You think democrats will ever just admit they are marxists?

That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

I've opined on this in here several times.....

They're too stupid to know they're Marxists
Well, more accurate is they are puppets of marxists. Either way, yeah. They are too fucking stupid to know.

Look! A whole bunch of nonsense blabbered out by an ignorant dumbshit. How surprising.

Look up Karl Marx, read his theories, and then understand why calling anyone a Marxist doesn't make sense.
synonyms for marxism include....
rule of the proletariat

the Left is full of those kinds of people...or do you think they are just a bunch of pollyanna do-gooders....?

None of those "synonyms" mean Marxism.

I don't know of any leaders on the left with any real influence who, in any way, are proposing any of the above listed systems of government or socio-economic policies nor do I personally know any liberals who do or would want to. And neither do you.

But, hey, if making shit up works for you, as it certainly seems to, go for it. Just a heads up: nobody of even average intelligence is going to fall for it.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

The only thing worse than outright stupidity is repetitive stupidity. Stop with the repetition.

How many Democrats can you name that want to abolish all private ownership? None?

Then you can't name any Marxist Democrats because that is the core principle of Marxism.

Now I get tired of this type of pap that NY puts forth, because he knows EXACTLY what the left is doing, and yes, they are SOCIALISTS!

What do I mean?

The left knows it can't control production, or they WILL be outted as Socialist/ they devised a new plan........oh yes they did---------->instead of taking control of the means of production by the government, they just REGULATE OUT OF EXISTANCE any thing they do not like with the EPA. Think coal, or larger cars, or ponds on your own acreage!

All they do is have UNELECTED branches of government pass laws that actually REGULATE what you can buy. And the Socialist/Leftist/Marxists say......."it wasn't me!" But oh it is---------> do we remember Obama telling everyone what he was going to do to coal? Did he pass a law in congress to do it? NO! He used the EPA! Why do you think Trump wants to get rid of 1/2 or more of these people.

So when a leftist/Socialist/Marxist tells you that the government is NOT controlling the means of production, then ask them how many regulations the EPA put in over the last 2 years tooooooooo......ready for it...............CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!

What whacked-out conspiracy theory delusional world do you live in?

None of what you wrote above is in anyway associated with reality. None of it is true or fact-based.

I stick by exactly what I said. Unelected people in the EPA are screwing companies, and they are the real regulators. This is how the government controls production. They decide what they want, then regulate a product to force the change.

What I wrote is fact based, and the EPA is the worst of the offenders of non elected people controlling the economy!

Of course you stick by it.

That's what makes you delusional.:bang3:
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

The only thing worse than outright stupidity is repetitive stupidity. Stop with the repetition.

How many Democrats can you name that want to abolish all private ownership? None?

Then you can't name any Marxist Democrats because that is the core principle of Marxism.

Now I get tired of this type of pap that NY puts forth, because he knows EXACTLY what the left is doing, and yes, they are SOCIALISTS!

What do I mean?

The left knows it can't control production, or they WILL be outted as Socialist/ they devised a new plan........oh yes they did---------->instead of taking control of the means of production by the government, they just REGULATE OUT OF EXISTANCE any thing they do not like with the EPA. Think coal, or larger cars, or ponds on your own acreage!

All they do is have UNELECTED branches of government pass laws that actually REGULATE what you can buy. And the Socialist/Leftist/Marxists say......."it wasn't me!" But oh it is---------> do we remember Obama telling everyone what he was going to do to coal? Did he pass a law in congress to do it? NO! He used the EPA! Why do you think Trump wants to get rid of 1/2 or more of these people.

So when a leftist/Socialist/Marxist tells you that the government is NOT controlling the means of production, then ask them how many regulations the EPA put in over the last 2 years tooooooooo......ready for it...............CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!

What whacked-out conspiracy theory delusional world do you live in?

None of what you wrote above is in anyway associated with reality. None of it is true or fact-based.

I stick by exactly what I said. Unelected people in the EPA are screwing companies, and they are the real regulators. This is how the government controls production. They decide what they want, then regulate a product to force the change.

What I wrote is fact based, and the EPA is the worst of the offenders of non elected people controlling the economy!

Of course you stick by it.

That's what makes you delusional.:bang3:

And that is what makes you a leftist, Marxist, Stalinist, propagandist! Unfortunately for you......on this site anyway, those days are over, history, forget about it.

By the way-) How many regulations did they pass just last year, and which branch of congress signed them-)-)-) We know what is going on, and we ASSUME that....YOU know what is going on. Now if you do not know, then ya know what...........go back to school!
Trust me on this. Today's liberal Democrats will NEVER admit to being Marxists.

Not nearly left enough; not nearly violent enough.

Now for STALINIST? Yeah, for that they'd admit in a minute or less. And be smugly proud about it.
Neo-Liberals are scary people, they talk about tolerance and acceptance, all the while being hateful mean spirited and intolerant bullies. That holier than thou prima donna brainwashed mass conformist attitude is what alienated me from modern liberalism, they lost the meaning of liberalism. They don't understand true liberalism. Being open minded and critical, yes, being closed minded and conformist and dogmatic, NO.

They have been just plain mean.

For the past year, they've done everything to shut down Trump rallies while claiming they are all about freedom of speech.

A college professor recently stated that all he wanted for Christmas was white genocide. This puke is teaching our children.

They've tried to overturn a valid election because they didn't like the results.

They plan on trying to shut down the inauguration because they can't tolerate opposition succeeding.

Rosie O'Donnell is calling for martial law to stop the inauguration.

There have been death threats against Trump and his supporters. Some supporters have been beaten. Cops continue to get killed and white people are targeted more and more by intolerant minorities who feel that they have a license to hate and commit violent acts.

It gets worse by the day with the violence in the streets and the vile remarks uttered by liberals everywhere. They tolerate nothing but themselves and their supporters.
Trust me on this. Today's liberal Democrats will NEVER admit to being Marxists.

Not nearly left enough; not nearly violent enough.

Now for STALINIST? Yeah, for that they'd admit in a minute or less. And be smugly proud about it.
Yet, you will never see them condemn marxism.

Oh, but you will see them condemn the free market. They use code words. Like "greeeed." That is them attacking capitalism and America. They proudly yell about wealth redistribution. That is marxism. Whenever they feign their little concerns for the "pooooor" they are promoting wealth distribution, and so promoting socialism. PURE socialism is communism. Don't forget that.

It is all coded speech. They are liars and manipulators of masses. They hate the very notion of competition. Which means they despise the free market.

The bottom line is they are marxists. It is shown how they never condemn it. Not outwardly or in their coded speech.
The only thing worse than outright stupidity is repetitive stupidity. Stop with the repetition.

How many Democrats can you name that want to abolish all private ownership? None?

Then you can't name any Marxist Democrats because that is the core principle of Marxism.

Now I get tired of this type of pap that NY puts forth, because he knows EXACTLY what the left is doing, and yes, they are SOCIALISTS!

What do I mean?

The left knows it can't control production, or they WILL be outted as Socialist/ they devised a new plan........oh yes they did---------->instead of taking control of the means of production by the government, they just REGULATE OUT OF EXISTANCE any thing they do not like with the EPA. Think coal, or larger cars, or ponds on your own acreage!

All they do is have UNELECTED branches of government pass laws that actually REGULATE what you can buy. And the Socialist/Leftist/Marxists say......."it wasn't me!" But oh it is---------> do we remember Obama telling everyone what he was going to do to coal? Did he pass a law in congress to do it? NO! He used the EPA! Why do you think Trump wants to get rid of 1/2 or more of these people.

So when a leftist/Socialist/Marxist tells you that the government is NOT controlling the means of production, then ask them how many regulations the EPA put in over the last 2 years tooooooooo......ready for it...............CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!

What whacked-out conspiracy theory delusional world do you live in?

None of what you wrote above is in anyway associated with reality. None of it is true or fact-based.

I stick by exactly what I said. Unelected people in the EPA are screwing companies, and they are the real regulators. This is how the government controls production. They decide what they want, then regulate a product to force the change.

What I wrote is fact based, and the EPA is the worst of the offenders of non elected people controlling the economy!

Of course you stick by it.

That's what makes you delusional.:bang3:

And that is what makes you a leftist, Marxist, Stalinist, propagandist! Unfortunately for you......on this site anyway, those days are over, history, forget about it.

By the way-) How many regulations did they pass just last year, and which branch of congress signed them-)-)-) We know what is going on, and we ASSUME that....YOU know what is going on. Now if you do not know, then ya know what...........go back to school!

Are my days of propagandizing my Leftist, Marxist, Stalinist views on this site really over? What ever shall I do?

Is Trump going to shut down the site? Or is he just going to shut down the Constitutional rights of those with whom you disagree politically?

You're right. I don't know how many regulations either the Senate or the House passed last year. I also think the number of regulations are irrelevant as to whether the regulations are well-crafted, implemented, and enforced. I'm sure not all of them were.

What these congressional regulations have to do with the EPA, and what the EPA has to do with Marxism, Stalinism, leftism can only be attributed to conspiracy theories put out by rightwing nutjob blogs and the pointed fictional speculations of con men who print conservative news or who are the President-Elect.

Welcome to Trump World! It's the perfect place for whack jobs, like yourself. Yay for you.
Lets not insult Democrats by broad brushing them as liberals. There are plenty of hard working patriotic gun owning Americans who identify as Democrats, some are my friends. BIG difference between those Democrats, many who voted for Trump and these lying scum filth liberals.

Remember its not the fault of the honest hard working true Americans who vote Dem that the GOP establishment is a corrupt lying bunch of assholes. As you saw when we nominated Trump vs one of those GOP establishment hacks many Dem's crossed over to our side.

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