anyone.

The same cannot be said about Donald Trump.

Cuomo sent non-infectious people back to nursing homes in accordance with CDC recommendations. There is no evidence anywhere that this resulted in anyone dying, despite what FOX News and Rupert Murdoch tells you.

New York had a much lower rate of nursing home deaths than either Texas or Florida.

Trump is the guy who sold all the American supplies of PPE to China in January. He even changed tariff and trade rules to allow American corporations to profit from China’s pandemic.
Both Cuomos are complete evil psychopaths

Gawd but you people are hopelessly brainwashed. Democrats are not evil, nor are they covering up murder.

There is no lie the Republican Party won't tell their idiot supporters, that you clowns won't believe. They told you Democrats are lizard people who drink the blood of dead babies, and you bought it, hook, line and sinker.
Without T , Demon lady , you would have tens of millions of more body bags .
Yes demon lady !! Cuomo has killed more than Mussolini
The lasagna lunatic belongs in federal prison
No part of New York State voted for Trump. They know who he is there. A lying conman.

Actually you are dead wrong. 44 out of New York's 57 counties voted for Donald J. Trump.

Only a handful of mostly Shithole counties went for Sleepy Joe.

Cuomo accuser details grope attack inside executive mansion in first interview since going to the police

Cuomo accuser details grope attack inside executive mansion in first interview since going to the police

Brittany Commisso, the executive assistant who claims that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo groped her under her shirt publicly discussed her allegations against the governor for the first time in a "CBS This Morning" interview in which she described her experiences and explained why she did not come forward sooner.

Commisso had previously only been known as Executive Assistant #1, as she is referred to in the report released by the New York Attorney General’s Office. Speaking with CBS and the Albany Times Union, Commisso described how Cuomo’s behavior with her escalated over time

Cuomo has denied all wrongdoing regarding Commisso and the 10 other women who have accused him of misconduct. He has responded to claims that he gave unwanted hugs or kisses by saying this is how he customarily greets people – even releasing a montage of images of him doing this with women and men alike.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: New York Governor Cuomo’s Top Aid Melissa DeRosa Resigns – There Is Much More to Her Relationship with Cuomo than Meets the Eye

'Abandon ship, abandon ship!' The USS Cuomo Sexual Predator' is going down.....and not in a 'good' way!

Cuomo accuser details grope attack inside executive mansion in first interview since going to the police

Cuomo accuser details grope attack inside executive mansion in first interview since going to the police

Brittany Commisso, the executive assistant who claims that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo groped her under her shirt publicly discussed her allegations against the governor for the first time in a "CBS This Morning" interview in which she described her experiences and explained why she did not come forward sooner.

Commisso had previously only been known as Executive Assistant #1, as she is referred to in the report released by the New York Attorney General’s Office. Speaking with CBS and the Albany Times Union, Commisso described how Cuomo’s behavior with her escalated over time

Cuomo has denied all wrongdoing regarding Commisso and the 10 other women who have accused him of misconduct. He has responded to claims that he gave unwanted hugs or kisses by saying this is how he customarily greets people – even releasing a montage of images of him doing this with women and men alike.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: New York Governor Cuomo’s Top Aid Melissa DeRosa Resigns – There Is Much More to Her Relationship with Cuomo than Meets the Eye

'Abandon ship, abandon ship!' The USS Cuomo Sexual Predator' is going down.....and not in a 'good' way!


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