Young males are struggling, and the reasons for that are obvious

I don't twist myself into a pretzel trying to live up to your expectations of righteousness. 😄
A TV in the 1960's may have cost near 500 dollars. It was American made and the employees made a good wage. Today the same is a buck fifty and it is made by near slaves overseas and you have no issue with it.
A TV in the 1960's may have cost near 500 dollars. It was American made and the employees made a good wage. Today the same is a buck fifty and it is made by near slaves overseas and you have no issue with it.

Are you telling me or asking me? The last time I checked the party who's voters have their mouths firmly wrapped around the cocks of the Capitalist elites are Republican voters. The champions of tax cuts for the Rich and trickle down economics. 😄
It's doesn't. 😄 Like I said, you don't understand facts from opinions or in this case supposition.

Sure it does. You got your freedom, and the most you could do with that, was build a shit hole. So you moved to somewhere where people more capable than you, built something nice, and preceded to ruin it with your very presence.

That, is what you are. That is all you are.
Sure it does. You got your freedom, and the most you could do with that, was build a shit hole. So you moved to somewhere where people more capable than you, built something nice, and preceded to ruin it with your very presence.

That, is what you are. That is all you are.
Which again, is your opinion. What are you confused about Short Bus? 😄

Are you telling me or asking me? The last time I checked the party who's voters have their mouths firmly wrapped around the cocks of the Capitalist elites are Republican voters. The champions of tax cuts for the Rich and trickle down economics. 😄
That's the stupidest thing I have seen this week.
Which again, is your opinion. What are you confused about Short Bus? 😄

Which shit Third world country were you from again? So we can look at exactly what you managed to build, before you gave up and moved to where better men than you, built a nice place to live.

You know, if I'm WRONG, about your shit homeland, you won't be afraid to share which shithole it was.


Bring it, shit hole person.
Which shit Third world country were you from again? So we can look at exactly what you managed to build, before you gave up and moved to where better men than you, built a nice place to live.

You know, if I'm WRONG, about your shit homeland, you won't be afraid to share which shithole it was.


Bring it, shit hole person.

You're desperate for me to care about your opinion aren't you?
Mac is upset that his White Male Privilege isn't what it used to be.
1) There is still discrimination in favor of the White Majority. Under Democracy, Minorites are likely to face discrimination. Under Democracy, the Will of the Majority has more weight then fairness.

2) Men of all races do face significant discrimination. Male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped. Men get 61% more prison time for the same offense. Any man can loose his career if a woman whom he knows tweets an accusation at him. Most importantly -- most men are not familiar with these issues.
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As I have written elsewhere,

On of the conclusions I have reached over the years of independent investigation is that there is enormous cruelty ingrained in the idea that men are the class of oppressors. Let me explain.

The idea that men as a class are oppressors can appear plausible to general public only if men have no Freedom of Speech. Those who promote this idea understand it very well. When men had Freedom of Speech, most people understood that both men and women suffer abuse from the opposite gender. Now, when most Mainstream Media and Social Media censor complaints by men, only complaints by women about men are seen and heard. Thus, men are seen as privileged oppressors.

In other words, men's very lack of rights makes them seem like villains and oppressors.
Depends on how dangerous the ideas are. For instance, in Germany, you can be thrown in jail for flying a swastika flag. I personally would have no problem rounding up Neo-Nazis and Klansmen and showing them the errors of their ways.
I do not agree or disagree. Both American and European approaches to Hate Speech have benefits and problems.
Vichy Mac is upset that he can't get a woman to make him a sandwich!!!

you need to get together with Lisa558, she thinks there are too many posters with black people in the mall.
Dumbest response from you.

You attack Mac for writing about something that is actually factual and you do know men and women are different and hate to tell you but they are treated differently.

Mac ain’t saying he want women to put back in the kitchen but what I believe he is conveying to simple minded assholes like you is that you are trying to make men into women when you can’t.

Men can not have babies and women can not produce a baby without a male sperm, so right there you have a major difference that can not be denied but you will try because you are a clueless DSA nutter.

Women are not equal to men and men are not equal to women and neither should try to make themselves equal to the other but learn to respect the differences is more important.

If a woman want to swing a hammer or fix a toilet I will teach them all day but they also better learn in a man world there are elements that us men have to endure from hateful words to painful work.

If a man want to sew and cook ( which most men in my family cook better than any woman ) then they need to learn they will endure the woman point of view and learn to take it.

In the end men and women are different and those like you writing your stupidity shows how brainwashed you are to attack the OP while making the sexist comment as usual.
Depends on how dangerous the ideas are. For instance, in Germany, you can be thrown in jail for flying a swastika flag. I personally would have no problem rounding up Neo-Nazis and Klansmen and showing them the errors of their ways.
Of course you would and then when the abuse of power is turned on you then you will scream it shouldn’t have never been used that way.
It's presumably common knowledge that young American males are struggling more and more, as the traditional roles for men have been changing rapidly and all but rendered obsolete -- particularly in the West.

The reasons are clear, in my view: This is the predictable manifestation of the efforts of those who advance Identity Politics in our society. The most obvious of these tactics is the term "toxic masculinity", which directly condemns the very behaviors that are organic in most men.

Another primary driver of this is the strange, inexplicable effort to essentially meld the sexes together, all but saying the two are the same, and aggressively refusing to recognize (let alone celebrate) the obvious differences between the two.

Hell, I've seen department stores (Target, I think) get rid of "boys" and "girls" clothing areas, essentially saying that separating the two is a bad thing.

To this day, I don't understand why so many are trying to hard to pretend that men and women are not different, and that that's not a GOOD thing. Can someone here explain this to me?

Those who push Identity Politics have, to absolutely no surprise, gone far too far with this. Now we're seeing the result. Attack boys and young men for simply being what they are, and there will be effects. This is real.

This notion is mocked and dismissed. And that only adds to the problem.

Men can't cope because other people tell them things?
Men can't cope because other people tell them things?
People don't just say things any more. They attack and intimidate and shun, and it all gets magnified 1,000x by the various social media and mass media, quickly turning it into cultural rules and expectations. Young people are simply not equipped emotionally or psychologically to deal with that.

We could see this coming with the advent of the term "toxic masculinity", an attack on the very core of a young man's being. We could see this coming when everything from department stores to school sports began eliminating the line between boys and girls, diluting genders and aggressively enforcing it (and I would absolutely LOVE to know why this needs to be done).

You don't have to agree, or you can say that boys shouldn't be affected by this, or you can mock a boy who is affected by this. But the Left's recent history has been consistent: Summarily dismiss arguments and concerns of certain targeted people, and their resentment and anger will grow. Then they'll vote.
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People don't just say things any more. They attack and intimidate and shun, and it all gets magnified 1,000x by the various social media and mass media, quickly turning it into cultural rules and expectations. Young people are simply not equipped emotionally or psychologically to deal with that.

We could see this coming with the advent of the term "toxic masculinity", an attack on the very core of a young man's being. We could see this coming when everything from department stores to school sports began eliminating the line between boys and girls, diluting genders and aggressively enforcing it (and I would absolutely LOVE to know why this needs to be done).

You don't have to agree, or you can say that boys shouldn't be affected by this, or you can mock a boy who is affected by this. But the Left's recent history has been consistent: Summarily dismiss arguments and concerns of certain targeted people, and their resentment and anger will grow. Then they'll vote.

When has life never been like this?
Go back to village life. Everyone knew everyone, you had a baby out of wedlock, your life in the village was over.
People aren't equipped to deal with it, or they simply don't actually bother to put the effort in?
Why you're saying this is just a problem of the left, I don't know.
The right tell men they have to be masculine. They have to do this and do that, they can't appear gay, can't appear effeminate. Anyone who is gay, god help them because they'll be destroyed, anyone who doesn't want to go out and wrestle naked, and play football and do all kinds of stupid macho shit....
People have still had to deal with this crap since forever. Even animals do this, alpha male shit.
When has life never been like this?
Go back to village life. Everyone knew everyone, you had a baby out of wedlock, your life in the village was over.
People aren't equipped to deal with it, or they simply don't actually bother to put the effort in?
Why you're saying this is just a problem of the left, I don't know.
The right tell men they have to be masculine. They have to do this and do that, they can't appear gay, can't appear effeminate. Anyone who is gay, god help them because they'll be destroyed, anyone who doesn't want to go out and wrestle naked, and play football and do all kinds of stupid macho shit....
People have still had to deal with this crap since forever. Even animals do this, alpha male shit.
There is a middle ground here, in which the two ends of the argument collaborate, find areas of agreement and work together to promote them. Instead, the Left castigates "stupid macho shit" and the Right celebrates Neanderthal behavior as a reaction to that.

Everything now is binary, knee jerk reaction. Men sometimes exhibit overly aggressive behavior, so the Left condemns all masculinity and starts blending the genders (I still haven't figured THAT one out yet). Then the Right responds by promoting the opposite.

I think that you personally, more than many posters here, can explain this to me: What is the reason for this gender blending advocacy? Why can't we celebrate boys and girls, let them be what they are -- different -- while making sure they understand social rules and decency? I have a guess, but I'd like to know from you.

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