You'd Think Obama Could Lay a Wreath or Something....

Still alot shooting was going with the druze milita, we escorted the PLO from Beruit to tunis to keep the isrealis from sinking them

Remember the nightly rocket show in the mountains??

Yep and the night they blew the top of the holiday inn off.

I have pictures of that place!!! Didn't witness the shelling, but remember how bullet-ridden and bombed out it was.

As well as the shot out airplanes at Beirut International Airport and elsewhere in the city (when we were allowed in the city). I mean whole city squares shot up like Swiss Cheese. Did you ever get ashore?

Did Bush do something every year?

And did you say something when he didn't?

Of course not! Commemorate D DAY? Obviously, the OP never met anyone who served in WWII; one remembers VJ day, VE day, comments on D-Day every decade, maybe. One commemorates on Memorial Day & Veterans' Day. The Vichy Americans are scratching at granite to criticize Obama; I do not think he has done a really good job, better than Bush II doesn't take much, but the Vichy bunch are making me sympathize with him. There is still al Qaeda, whom Bush II gave a reprieve, and Obama is trying to eliminate. D-Day was 6/6/44.

Did Bush do something every year?

And did you say something when he didn't?

Bush gave speeches in 2001, 2002 and 2004 that I remember. You can bet your last cent that he acknowledged D-day all of the other years he was in office.

He did anything to avoid taking out al Qaeda, YES. bin Laden lived until OBAMA made the effort to get the man behind 9/11/01.
This link shows the sixth fleet involment in beruit lebanon

Multinational Force in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Google Holiday Inn Beirut (images) and it'll bring back some memories...

I don't know about you guys, but we were at anchor for most of the seven months. Worst "cruise" ever. We had guys jumping overboard just to get a ticket home on a psych. I remember the biggest "treat" we had was every Saturday - getting underway, heading towards the Holiday Inn - then heading out to International Waters to dump trash. That was a refreshing break from the "norm."
Another thing we did was lower a Mike-8 with a 55 gallon barrel full of iced-up PBRs - and heading out for a FISHEX. No one fished, but everyone got shitfaced. Couldn't drink on a USS, but CO said - we sure as hell could drink on a Mike 8.
Yep and the night they blew the top of the holiday inn off.

I have pictures of that place!!! Didn't witness the shelling, but remember how bullet-ridden and bombed out it was.

As well as the shot out airplanes at Beirut International Airport and elsewhere in the city (when we were allowed in the city). I mean whole city squares shot up like Swiss Cheese. Did you ever get ashore?

We went ashore a few times with the motor whale boat taking the old man to some meetings with the Marines. I stayed pretty close to the whaleboat...I was duty Gunnersmate and had to man the M-60. We did not recieve fire ashore but we did get sniped at when we were onboard from the shore. No one ever got hit.
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We went ashore a few times with the motor whale boat taking the old man to some meetings with the Marines. I stayed pretty close to the whaleboat...I was duty Gunnersmate and had to man the M-60. We did not recieve fire ashore but we did get snipe at when we were onboard from the shore. No one ever got hit.

It got to the point (the sniping) when we didn't even give a shit anymore. When our reliefs were coming in, I remember seeing some ship (can't remember which) and they were (looked like) GQ - everyone in battle helmets - top button buttoned, you know the drill. We're up on the O-whatever level, no shirts, smoking, laughing at them. We were just ready to get the fuck out of dodge.

Where in the heck did you pier that MWB? All I remember is beach....
Then it strikes me as even WORSE that they were not prepared for that driver.

The rules of engagement were ridiculous. So fucking "PC" didn't want to hurt any Middle East feeling. The guys souldn't even have a round chambered. You can't "undeploy" a whole MARG or MEU, or whatever the hell it was called - with three weeks warning. They got the Sailors out of there from the supporting ships (i.e. liberty cancelled), but the Marines were sitting ducks. Horrible thing that happened.

If the guys on the ground were allowed to run things, vs. the politicians - things would have gone a whole lot better.

What a fuck up.

And of course - Colonel Gerharty (again, sp) was made the scapegoat.

The rules of engagement for that campaign are on the internet if you're interested.
So I heard.
This link shows the sixth fleet involment in beruit lebanon

Multinational Force in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mighty Battle Frigate Bowen, the Goin' Bowen, The First to Shoot at Beirut.

I was in her crew years later and made Chief while aboard.

I lost two good friends and the Nation lost two great Corpsmen (and many more) on October 23, 1983.

RIP Ronnie and George

Corpsmen - them and BM's - my favorites. GMs not too shabby either....
This link shows the sixth fleet involment in beruit lebanon

Multinational Force in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mighty Battle Frigate Bowen, the Goin' Bowen, The First to Shoot at Beirut.

I was in her crew years later and made Chief while aboard.

I lost two good friends and the Nation lost two great Corpsmen (and many more) on October 23, 1983.

RIP Ronnie and George

Corpsmen - them and BM's - my favorites. GMs not too shabby either....

The Mighty Battle Frigate Bowen, the Goin' Bowen, The First to Shoot at Beirut.

I was in her crew years later and made Chief while aboard.

I lost two good friends and the Nation lost two great Corpsmen (and many more) on October 23, 1983.

RIP Ronnie and George

Corpsmen - them and BM's - my favorites. GMs not too shabby either....


Actually - during my last tour - we could all wear brown shoes, and I did. Looked better in khaki. However - I would never claim to be an Airdale.....
"You'd Think Obama Could Lay a Wreath or Something"....

At least he can't be accused of being PC??
This link shows the sixth fleet involment in beruit lebanon

Multinational Force in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mighty Battle Frigate Bowen, the Goin' Bowen, The First to Shoot at Beirut.

I was in her crew years later and made Chief while aboard.

I lost two good friends and the Nation lost two great Corpsmen (and many more) on October 23, 1983.

RIP Ronnie and George

Corpsmen - them and BM's - my favorites. GMs not too shabby either....

[ame=]Obama gets 'corpsman' wrong - YouTube[/ame]
To review: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I didn't realize the 58th was a big deal. The dupes would have complained he was grandstanding if he did something LOL.

Breaking news for dittoheads..

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT
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To review: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I didn't realize the 58th was a big deal. The dupes would have complained he was grandstanding if he did something LOL.

Breaking news for dittoheads..

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

November 27th, 1944 means a lot to me; the Colorado was hit that day, 27 dead, 54 wounded. My daddy was in a hospital for weeks afterward.
No president ever made anything of these odd numbers. I've been all over the beaches...let's not make this idiocy a patriotism test. Divisive BS is not patriotic...

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