You Were Warned...Pat. Act

For the win!!

For the loss.

This didn't start with Bush. You have to go back 96 years to find the first instance of it. In 1917 (Trading With the Enemy Act), and again in 1933 (War Powers Act of 1933). Both of those acts essentially declared all American citizens to be enemies of the state. Seems like nobody listens, but Woodrow Wilson and FDR are the guys who set the precedent. If people would actually do their research, maybe folks would stop blaming Bush for everything. Ffs some people are helplessly lost, and desperately stupid.

I don't recall mentioning Bush. In any case, the PATRIOT ACT was bad law. It should be repealed ASAP.

Wrong. It is actually a pretty rational law.

It does require a great deal of scrutiny, however.

Oh, the drudgery of having to actually perform the duties of oversight.

Poor Congress.
For the loss.

This didn't start with Bush. You have to go back 96 years to find the first instance of it. In 1917 (Trading With the Enemy Act), and again in 1933 (War Powers Act of 1933). Both of those acts essentially declared all American citizens to be enemies of the state. Seems like nobody listens, but Woodrow Wilson and FDR are the guys who set the precedent. If people would actually do their research, maybe folks would stop blaming Bush for everything. Ffs some people are helplessly lost, and desperately stupid.

I don't recall mentioning Bush. In any case, the PATRIOT ACT was bad law. It should be repealed ASAP.

Wrong. It is actually a pretty rational law.

It does require a great deal of scrutiny, however.

The entire point of the law is to reduce scrutiny, to evade due process and otherwise create a police state in the name of panic over terrorism. It IS bad law.
I don't recall mentioning Bush. In any case, the PATRIOT ACT was bad law. It should be repealed ASAP.

Wrong. It is actually a pretty rational law.

It does require a great deal of scrutiny, however.

The entire point of the law is to reduce scrutiny, to evade due process and otherwise create a police state in the name of panic over terrorism. It IS bad law.

^ bullshit. The POINT of the law, you moron, is to find out what the guys who are trying to kill us are doing.

THEY don't get "due process," THEY don't deserve anything even remotely akin to "due process," and pathetic morons like you can't figure out why it is absurd to believe they were ever supposed to be beneficiaries of the the 4th Amendment, you dolt.

There is zero intent to create a "police state" and you couldn't prove your idiotic claim if your utterly worthless life depended on it.

It is a perfectly fine law that nevertheless REQUIRES that we treat it with extreme care and caution. In short, it demands checks and balances and genuine oversight.
Wrong. It is actually a pretty rational law.

It does require a great deal of scrutiny, however.

The entire point of the law is to reduce scrutiny, to evade due process and otherwise create a police state in the name of panic over terrorism. It IS bad law.

^ bullshit. The POINT of the law, you moron, is to find out what the guys who are trying to kill us are doing.

THEY don't get "due process," THEY don't deserve anything even remotely akin to "due process," ...

You're an absolutely cowardly fucking idiot who hasn't yet been able to understand that due process protects the innocent, not the guilty. You crapped yourself in fear and gave up on freedom with 9/11. In short, you're a piece of shit.
The entire point of the law is to reduce scrutiny, to evade due process and otherwise create a police state in the name of panic over terrorism. It IS bad law.

^ bullshit. The POINT of the law, you moron, is to find out what the guys who are trying to kill us are doing.

THEY don't get "due process," THEY don't deserve anything even remotely akin to "due process," ...

You're an absolutely cowardly fucking idiot who hasn't yet been able to understand that due process protects the innocent, not the guilty. You crapped yourself in fear and gave up on freedom with 9/11. In short, you're a piece of shit.

You are a shit sucking scumbag pussy motherfucking asshole cowardly traitorous moron who has yet to figure out that intercepting the communications of our enemies in time of war is not even REMOTELY akin to anything that concerns the presumption of innocence.

You truly are a fucking imbecile.

You are utterly worthless, you shit stained motherfucker.
Oh, and meanwhile, we are at war.

Denying that fact won't make it go away.

When was a declaration of war passed by Congress, again? Against which country was it, and what was the vote?

All of your faux questions were asked long ago and answered immediately and repeatedly.

Look up AUMF.

Then take a hike. You are not bright enough to keep up on this board.

For a person of your severely limited mental abilities, you should run over to the group-think central known as the DU.

Dodge noted. I accept your concession.
When was a declaration of war passed by Congress, again? Against which country was it, and what was the vote?

All of your faux questions were asked long ago and answered immediately and repeatedly.

Look up AUMF.

Then take a hike. You are not bright enough to keep up on this board.

For a person of your severely limited mental abilities, you should run over to the group-think central known as the DU.

Dodge noted. I accept your concession.

You are flatly wrong, as usual.

If you don't wish to ADMIT that the AUMF was a declaration of war, then either you are simply and totally dishonest or you are just far too stupid to realize that it IS a declaration of war.

You idiot.
You're an absolutely cowardly fucking idiot who hasn't yet been able to understand that due process protects the innocent, not the guilty. You crapped yourself in fear and gave up on freedom with 9/11. In short, you're a piece of shit.

You are a shit sucking scumbag pussy motherfucking asshole cowardly traitorous moron who has yet to figure out that intercepting the communications of our enemies in time of war is not even REMOTELY akin to anything that concerns the presumption of innocence.

You truly are a fucking imbecile.

You are utterly worthless, you shit stained motherfucker.

What's wrong, having a hard time getting it up?

No ma'am. I'm just not interested in your type.

I prefer humans.

Anyway, your selective outwage is funny.

Fraudulent of you, but funny.
What's wrong, having a hard time getting it up?

No ma'am. I'm just not interested in your type.

I prefer humans.

Anyway, your selective outwage is funny.

Fraudulent of you, but funny.

Fraudulent.. lol yeah your right I don't really give a ___. Just amazed at how intimate you are regarding his bung hole. nudge

You seem utterly obsessed with anal sphincters and penises.

But that's ok. I don't care how much of a quiff you are.

You're still just a useless clot. Your assorted, varied and perverse sexual abnormalities have no hope of assisting you in being anything else.


Fraudulent.. lol yeah your right I don't really give a ___. Just amazed at how intimate you are regarding his bung hole. nudge

You seem utterly obsessed with anal sphincters and penises.

But that's ok. I don't care how much of a quiff you are.

You're still just a useless clot. Your assorted, varied and perverse sexual abnormalities have no hope of assisting you in being anything else.



I fart in your general direction. Suck it down girlie boy.

You ARE indeed anally fixated, you dopey useless boring twat.

The sucking thing is your specialty, lass.
You empty headed animal food trough wiper. I blow my nose at you

Monty Python called and they say that you are the most banal twat they ever had steal their material.

McDonalds called you left your happy meal toy in the playground.

Damn, girl. You seriously got no game.

Go back to DU and sit around in a circle and agree with your fellow far leftwing troll idiots. It will fulfill you.
You're both pretty so either stop the off topic bickering or take it to a PM.

You aren't pretty. Well, pretty useless maybe.

Anyway, when I wish to take stage directions from you, I'll sign up for a role in your latest off off Broadway production.

'Till then, fuck yourself.

PS: your petty school marm shit was also off topic. So, snap to it. Heed your own advice.
The Topic of this thread is the USA PATRIOT Act.

Aside from mouthing mind-numbingly plodding predictable opinions about it, can anyone objectively point to what (exactly) is wrong with it?

The mind-numbing shit includes baseless claims like the one that suggests that it "violates" the Constitutiion. No. It doesn't. But if you wish to say it does, then back your shit up. Facts.

That includes you Seabiscuit.
You're both pretty so either stop the off topic bickering or take it to a PM.

You aren't pretty. Well, pretty useless maybe.

Anyway, when I wish to take stage directions from you, I'll sign up for a role in your latest off off Broadway production.

'Till then, fuck yourself.

PS: your petty school marm shit was also off topic. So, snap to it. Heed your own advice.

It's my fucking thread, asswipe, and I don't want it sent to the badlands because two of you want to have a spat.
You're both pretty so either stop the off topic bickering or take it to a PM.

You aren't pretty. Well, pretty useless maybe.

Anyway, when I wish to take stage directions from you, I'll sign up for a role in your latest off off Broadway production.

'Till then, fuck yourself.

PS: your petty school marm shit was also off topic. So, snap to it. Heed your own advice.

It's my fucking thread, asswipe, and I don't want it sent to the badlands because two of you want to have a spat.

asswipe?!? :eek:

Such language. If you don't control your temper and watch your language, you might get your thread sent to badlands, Seabiscuit.

For my part, since you have asked so sweetly and demurely, I will refrain from returning volley to RKMB.

Now, straighten up your own act.

And try to post on topic, cupcake.
The Topic of this thread is the USA PATRIOT Act.

Aside from mouthing mind-numbingly plodding predictable opinions about it, can anyone objectively point to what (exactly) is wrong with it?

The mind-numbing shit includes baseless claims like the one that suggests that it "violates" the Constitutiion. No. It doesn't. But if you wish to say it does, then back your shit up. Facts.

That includes you Seabiscuit.

For an excellent lesson on this issue, see a classic article from Harry Browne:

The ninth and tenth amendments were included to make absolutely sure there was no misunderstanding about the limited powers the Constitution grants to the federal government.

Amendment IX:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Now, where’s the right to privacy?

It is clearly in those two amendments.

The government has no power to tell people what to do except in areas specifically authorized in the Constitution.

That means it has no right to tell people whether or not they can engage in homosexual acts; no right to invade our privacy; no right to manage our health-care system; no right to tell us what a marriage is; no right to run our lives; no right to do anything that wasn’t specifically authorized in the Constitution.

(read more)

It’s pretty straightforward. There is a right to privacy. Why? Because the government isn’t specifically given the power to violate your privacy.

That’s what the 10th Amendment is all about – government is strictly limited to doing those activities which are specifically authorized to it by the Constitution.

Everything else is left to “the States, respectively, or to the People.“

The Constitution and the Right to Privacy | Tenth Amendment Center

Class dismissed you fucking prog
What's wrong with the Act? Everything.

From the Wiki:

"The act, as a response to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, significantly weakened restrictions on law enforcement agencies' gathering of intelligence within the United States; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism, thus enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.

On May 26, 2011, President Barack Obama signed the PATRIOT Sunsets Extension Act of 2011,[2] a four-year extension of three key provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act:[3] roving wiretaps, searches of business records (the "library records provision"), and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves" — individuals suspected of terrorist-related activities not linked to terrorist groups.[4]"

Yeah, everything about the act and it's extensions is anti-American by definition.

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