You'd Think Obama Could Lay a Wreath or Something....

Visit a VFW sometime and poll the audience.. :)

yeah, bush was big with drunks

go figure

Think Janis would have voted for him?


i think it's a travesty that no one is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the battle of midway or the 68th anniversary of the liberation of rome.

fucking commie, libtard, cannon fodder notherfukkers are probably out burning flags
obama went to France, but not 'for' D-Day.

And that says something...
It says that as a CON$ervoFascist, you can only lie!
Where was that speech given, comrade? Hint: Not at Normandy.
As I have shown over and over again, when America-Hating CON$ervoFascists get caught lying they just keep on lying.

Obama was speaking in Normandy, FRANCE, and you know it.

From the Archives: President Obama Commemorates D-Day | The White House

To commemorate the 65th anniversary of D-Day, President Obama spoke in Normandy, thanking the men who achieved victory there against all odds, and remembering those who died that day
The Mighty Battle Frigate Bowen, the Goin' Bowen, The First to Shoot at Beirut.

I was in her crew years later and made Chief while aboard.

I lost two good friends and the Nation lost two great Corpsmen (and many more) on October 23, 1983.

RIP Ronnie and George

Corpsmen - them and BM's - my favorites. GMs not too shabby either....


So because we wore blackshoes we dont count? Many a brown shoe did nothing more than sweep runways and kiss aviator ass...fucking airdale.
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We went ashore a few times with the motor whale boat taking the old man to some meetings with the Marines. I stayed pretty close to the whaleboat...I was duty Gunnersmate and had to man the M-60. We did not recieve fire ashore but we did get snipe at when we were onboard from the shore. No one ever got hit.

It got to the point (the sniping) when we didn't even give a shit anymore. When our reliefs were coming in, I remember seeing some ship (can't remember which) and they were (looked like) GQ - everyone in battle helmets - top button buttoned, you know the drill. We're up on the O-whatever level, no shirts, smoking, laughing at them. We were just ready to get the fuck out of dodge.

Where in the heck did you pier that MWB? All I remember is beach....

Port of Beruit.
No, not to appreciate them, but, to be the COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF, I think it would be helpful to understand what the world of a soldier is. Like the old saying goes," You can't understand it if you haven't been there". There's absolutely too many armchair warriors, judging REAL warriors , telling the military how to do the job they have been trained specifically to do! Prosecuting WARRIORS for their action in combat, when the closest they have come to a life or death decision was, is it Sept. or Oct. when you start wearing or quit wearing white!
yeah, bush was big with drunks

go figure

Think Janis would have voted for him?


i think it's a travesty that no one is commemorating the 70th anniversary of the battle of midway or the 68th anniversary of the liberation of rome.

fucking commie, libtard, cannon fodder notherfukkers are probably out burning flags

Take two aspirin and don't call me in the morning.
So, del, are you saying all vets or anyone who belongs to a veteran's organization is a drunk? Where have you been? What have you contributed, besides your mouth, to our society? What gives you the right to disparage men who wrote the ultimate blank check for their country?
Corpsmen - them and BM's - my favorites. GMs not too shabby either....


So because we wore blackshoes we dont count? Many a brown shore did nothing more than sweep runways and kiss aviator ass...fucking airdale.

My goodness, aren't you the touchy one. I just said the word "blackshoes" because those are the rates Warrior was referring to and YOU go all defensive.

Hmmmmmmm. Interesting reaction there, my friend.
So, del, are you saying all vets or anyone who belongs to a veteran's organization is a drunk? Where have you been? What have you contributed, besides your mouth, to our society? What gives you the right to disparage men who wrote the ultimate blank check for their country?

who the fuck are you?
I know my ex didn't like him, and neither did the guy I was just dating.

Visit a VFW sometime and poll the audience.. :)

I belong to the VFW....and the one I go to seems a mixed bunch in that regard.

^Even if True that to Complete her Role in her Twisted Mind she goes to the VFW somewhere there in Suburban San Diego, she knows better than to Foward the Lie that it's a Mixed Bunch... Yet she Lies with such Ease...


What time do you Arrive @ your Post in the Morning Bodey?... :lol:

Bet I can show Proof that I was in Post 7945 in the last Month and you can show none that you've ever even been to one. :thup:


^I was Thinking about you when I was taking that Piss Dumptruck.



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