You Were Warned...Pat. Act

Quit talking like a liberoidal....It doesn't become you.

Stop being an asshole. It doesn't flatter you much.

Just because I happen to disagree with you (and vice versa) does not mean that I am talking like a liberal.

In fact, it does happen every once in a while in this world that (largely by happenstance) we have beliefs that coincide with the beliefs of others with whom we normally disagree. It would be pretty fucking petty to shy away from a considered point of view just because I find myself agreeing (in part) with a liberal.

I supported the Patriot Act back in the Bush days. I support it to this day. It would be dishonest and hypocritical to disavow that position, now, just because it provides a chance to take some shots at The ONE.

I realize that your fundamental disagreement about the PATRIOT Act is long-standing, consistent and real. That's cool. I have not accused you of being two-faced or any such smack talk bullshit.

Nonetheless, I thought you were wrong in your opposition back in the Bush days and I think you continue to be wrong about it to this day.
Quit talking like a liberoidal....It doesn't become you.

Stop being an asshole. It doesn't flatter you much.

Just because I happen to disagree with you (and vice versa) does not mean that I am talking like a liberal.

In fact, it does happen every once in a while in this world that (largely by happenstance) we have beliefs that coincide with the beliefs of others with whom we normally disagree. It would be pretty fucking petty to shy away from a considered point of view just because I find myself agreeing (in part) with a liberal.

I supported the Patriot Act back in the Bush days. I support it to this day. It would be dishonest and hypocritical to disavow that position, now, just because it provides a chance to take some shots at The ONE.

I realize that your fundamental disagreement about the PATRIOT Act is long-standing, consistent and real. That's cool. I have not accused you of being two-faced or any such smack talk bullshit.

Nonetheless, I thought you were wrong in your opposition back in the Bush days and I think you continue to be wrong about it to this day.

Keep yammering like Carby and I'll keep busting your chops the same.
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The Patriot Act did away with the 4th amendment.

You don't consider that a problem?

No. He's an authoritarian.

No. You are an idiot.

I am anything but an authoritarian.

It is, in fact, quite simple. I think billo's "premise" is flatly false.

The USA PATRIOT Act absolutely did NOT "do away" with the 4th Amendment. The claim is ignorant and incorrect. No wonder a twit like you laps that bullshit right up.

I used to be able to fly from Austin to Ft. Lauderdale without a Nazi Stormtrooper asking to see my papers, feel me up, force me to take my shoes off, lift my sweatshirt, take naked photos of my wife and daughter, and molest my mother.

I used to be proud to live in a country where the president was not above the law, where the president could not dictate that the nation go to war. I used to be proud to live in a country where a court order was necessary before a government storm trooper could rape me of my personal belongings. I used to be proud to live in a country where successful people were applauded in public instead of spit on by my president. I used to have a desire to shake the Presidents hand, now I would sooner slap him in the face and spit on his hand than shake it.

I don't care that there is more oversight under Obama.

Patriot Act should be repealed but no president will ever repeal it.
Quit talking like a liberoidal....It doesn't become you.

Stop being an asshole. It doesn't flatter you much.

Just because I happen to disagree with you (and vice versa) does not mean that I am talking like a liberal.

In fact, it does happen every once in a while in this world that (largely by happenstance) we have beliefs that coincide with the beliefs of others with whom we normally disagree. It would be pretty fucking petty to shy away from a considered point of view just because I find myself agreeing (in part) with a liberal.

I supported the Patriot Act back in the Bush days. I support it to this day. It would be dishonest and hypocritical to disavow that position, now, just because it provides a chance to take some shots at The ONE.

I realize that your fundamental disagreement about the PATRIOT Act is long-standing, consistent and real. That's cool. I have not accused you of being two-faced or any such smack talk bullshit.

Nonetheless, I thought you were wrong in your opposition back in the Bush days and I think you continue to be wrong about it to this day.

Keep yammering like Carby and I'll keep busting your chops the same.

That's casual.

Keep saying the stupid shit like you do on this topic, and I will continue to point out how slovenly your alleged "thinking" is.

Now then: BACK on topic.

AS I was saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is that it calls for significant oversight. If we believe in the principle of checks and balances, then the checks and the balances and the oversight all have to be real.

To a large extent, when it comes to the Patriot Act and the FISA Court, they have not been.

THIS news is therefore at least a little bit encouraging:

For secretive surveillance court, rare scrutiny in wake of NSA leaks - The Washington Post
Oh, and meanwhile, we are at war.

Denying that fact won't make it go away.

When was a declaration of war passed by Congress, again? Against which country was it, and what was the vote?

All of your faux questions were asked long ago and answered immediately and repeatedly.

Look up AUMF.

Then take a hike. You are not bright enough to keep up on this board.

For a person of your severely limited mental abilities, you should run over to the group-think central known as the DU.
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Now then: BACK on topic.

AS I was saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is that it calls for significant oversight. If we believe in the principle of checks and balances, then the checks and the balances and the oversight all have to be real.

To a large extent, when it comes to the Patriot Act and the FISA Court, they have not been.

THIS news is therefore at least a little bit encouraging:

For secretive surveillance court, rare scrutiny in wake of NSA leaks - The Washington Post

The problem with the patriot act is that there is absolutely nothing patriotic about it. It's a law to treat every single American as a target. It's a law to let the government listen to your phone calls, take naked pictures of your wife, feel up your daughter, and kill your brother with nothing more than a nod from the president.
Now then: BACK on topic.

AS I was saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is that it calls for significant oversight. If we believe in the principle of checks and balances, then the checks and the balances and the oversight all have to be real.

To a large extent, when it comes to the Patriot Act and the FISA Court, they have not been.

THIS news is therefore at least a little bit encouraging:

For secretive surveillance court, rare scrutiny in wake of NSA leaks - The Washington Post

The problem with the patriot act is that there is absolutely nothing patriotic about it. It's a law to treat every single American as a target. It's a law to let the government listen to your phone calls, take naked pictures of your wife, feel up your daughter, and kill your brother with nothing more than a nod from the president.

For the win!!
Now then: BACK on topic.

AS I was saying, the problem with the USA PATRIOT Act is that it calls for significant oversight. If we believe in the principle of checks and balances, then the checks and the balances and the oversight all have to be real.

To a large extent, when it comes to the Patriot Act and the FISA Court, they have not been.

THIS news is therefore at least a little bit encouraging:

For secretive surveillance court, rare scrutiny in wake of NSA leaks - The Washington Post

The problem with the patriot act is that there is absolutely nothing patriotic about it. It's a law to treat every single American as a target. It's a law to let the government listen to your phone calls, take naked pictures of your wife, feel up your daughter, and kill your brother with nothing more than a nod from the president.

For the win!!

For the loss.

This didn't start with Bush. You have to go back 96 years to find the first instance of it. In 1917 (Trading With the Enemy Act), and again in 1933 (War Powers Act of 1933). Both of those acts essentially declared all American citizens to be enemies of the state. Seems like nobody listens, but Woodrow Wilson and FDR are the guys who set the precedent. If people would actually do their research, maybe folks would stop blaming Bush for everything. Ffs some people are helplessly lost, and desperately stupid.
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Civil libertarians and liberals have been railing against the Patriot Act since its inception. You were told that you like it under a Republican but would hate it under a Democrat, but you didn't listen.

One Senator told you back then EXACTLY what would happen under these new laws...

Watch The One Senator Who Voted Against The Patriot Act Warn What Would Happen

One provision that troubles me a great deal is a provision that permits the government under FISA to compel the production of records from any business regarding any person, if that information is sought in connection with an investigation of terrorism or espionage.

Now we're not talking here about travel records pertaining to a terrorist suspect, which we all can see can be highly relevant to an investigation of a terrorist plot. FISA already gives the FBI the power to get airline, train, hotel, car rental and other records of a suspect.

But under this bill, the government can compel the disclosure of the personal records of anyone -- perhaps someone who worked with, or lived next door to, or went to school with, or sat on an airplane with, or has been seen in the company of, or whose phone number was called by -- the target of the investigation.

And under this new provisions all business records can be compelled, including those containing sensitive personal information like medical records from hospitals or doctors, or educational records, or records of what books someone has taken out of the library. This is an enormous expansion of authority, under a law that provides only minimal judicial supervision.​

You were warned...

I tried to tell mutha fuckers that reps wouldn't be runnin' shit forever, but nooOOOO, niggas had to go and keep supporting this shit until some lying fuck comes along and promises to get rid of it, then doesn't, then signs it, then ramps it the fuck up to the point of clear tyranny.

and I told them liberals wouldn't care b/c they had the power.

The hypocrassy never fucking ever ends.

Next time a rep will tell us he will rid us of the Patriot act, 2 years after election, the IRS will state that some low level assholes....

well, history repeats and repeats and repeats.
The problem with the patriot act is that there is absolutely nothing patriotic about it. It's a law to treat every single American as a target. It's a law to let the government listen to your phone calls, take naked pictures of your wife, feel up your daughter, and kill your brother with nothing more than a nod from the president.

For the win!!

For the loss.

This didn't start with Bush. You have to go back 96 years to find the first instance of it. In 1917 (Trading With the Enemy Act), and again in 1933 (War Powers Act of 1933). Both of those acts essentially declared all American citizens to be enemies of the state. Seems like nobody listens, but Woodrow Wilson and FDR are the guys who set the precedent. If people would actually do their research, maybe folks would stop blaming Bush for everything. Ffs some people are helplessly lost, and desperately stupid.

I don't recall mentioning Bush. In any case, the PATRIOT ACT was bad law. It should be repealed ASAP.
The problem with the patriot act is that there is absolutely nothing patriotic about it. It's a law to treat every single American as a target. It's a law to let the government listen to your phone calls, take naked pictures of your wife, feel up your daughter, and kill your brother with nothing more than a nod from the president.

For the win!!

For the loss.

This didn't start with Bush. You have to go back 96 years to find the first instance of it. In 1917 (Trading With the Enemy Act), and again in 1933 (War Powers Act of 1933). Both of those acts essentially declared all American citizens to be enemies of the state. Seems like nobody listens, but Woodrow Wilson and FDR are the guys who set the precedent. If people would actually do their research, maybe folks would stop blaming Bush for everything. Ffs some people are helplessly lost, and desperately stupid.

Uhm.. I didn't blame Bush. I simply made a comment about my view of the this law. The democrats had their chance to put the kibosh to it, and instead extended it. Both of our "authoritarian" political parties are for this law.

What we need to realize as a nation is that giving up our freedom for a small measure of security ... yeah I know tired old phrase..

Star wars example: We just let Emperor Palpatine build an army of storm troopers so he can "fight the droids"... yeah right.
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