You think democrats will ever just admit they are marxists?


Nobody gives a s*** what losers democrats think

they have been vanished

they are gone

F*** them they mean sh** from now on...bye bye

Learn how to live with it.:dunno:

No they're not, and you're about to find out just how relevant they are.

Either that or you better learn to speak Russian.
You tell me . It's defined in so many ways in this place .

And you still haven't listed your "winner " non socialist countries .

I wouldn't use the word socialist as the government doesn't control the production as social democratic societies leave capitalism to do that. The key being the reality that the government regulates and enforces fairness within these societies while allowing for capitalism. Government is kind of the rule maker that sits backs from afar.

There's a huge difference between Cuba and most of the developed world within this manner.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?
Did you just read the wiki summary of Atlas Shrugged or something, dipshit?
How soon we forget . Donald is going to shakedown companies and bring back jobs for the working man . He going to tax Wall Street folks more .

Pretty Robin Hood-ish!

No that is not robin hood, robin hood would be shaking down companies and give free stuff away!

See how the far left drones will lie and promote fake news?

Typical righty . You see Robin Hood as a villain .

More far left religious dogma not based in reality.

See how the far left acts when you show them the reality of what they post?

So you finally admit you were wrong?

You don't even know what a Marxist is, you deluded little puppy.

I've met one or two, but they are scarcer than hens' teeth, and mostly very old.

What does your comments have to do with Robin Hood?

And yes the far left religion is far more dangerous than ISIS, which you support without question or hesitation.

Ah yes . All hail Isis . Today we sold "death to America " sugar cookies at the Isis bake sale. They are shaped like old timey cartoon bombs!!!

Lol, what blizzarro world do you live in?
Robin Hood ? That was Trumps whole campaign!

No that was the far left and Hilary's campaign, make the rich pay their fair share!

See how the far left will post lies and fake news based on their debunked religious dogma?

How soon we forget . Donald is going to shakedown companies and bring back jobs for the working man . He going to tax Wall Street folks more .

Pretty Robin Hood-ish!

No that is not robin hood, robin hood would be shaking down companies and give free stuff away!

See how the far left drones will lie and promote fake news?

Typical righty . You see Robin Hood as a villain .
Robin Hood was a spineless piece of shit, much like yourself. Redistribution is a tool for fuck hours… You need to stop falling in the well!!

Are you off the welfare yet?
No that was the far left and Hilary's campaign, make the rich pay their fair share!

See how the far left will post lies and fake news based on their debunked religious dogma?

How soon we forget . Donald is going to shakedown companies and bring back jobs for the working man . He going to tax Wall Street folks more .

Pretty Robin Hood-ish!

No that is not robin hood, robin hood would be shaking down companies and give free stuff away!

See how the far left drones will lie and promote fake news?

Typical righty . You see Robin Hood as a villain .
Robin Hood was a spineless piece of shit, much like yourself. Redistribution is a tool for fuck hours… You need to stop falling in the well!!

Are you off the welfare yet?
Even if I wanted welfare I could not qualify for it, being self-employed...
How soon we forget . Donald is going to shakedown companies and bring back jobs for the working man . He going to tax Wall Street folks more .

Pretty Robin Hood-ish!

No that is not robin hood, robin hood would be shaking down companies and give free stuff away!

See how the far left drones will lie and promote fake news?

Typical righty . You see Robin Hood as a villain .
Robin Hood was a spineless piece of shit, much like yourself. Redistribution is a tool for fuck hours… You need to stop falling in the well!!

Are you off the welfare yet?
Even if I wanted welfare I could not qualify for it, being self-employed...

Jerking off on the internet is not self-employment.
No that is not robin hood, robin hood would be shaking down companies and give free stuff away!

See how the far left drones will lie and promote fake news?

Typical righty . You see Robin Hood as a villain .
Robin Hood was a spineless piece of shit, much like yourself. Redistribution is a tool for fuck hours… You need to stop falling in the well!!

Are you off the welfare yet?
Even if I wanted welfare I could not qualify for it, being self-employed...

Jerking off on the internet is not self-employment.

Yet some reason you think it is!

Silly far left drone!
Robin Hood ? That was Trumps whole campaign!

No that was the far left and Hilary's campaign, make the rich pay their fair share!

See how the far left will post lies and fake news based on their debunked religious dogma?

How soon we forget . Donald is going to shakedown companies and bring back jobs for the working man . He going to tax Wall Street folks more .

Pretty Robin Hood-ish!

No that is not robin hood, robin hood would be shaking down companies and give free stuff away!

See how the far left drones will lie and promote fake news?

Typical righty . You see Robin Hood as a villain .

Robin Hood never created many jobs. Never taught anyone how to change careers. All he did was rob and toss money around. That's really not changing much is it?
No that is not robin hood, robin hood would be shaking down companies and give free stuff away!

See how the far left drones will lie and promote fake news?

Typical righty . You see Robin Hood as a villain .
Robin Hood was a spineless piece of shit, much like yourself. Redistribution is a tool for fuck hours… You need to stop falling in the well!!

Are you off the welfare yet?
Even if I wanted welfare I could not qualify for it, being self-employed...

Self employed huh ? So you probably write everything off and pay shit in taxes .

You mean pay twice in taxes and SS..

So you do not use the legal loopholes when you file your taxes?

Silly far left drone!
Mod Note:

Gonna clean this up ONCE.. Thread ban a couple folks. THEN -- if this trollfest and tribal warfare continues to wanders aimlessly and get personal --- it's Rubber Room bound.
I've asked like 5 times for an example of a socialism free winner country .

Still no reply .
Robin Hood ? That was Trumps whole campaign!
Yet, here we are, the liberals lost. I voted republican (Trump). I have to hide that in public, because Libs HATE and they make it their agenda to instill fear and loathing into anyone that doesn't buy their agenda. Like Stalinist political commissars or something. Libs are scary people. Really.
I've asked like 5 times for an example of a socialism free winner country .

Still no reply .

That's a canard. Or stinky herring. Because when you count ANY govt service as socialism, you will win.

Govt simply shouldn't BE in competition with private companies. Shouldn't be funding billionaire Musk to create trophy cars for Millionaires. Shouldn't be giving GE $75 tax credit for every dryer they sell. Shouldn't be picking winners and losers in ANY market with taxpayer dollars. Should never subsidize a DIME for products and services that already exist in the Marketplace.

Govt shouldn't be WARPING and inflating costs of college and health insurance and all the things that progressives have tried to redistribute. The side effects of subsidizing anything is redistribution of costs and logarithmic inflation of prices.

Govt shouldn't be pushing banks to issue risky mortgages and using public/private ventures like Fanny/Freddie to hide the risks and the costs.
Robin Hood ? That was Trumps whole campaign!
Yet, here we are, the liberals lost. I voted republican (Trump). I have to hide that in public, because Libs HATE and they make it their agenda to instill fear and loathing into anyone that doesn't buy their agenda. Like Stalinist political commissars or something. Libs are scary people. Really.

Wow, you talk about hate but you seem to have all the hatred.

How is taking care of the old, sick and disabled Stalinist?? your belief that they should die on the street is what I think is dark.
That they love chaos and seduce the poor with the Robin Hood fairy tale? That they NEED more and more and more people completely reliant on government so that they become slaves? That in order to do that they prop up the necessary scapegoat so that when their empty promises are not fulfilled they can always blame that scapegoat with long tired cliches? You think they will ever admit that the global warming bullshit is just a way to hammer capitalism and destroy the middle class and the small business owner?

You think they will ever admit any of that?

They always outright deny things when asked. Look at the stuff over the years that all libs flat out denied until they later supported it.

"No one is going to take your guns" turned into "I don't think people should be allowed to have guns."

"You can keep your plan and your doctor" just turned into a claim that he never actually said that and we all misunderstood him all thousand times he said it. The left was livid when a senator called Obama a liar when he claimed that illegal aliens would not be covered. They are covered. They also can vote, according to Obama.

"People who think the left wants One World Order are wearing tin foil hats" turned into a speech by Hillary Clinton and comments from other libs where they want open border and a one world government.

The lies go back decades. "Social Security is voluntary and will never go over 3%" turned into forced participation and the percent increasing each year. Making it worse is the fact that politicians have borrowed from it to the point they'll never pay it back and they've extended all programs to help illegal aliens.

When Woodrow Wilson made income tax permanent, it was promised that it would stay at a small percent and the money would be spent wisely. Now, the spending is out of control, the rates are unfairly high and we still get told that we don't pay our 'fair share."

The plan the left wants to implement in the name of global warming is nothing more than a massive wealth redistribution scam. Despite rallying against the dreaded 1%, the left's 'solution' ensures that Goldman Sachs makes out like bandits in the cap and trade.

And so it goes. Can't believe anything they say.
Neo-Liberals are scary people, they talk about tolerance and acceptance, all the while being hateful mean spirited and intolerant bullies. That holier than thou prima donna brainwashed mass conformist attitude is what alienated me from modern liberalism, they lost the meaning of liberalism. They don't understand true liberalism. Being open minded and critical, yes, being closed minded and conformist and dogmatic, NO.

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