Young males are struggling, and the reasons for that are obvious

You misspelled "making fun of"
If that's the way you want to see it. You are free to have your own perspective Booty. As for myself, I find it endearing that you know enough about or cared enough about my culture to learn the words to a piece of our music, either out of genuine affection or a desire for my attention. I find it adorable. ☺️
Do you think so?

God is pretty clear that homosexuality is a sin

And doubly so so ehen its used to harm children
Don’t have a variety of crops on the same field. (Leviticus 19:19)

Don’t wear clothes made of more than one fabric. (Leviticus 19:19)

Don’t cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)

Any person who curseth his mother or father, must be killed. (Leviticus 20:9)

If a man cheateth on his wife, or vise versa, both the man and the woman must die. (Leviticus 20:10)

If a man lieth with another man, both must be killed. (Leviticus 20:13)

If a man or woman has sex with an animal, both human and animal must be killed. (Leviticus 20:15-16)

If a man has sex with a woman on her period, they are both to be “cut off from their people.” (Leviticus 20:18)

Psychics, wizards, witches and so on are to be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:27)

If a priest’s daughter is a whore, she is to be burnt at the stake. (Leviticus 21:9)

People who have flat noses, or are blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God. (Leviticus 21:17-18)

Anyone who curses or blasphemes God, should be stoned to death by the community. (Leviticus 24:14-16)

From the book of Deuteronomy:

Anyone who dreameth or prophesieth anything that is against God, or anyone who tries to turn you from God, is to be put to death. (Deuteronomy 13:5)

If anyone, even your own family, suggests worshipping another God, kill them. (Deuteronomy 13:6-10)

If you find out a city worships a different god, destroy the city and kill all of its inhabitants, even the animals. (Deuteronomy 13:12-16)

Kill anyone with a different religion. (Deuteronomy 17:2-7)

Women are not allowed to wear the clothing of men and men are not allowed to wear the clothing of women (Deuteronomy 22:5)

From the New Testament:

Slaves must be submissive and obedient to their masters. (Ephesians 6:5)

Women must be submissive to their husbands. (1 Peter 3:1 and 3:5)

Women should not style or braid their hair or wear any adornments (jewelry) or fancy clothing. (I would also presume that wording to include the wearing of make-up and coloring of hair in that context. – 1 Peter 3:3, 1 Timothy 2:9)

Women should be generally submissive and should be quiet, never teach or hold any authority over men. They should just be silent. (1 Timothy 2:12)

Women must wear head coverings in any place of worship. (1 Corinthians 11:4-7)
Telling us you are white is no excuse

Self loathing is not new

Just ask the Apache scouts that helped the US Army track down other Apache’s

So, um, thinking people of color should be treated fairly is just like hunting down members of your tribe?

(Shakes head in disbelief.)

Thats a fair question

But as we used to say, I dont sweat the small stuff

Maybe you could do it better than the Creator, but not me

I’ll just settle for eternal life in a better place than here

Genocide of all the children in the world is "small stuff". (Noah's Ark is just a fable, but sweet evil Jesus!)

Has it occurred to you that you are being promised an afterlife to keep you compliant in this one?

Do you think so?

God is pretty clear that homosexuality is a sin

And doubly so so ehen its used to harm children

God also says eating Shrimp is a sin.

The American Left continues to absolutely deny the screamingly obvious role it has played in the rise, growth and flourishing of Trumpism.

Most of that role has been about this overall topic: Weaponized political correctness & identity politics. Now called "wokeness", I guess.

But they'll look at the clear evidence, summarily deny it and dismiss it, and attack the messenger. The GQP thanks you for your efforts.
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The American Left continues to absolutely deny the screamingly obvious role it has played in the rise, growth and flourishing of Trumpism.

Most of that role has been about this overall topic: Weaponized political correctness & identity politics. Now called "wokeness", I guess.

But I’ll look at the clear evidence, summarily deny it and dismiss it, and attack the messenger. The GQP thanks you for your efforts.

:Bolded changed for accuracy.:
The American Left continues to absolutely deny the screamingly obvious role it has played in the rise, growth and flourishing of Trumpism.

Most of that role has been about this overall topic: Weaponized political correctness & identity politics. Now called "wokeness", I guess.

But they'll look at the clear evidence, summarily deny it and dismiss it, and attack the messenger. The GQP thanks you for your efforts.

Sigh, not this again.

Uh, Trump didn't do any better with the electorate either time he ran than Mitt Romney did. He didn't do any better with White people. He didn't do any better than men. He did less well than George W. Bush and nowhere near as well as Reagan did.

(THis is why Mac has me on ignore... I keep calling bullshit on this claim of his.)

Hillary didn't lose because a bunch of man-babies are angry they have to treat women with respect now. Those assclowns were always going to vote Republican.

Hillary lost because a bunch of self-important liberals all voted third party, and because black people stayed home. When those conditions were reversed in 2020, Trump lost decisively.
You asked what was wrong in promoting the queer lifestyle…
I don't know what promoting the queer lifestyle is in reference to. Homosexuality isn't a new night spot or restaurant. People are either born with an innate attraction to people of the same sex or not.
People are worked up over .000000000000001 percent of a population being something other than heterosexual. In the scheme of things as a heterosexual white Christian male I frankly have zero business in the sexuality of others. I could care less. Simpletons
People are worked up over .000000000000001 percent of a population being something other than heterosexual. In the scheme of things as a heterosexual white Christian male I frankly have zero business in the sexuality of others. I could care less. Simpletons

They are making their sexuality an issue for US, by demanding that we cater to them, in a number of ways.

Thus, as hetrosexual white Christan males, we have 100% business in their "sexuality".
From what I'm seeing, most of it is done through confusion, and peer pressure...And, now we have our school systems promoting this lifestyle as something new, different, even "cool" to be a part of.. Problem is, that once that road is traveled, the consequences are irreversible.

They are making their sexuality an issue for US, by demanding that we cater to them, in a number of ways.

Thus, as hetrosexual white Christan males, we have 100% business in their "sexuality".
I don't cater to anybody, any customs, traditions, or beliefs but my own.
I don't cater to anybody, any customs, traditions, or beliefs but my own.

Sure. Meanwhile in teh real world, it is ongoing constantly and more and more. POlicy and laws are being written and enacted that fuck up people lives.
Sure. Meanwhile in teh real world, it is ongoing constantly and more and more. POlicy and laws are being written and enacted that fuck up people lives.
So we should outlaw everything? It's all about choices. Don't make bad choices.
So we should outlaw everything? It's all about choices. Don't make bad choices.

Good post. Open with a strawman, and then build on that to push a red herring.

Example of bad policy.

We are now imprisoning female convicts, with mentally ill men, because the men said some words.

Those women are coming up pregenant.

That is a massive injustice. "Consent" gets pretty shaky when you have women locked up in cells with dangerously crazy men.

For one limited example.
It's presumably common knowledge that young American males are struggling more and more, as the traditional roles for men have been changing rapidly and all but rendered obsolete -- particularly in the West.

The reasons are clear, in my view: This is the predictable manifestation of the efforts of those who advance Identity Politics in our society. The most obvious of these tactics is the term "toxic masculinity", which directly condemns the very behaviors that are organic in most men.

Another primary driver of this is the strange, inexplicable effort to essentially meld the sexes together, all but saying the two are the same, and aggressively refusing to recognize (let alone celebrate) the obvious differences between the two.

Hell, I've seen department stores (Target, I think) get rid of "boys" and "girls" clothing areas, essentially saying that separating the two is a bad thing.

To this day, I don't understand why so many are trying to hard to pretend that men and women are not different, and that that's not a GOOD thing. Can someone here explain this to me?

Those who push Identity Politics have, to absolutely no surprise, gone far too far with this. Now we're seeing the result. Attack boys and young men for simply being what they are, and there will be effects. This is real.

This notion is mocked and dismissed. And that only adds to the problem.

It's because leftists and globalists have reduced opportunity in America to make a living and support a family with 1 income in America. I.E. chances of living the American Dream.

Everything except television, clothing, and phone service costs a larger percentage of anyone's income in America now than before.



The housing is a big one because the government and big banks are colluding against private homeowners. That's fascism. Housing costs 100%+ more these days. People have to work half the month to put a roof over their heads when in the past the rule was 1 week.
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The American Left continues to absolutely deny the screamingly obvious role it has played in the rise, growth and flourishing of Trumpism.

Most of that role has been about this overall topic: Weaponized political correctness & identity politics. Now called "wokeness", I guess.

But they'll look at the clear evidence, summarily deny it and dismiss it, and attack the messenger. The GQP thanks you for your efforts.
Do you know where Weaponized political identity politics and political correctness comes from?

The Frankfurt School. It's called CriticalTheory. The Frankfurt School dudes were all a bunch of communist.

Now tell me again there are no commies?
That's never been the case before.

No? Perhaps. You/they make something a matter of policy debate, it becomes the business of every person in this country.

It is morally and ethnically wrong to think that you can make something a policy issue, demand what YOU want, and then when challenged, try to retreat behind a shield of "it's my personal blah, blah, blah",

You start a policy debate, don't whine like a faggot when you get pushback.

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