You think democrats will ever just admit they are marxists?

Robin Hood ? That was Trumps whole campaign!
Yet, here we are, the liberals lost. I voted republican (Trump). I have to hide that in public, because Libs HATE and they make it their agenda to instill fear and loathing into anyone that doesn't buy their agenda. Like Stalinist political commissars or something. Libs are scary people. Really.

Depending where you live, it wouldn't be safe putting a Trump banner on your lawn or car. This is what the demorat party has become. A party of lawbreakers, terrorists, and marxists. Look at how they plan on shutting down an inauguration at the cost of millions and possible violence because they didn't get their way.
Robin Hood ? That was Trumps whole campaign!
Yet, here we are, the liberals lost. I voted republican (Trump). I have to hide that in public, because Libs HATE and they make it their agenda to instill fear and loathing into anyone that doesn't buy their agenda. Like Stalinist political commissars or something. Libs are scary people. Really.

Depending where you live, it wouldn't be safe putting a Trump banner on your lawn or car. This is what the demorat party has become. A party of lawbreakers, terrorists, and marxists. Look at how they plan on shutting down an inauguration at the cost of millions and possible violence because they didn't get their way.
There is no such thing as the democrat party, there is a democratic party...
Look at how the Lying Cocksucker stabbed Cubans in the back on the way out.

Look at how dimocrap FILTH stabbed Fiat Chrysler in the back on the way out. And this is just a couple of example. They're doing it on a wholesale basis. If you watch for it, you'll find it in the REAL News........ Not in the DISGUSTING FILTH but in real news

dimocraps aren't normal people. They're just not like you and me.

They are the lowest form of life on Earth.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

The only thing worse than outright stupidity is repetitive stupidity. Stop with the repetition.

How many Democrats can you name that want to abolish all private ownership? None?

Then you can't name any Marxist Democrats because that is the core principle of Marxism.

Now I get tired of this type of pap that NY puts forth, because he knows EXACTLY what the left is doing, and yes, they are SOCIALISTS!

What do I mean?

The left knows it can't control production, or they WILL be outted as Socialist/ they devised a new plan........oh yes they did---------->instead of taking control of the means of production by the government, they just REGULATE OUT OF EXISTANCE any thing they do not like with the EPA. Think coal, or larger cars, or ponds on your own acreage!

All they do is have UNELECTED branches of government pass laws that actually REGULATE what you can buy. And the Socialist/Leftist/Marxists say......."it wasn't me!" But oh it is---------> do we remember Obama telling everyone what he was going to do to coal? Did he pass a law in congress to do it? NO! He used the EPA! Why do you think Trump wants to get rid of 1/2 or more of these people.

So when a leftist/Socialist/Marxist tells you that the government is NOT controlling the means of production, then ask them how many regulations the EPA put in over the last 2 years tooooooooo......ready for it...............CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!

So all you can do is IMAGINE that Democrats are Marxists, kind of like you and the new president imagine Obama was born in Kenya.

Prove that I ever said that! That is how YOU people roll, create a false negative for someone, than extrapolate it to the current discussion. Typical astro turfing trick NY, but it isn't going to work with most of us anymore.
Look at how the Lying Cocksucker stabbed Cubans in the back on the way out.

Look at how dimocrap FILTH stabbed Fiat Chrysler in the back on the way out. And this is just a couple of example. They're doing it on a wholesale basis. If you watch for it, you'll find it in the REAL News........ Not in the DISGUSTING FILTH but in real news

dimocraps aren't normal people. They're just not like you and me.

They are the lowest form of life on Earth.
The best is how they follow the notion that putin is guilty of human rights violations while they honor castro, Pol pot, and mao in the same breath. There is no reason not to kick their teeth out of their heads, let alone take any of their protests or selective outrage seriously.
Look at how the Lying Cocksucker stabbed Cubans in the back on the way out.

Look at how dimocrap FILTH stabbed Fiat Chrysler in the back on the way out. And this is just a couple of example. They're doing it on a wholesale basis. If you watch for it, you'll find it in the REAL News........ Not in the DISGUSTING FILTH but in real news

dimocraps aren't normal people. They're just not like you and me.

They are the lowest form of life on Earth.
The best is how they follow the notion that putin is guilty of human rights violations while they honor castro, Pol pot, and mao in the same breath. There is no reason not to kick their teeth out of their heads, let alone take any of their protests or selective outrage seriously.

dimocraps are scum. Period

Meryl Streep vilifies Trump based on innuendo but she rises and gives a standing ovation to a CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST -- Roman Polanski...

PIERS MORGAN slams Meryl Streep's Golden Globes spech | Daily Mail Online

dimocraps are scum
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

You don't even understand what Marxism is.

Go do some reading and then get back to us.
Look at the moronic mountain man dick. You stupid fucking puppet moron.

A small example of what the beloved EPA is doing to the small business owner all around the country.
Here's One Example Of Regulations Killing A Small Business

A little more than than a year, Faia says her small, family-owned construction business is financially ruined.

The new rule's detailed compliance requirements, related paperwork, and purchases of EPA required equipment added thousands of dollars to the cost of doing business and made it much harder for her to compete for remodeling contracts.

Business has dropped off by more than two thirds, and she recently had to lay off one of her workers. "I'm just barely hanging on," she says. ""They [the EPA] are over-regulating and sucking all of the fun out of the remodeling business."

Here's One Example Of Regulations Killing A Small Business

Just read the story on what these FUCKING MARXISTS are doing to small businesses and middle class under the guise of caring for the fucking environment.

This stupid mountain ape, who apparently lives in the mountains with a computer powered by wind energy thinks all of these insidious regulations are going to stop THE global warming.

Yet, they never say THE global warming is slowing, even though the EPA has passed regulation after regulation after regulation for years.

The funny thing is how this fucking moronic puppet tells me to read.

Fucking ignorant naive hypocritical loser.

What does any of that have to do with the socio-political-economic theories of Karl Marx?
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

The only thing worse than outright stupidity is repetitive stupidity. Stop with the repetition.

How many Democrats can you name that want to abolish all private ownership? None?

Then you can't name any Marxist Democrats because that is the core principle of Marxism.

Now I get tired of this type of pap that NY puts forth, because he knows EXACTLY what the left is doing, and yes, they are SOCIALISTS!

What do I mean?

The left knows it can't control production, or they WILL be outted as Socialist/ they devised a new plan........oh yes they did---------->instead of taking control of the means of production by the government, they just REGULATE OUT OF EXISTANCE any thing they do not like with the EPA. Think coal, or larger cars, or ponds on your own acreage!

All they do is have UNELECTED branches of government pass laws that actually REGULATE what you can buy. And the Socialist/Leftist/Marxists say......."it wasn't me!" But oh it is---------> do we remember Obama telling everyone what he was going to do to coal? Did he pass a law in congress to do it? NO! He used the EPA! Why do you think Trump wants to get rid of 1/2 or more of these people.

So when a leftist/Socialist/Marxist tells you that the government is NOT controlling the means of production, then ask them how many regulations the EPA put in over the last 2 years tooooooooo......ready for it...............CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!

What whacked-out conspiracy theory delusional world do you live in?

None of what you wrote above is in anyway associated with reality. None of it is true or fact-based.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

I've opined on this in here several times.....

They're too stupid to know they're Marxists

Derp derp!

You don't even know what Marxism is. Who is stupid? You accuse people of being something you don't even know the definition of or what it actually is.

That's stupid.

Go look up what Karl Marx theorized, read his theories, and then understand why no one is a Marxist.
All the winner countries are socialist .

Feel free to point to a well run country that doesn't have some form of socialism .

This is what I mean, people

The above moron probably thinks Countries like Sweden and Denmark are socialist.

They're Both MONARCHIES!!!

That's how stupid dimocrap scum are.

Monarchies, which are a form of government, can be socialist, which is a form of economy. They are not mutually exclusive. I'm not saying either Sweden or Denmark are or aren't monarchies or socialist. Just pointing out that you don't know what you are talking about.
Look at how the Lying Cocksucker stabbed Cubans in the back on the way out.

Look at how dimocrap FILTH stabbed Fiat Chrysler in the back on the way out. And this is just a couple of example. They're doing it on a wholesale basis. If you watch for it, you'll find it in the REAL News........ Not in the DISGUSTING FILTH but in real news

dimocraps aren't normal people. They're just not like you and me.

They are the lowest form of life on Earth.
The best is how they follow the notion that putin is guilty of human rights violations while they honor castro, Pol pot, and mao in the same breath. There is no reason not to kick their teeth out of their heads, let alone take any of their protests or selective outrage seriously.

Who's honoring Castro ? All you do is make shit up.

It's righties like you who are disgusting , honoring scum like Dylan Roof.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

I've opined on this in here several times.....

They're too stupid to know they're Marxists
Well, more accurate is they are puppets of marxists. Either way, yeah. They are too fucking stupid to know.

Look! A whole bunch of nonsense blabbered out by an ignorant dumbshit. How surprising.

Look up Karl Marx, read his theories, and then understand why calling anyone a Marxist doesn't make sense.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

I've opined on this in here several times.....

They're too stupid to know they're Marxists
Well, more accurate is they are puppets of marxists. Either way, yeah. They are too fucking stupid to know.

Look! A whole bunch of nonsense blabbered out by an ignorant dumbshit. How surprising.

Look up Karl Marx, read his theories, and then understand why calling anyone a Marxist doesn't make sense.
Are you a "Brokeback Mountain" kinda guy?

Sure sounds like it.
Derp derp!

You don't even know what Marxism is. Who is stupid? You accuse people of being something you don't even know the definition of or what it actually is.

That's stupid.

Go look up what Karl Marx theorized, read his theories, and then understand why no one is a Marxist.

I helped write books on Karl Marx, douchebag. I've forgotten more about Marx than you'll ever know.

Want a primer on socialism? Try reading Draper's "The Two Souls of Socialism"

Hal Draper: The Two Souls of Socialism (1966)

If you get through that (doubtful), try Pyotr Kropotkin's "The Great French Revolution" which is where all this shit started.

But you won't. You've already proven yourself to be stupid

The Great French Revolution 1789–1793 | The Anarchist Library

From there, you can work yourself forward. But, like I said. You won't.

Me? I've read quite a bit of it. Quite a bit. Some of it is quite good, most of it is insufferably boring

BTW, All Marxists are socialists, but not all socialists are Marxists.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

The only thing worse than outright stupidity is repetitive stupidity. Stop with the repetition.

How many Democrats can you name that want to abolish all private ownership? None?

Then you can't name any Marxist Democrats because that is the core principle of Marxism.

Now I get tired of this type of pap that NY puts forth, because he knows EXACTLY what the left is doing, and yes, they are SOCIALISTS!

What do I mean?

The left knows it can't control production, or they WILL be outted as Socialist/ they devised a new plan........oh yes they did---------->instead of taking control of the means of production by the government, they just REGULATE OUT OF EXISTANCE any thing they do not like with the EPA. Think coal, or larger cars, or ponds on your own acreage!

All they do is have UNELECTED branches of government pass laws that actually REGULATE what you can buy. And the Socialist/Leftist/Marxists say......."it wasn't me!" But oh it is---------> do we remember Obama telling everyone what he was going to do to coal? Did he pass a law in congress to do it? NO! He used the EPA! Why do you think Trump wants to get rid of 1/2 or more of these people.

So when a leftist/Socialist/Marxist tells you that the government is NOT controlling the means of production, then ask them how many regulations the EPA put in over the last 2 years tooooooooo......ready for it...............CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!

What whacked-out conspiracy theory delusional world do you live in?

None of what you wrote above is in anyway associated with reality. None of it is true or fact-based.

I stick by exactly what I said. Unelected people in the EPA are screwing companies, and they are the real regulators. This is how the government controls production. They decide what they want, then regulate a product to force the change.

What I wrote is fact based, and the EPA is the worst of the offenders of non elected people controlling the economy!
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

I've opined on this in here several times.....

They're too stupid to know they're Marxists
Well, more accurate is they are puppets of marxists. Either way, yeah. They are too fucking stupid to know.

Look! A whole bunch of nonsense blabbered out by an ignorant dumbshit. How surprising.

Look up Karl Marx, read his theories, and then understand why calling anyone a Marxist doesn't make sense.
synonyms for marxism include....
rule of the proletariat

the Left is full of those kinds of people...or do you think they are just a bunch of pollyanna do-gooders....?
rule of the proletariat

the Left is full of those kinds of people...or do you think they are just a bunch of pollyanna do-gooders....?
No! The only words for them today are Democratic socialists!
Derp derp!

You don't even know what Marxism is. Who is stupid? You accuse people of being something you don't even know the definition of or what it actually is.

That's stupid.

Go look up what Karl Marx theorized, read his theories, and then understand why no one is a Marxist.

I helped write books on Karl Marx, douchebag. I've forgotten more about Marx than you'll ever know.

Want a primer on socialism? Try reading Draper's "The Two Souls of Socialism"

Hal Draper: The Two Souls of Socialism (1966)

If you get through that (doubtful), try Pyotr Kropotkin's "The Great French Revolution" which is where all this shit started.

But you won't. You've already proven yourself to be stupid

The Great French Revolution 1789–1793 | The Anarchist Library

From there, you can work yourself forward. But, like I said. You won't.

Me? I've read quite a bit of it. Quite a bit. Some of it is quite good, most of it is insufferably boring

BTW, All Marxists are socialists, but not all socialists are Marxists.

I believe you.:bs1:

Since you for some reason thought that monarchies couldn't be socialist...:uhh:

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