Young males are struggling, and the reasons for that are obvious


The leftwing democrats are grooming young black males to become homosexuals right along with white boys
Lol, you are a retard. The left does not care if you are a homosexuality or not. Lol, there is no benefit in changing some ones orientation retard. Lol, you are a retard. We just believe it is none of your darn business what people choose to do in their own bedroom retard. Lol, you are a retard.
Lol, you are a retard. The left does not care if you are a homosexuality or not. Lol, there is no benefit in changing some ones orientation retard. Lol, you are a retard. We just believe it is none of your darn business what people choose to do in their own bedroom retard. Lol, you are a retard.
Its too bad that your vocabulary is so limited

Particularly when “retard” fits you more than the people you are hurling slurs at
There are more in advertising than there should be based on fair representation

But thats a different topic

One of our leading lib blind hogs, Mac1958 , has stumbled onto an acorn and we should stick to that - if you dont mind

Mac has always been this ball of white male resentment that the world has changed...

Innovation can be the solving of a problem. Such as the cultural issues.

The goal isn't the problem. The problem is the tactics used to reach that goal. Somehow the Left thinks that screaming TOXIC MASCULINITY at men is a constructive exercise. In reality, it's just as destructive as screaming RACIST at everything was. We saw the pushback to that in 2016 through today.

Actually, the only people upset about this are the men who are insecure jerks. Men who are well adjusted don't need to be toxic.

Now have someone make you a samwich!!!
It depends on your goal. If your goal is to anger people, lay all the blame on them, put them on the defensive and make them ripe for grievance-based manipulation, you're doing great. If your goal is to actually address and fix a problem, I don't think that's the way to do it. Just my opinion. But looking at where we are, I'm pretty sure I'm right.

When I see a problem, I want to fix it. I'd rather do it through a collaborative, innovative process so we use the best ideas and all have skin in the game. As opposed to cramming my way down the throats of others and acting surprised when they get pissed off and push back. As we're seeing.

That's my goal. I don't think that's the goal of some.

Oh, Vichy Mac

The problem is you are falling for the resentment politics the GOP has been playing since Tricky Dick.

Eeeeks, those evil feminists want to destroyed and emasculate men!!!! Sound familiar? It should be,

It was the kind of speech that Spiro Agnew used to give about "Women's Lib".

Here's the reality... if you are white straight and male, you have it pretty good in this country, full stop.
Mac has always been this ball of white male resentment that the world has changed...
The world can change but if the regional area we live in declines because of it, it will guarantee more changes. Out of control ones or police state actions.
Its totally unnatural.
That isn't proven by any argument you've presented.
Men were created to have sex with women not other men
Procreation was designed by Nature to be require and exchange of genetic information between males and females. Sex however can be pleasurable in all sorts of ways and we can choose to engage in those pleasures outside the desire of procreation.
The world can change but if the regional area we live in declines because of it, it will guarantee more changes. Out of control ones or police state actions.

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

And proudly so

The world has changed for the worse

Has it? Frankly, I'm 60 years old. So I've been here since the 1960's.

I'd rather live in this decade than any other decade I lived through. The technology is awesome, and frankly, life is pretty good.

My only regret is that I am too old to enjoy a lot of things.

The thing is, as a white, straight, male... my life is not diminished because minorities, gays, and women are getting a fair shake.

When you are privileged, equality seems like oppression.
That isn't proven by any argument you've presented.

Procreation was designed by Nature to be require and exchange of genetic information between males and females. Sex however can be pleasurable in all sorts of ways and we can choose to engage in those pleasures outside the desire of procreation.
The only reason Nature, aka God for those in the know, designed sex to be pleasurable is to promote procreation
Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Has it? Frankly, I'm 60 years old. So I've been here since the 1960's.

I'd rather live in this decade than any other decade I lived through. The technology is awesome, and frankly, life is pretty good.

My only regret is that I am too old to enjoy a lot of things.

The thing is, as a white, straight, male... my life is not diminished because minorities, gays, and women are getting a fair shake.

When you are privileged, equality seems like oppression.
Between the two of us I have not attacked racial minorities

While you express great bitterness toward whites

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