Young America Is Dumber Than A Bag Of Hammers

I'm 34 in October, so I suppose, technically, the folks he's questing in the video are not of my generation. It's just that I think of generations in biblical terms, i.e., comprised of those born within every 40 years. You strike me as a bright and mature 19-year-old. In my experience, my conservative cohorts and I were definitely smarter and more mature on average than our lefty peers. Still that way?
I'm 34 in October, so I suppose, technically, the folks he's questing in the video are not of my generation. It's just that I think of generations in biblical terms, i.e., comprised of those born within every 40 years. You strike me as a bright and mature 19-year-old. In my experience, my conservative cohorts and I were definitely smarter and more mature on average than our lefty peers. Still that way?

I don't know about more mature, lol! I would say smarter. Not always the case though.
City in a rural desert. I have teenagers, they have friends. While I would agree many are ignorant (so were you, when you were a teenager), they don't seem to be all that stupid at all.

Still am a teen, and I believe that most kids are pretty stupid. If you raised your kids a certain way, they will likely end up having friends with beliefs and behaviors like their own. I have found this to be true of me. I don't surround myself with numbnuts, and neither your kids.

But out in the wild? Bro. I waited 25 minutes at a McDonalds (I know, you can judge me) yesterday, waiting for the kids inside to not fuck up my simple order of a Big Mac and small fries with a water. First they brought out chicken nuggets, then they brought out my fries, but no burger. Than they gave me my burger, and no water. I just gave up and left and bought a water at a gas station.
Still am a teen, and I believe that most kids are pretty stupid. If you raised your kids a certain way, they will likely end up having friends with beliefs and behaviors like their own. I have found this to be true of me. I don't surround myself with numbnuts, and neither your kids.

But out in the wild? Bro. I waited 25 minutes at a McDonalds (I know, you can judge me) yesterday, waiting for the kids inside to not fuck up my simple order of a Big Mac and small fries with a water. First they brought out chicken nuggets, then they brought out my fries, but no burger. Than they gave me my burger, and no water. I just gave up and left and bought a water at a gas station.
Pro-tip.....Always carry your own water. ;)
Still am a teen, and I believe that most kids are pretty stupid.
As opposed to the smart kids from the year ______ ?

When I started a job at McDonald's at 16, I "stuck" because I wasn't an idiot, like most people my age (paraphrasing my boss). Mostly college students and me, living the dream, making friends with college kids.

Point being, this isn't new. And even I was, relatively, kind of an idiot. All the more reason to send kids to college, IMO
As opposed to the smart kids from the year ______ ?

When I started a job at McDonald's at 16, I "stuck" because I wasn't an idiot, like most people my age (paraphrasing my boss). Mostly college students and me, living the dream, making friends with college kids.

Point being, this isn't new. And even I was, relatively, kind of an idiot. All the more reason to send kids to college, IMO

The teenagers today are way stupider than the teenagers of yesteryears. Teenagers of the past were up to some antics, but weren't as brain dead as the blue haired, anime watching loons of today.
The teenagers today are way stupider than the teenagers of yesteryears. Teenagers of the past were up to some antics, but weren't as brain dead as the blue haired, anime watching loons of today.
Ha... I think quote a few parents at the time would have worded it something like, "They are mesmerized by that jungle music", or, .."The men want to look like women, with that long hair",.... let's burn some Beatles albums, that'll show 'em
The teenagers today are way [sic] stupider than the teenagers of yesteryears. .....
Congratulations, you're getting old. People have been saying that about "the young people" since Gork and Olia moved into their first cave together. The moment someone no longer is a teenager himself, teenagers magically become more stupid.

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