Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?

Was it necessary for Floyd to resist arrest? :rolleyes:

Does that justify his murder?
Where did I imply that it did?

What does resisting arrest have to do with anything?
so true. To get an idea of the NATURE of the
movement BLM, read the rantings and
ravings of one of the important depraved founders, Opal Tometi. She is one of the creators of the present situation which includes people dead in the gutter. IMHO--the foregoing is not "conjecture" ---but unfortunate fact

I read interviews with the various founders...did you? Nothing depraved, some legitimate complaints, not seeing how she is responsible for deaths. She didn't kill Floyd or Taylor or Arbery.



The three co-founders on TED

I read Tometi. She, CLEARLY, promotes ----the actual cause of murder in DA HOOD----
which is ----in the estwhile lingo of psychology -- SOCIOPATHIC RAGE ----in present (DSM5)
lingo----AntiSocial Disorder Rage. The deaths are attributable in MY (not so humble)
OPINION, to her. I will explain so that even you can understand. Long ago---in ancient rome-----the wise PATRICIANS knew that in order to keep "the people" calm---give them
bread and circuses. IF YOU TAKE THE BREAD AND CIRCUSES away-----the people will be ENRAGED. People who EXPECT their usual dose of bread and circuses as a RIGHT, become enraged when the BREAD AND CIRCUSES -----don't show up
Can you show me specifically where she promotes murder?

Can you show us, specifically, where she doesn't.
Uhhh...what? That makes no sense. If I can find no instances where she does, then obvioulsy there are thousands upon thousands where she isn’t, starting with the interview of her that I posted where she isn’t promoting murder. So let’s quit with nonsense then.

If you or Rosie claim she is promoting she is promoting murder for her cause show me where, unambiguously, and I will agree with your assessment of her.

When I see statements emphasizing value of human life over property, I tend to think that means murder is not part of their agenda.

I hear them talking about frying up pigs in a blanket so all I need from you is her stating that she is against that rhetoric.

Shouldn't be too hard if she is the kind, gentle person you claim her to be.

So...let me see if I got it right. She needs to refute every single violent statement a black person has said? There is a life time of work just doing that. Not to mention no one else is required to do that in order to prove they don't advocate murder.

The onus is on you - if YOU are claiming she advocates murder, YOU need to provides statements supporting that, or just admit - she doesn't.

I don't think she is "kind" or "gentle" - I don't know her. But when people start accusing other people extreme things - like advocating murder - then they ought to support their claim....don't you think?

Nope. Just one of them.
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.

In fact he did resist arrest. I am surprised that FAR MORE people who are arrested in NYC are not dead
based on some of the VIOLENT efforts it takes to
keep them down. I am not surprised about the weekly death toll coming out of parts of the city now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with cops, lack of rights or racial inequities. IT CERTAINLY has nothing to do with "too much equipment" for cops. For the many years in which I was on the periphery of it, my wish was that cops would be better equipped so that they could deal with the ongoing disaster, safely. The real disaster that people in "da hood" face is EACH OTHER.
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
You are justifying her murder because a few minutes before her fatal shooting, "both sides drew arms". That de-escalated and nothing happened. She was shot and killed sniper style a few minutes later. But you knew that. Here are some quotes from your BLM heroes including "Good riddance to another Racist". I'm sure you agree.
Those blm people shot this young mother to death? Who's going to take care of her baby? Don't they care about families? It sure doesn't look like it. Maxine Waters must be thrilled, and the Democrats are doing a circle jerk because what could be more chaotic than a mother losing her life over a debate with Democrats who carry weapons and kill people they don't like with them.

It's no wonder people hate the new beginning the commie Dems are foisting on America. Bernie Sanders must be laughing his butt off. Biden just adopted his Communist platform this past week.

How can the BLM be so calloused as to destroy a woman raising a family? The Democrats created this, and nobody else did.

Can you show us where BLM did? Anything to show they supported it, called for it, etc?
None of them can. Because BLM didn't do that. Some random black people responded back to a racial slur directed to them by saying "Black Lives Matter" and they become Black Lives Matter. This is why I get angry when whites here start crying about not all whites or painting with a broad brush. Black Lives Matter had nothing to do with this and had the group of whites not felt compelled to call those blacks the n word there would have been no confrontation.
BLM is a misnomer. Their organizers take orders from Maxine Waters who no longer has her marching orders recorded by LLLLMSM.
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?

Was it necessary for Floyd to resist arrest? :rolleyes:

Does that justify his murder?
Cops did not know of his preexisting health issues. He was acting with his mouth out of control. The appearance shown on the video did not bother to show the entire evening's scenario of a seasoned criminal trying to get something for nothing with a counterfeit bill for which he would get passable tender in change on his purchase.

The guy got his reward: 10 funerals in different cities with the ruse that all cops are bad that resulted in coordinated Democrat radical protests complete with multiple murders, cop beatings, cop intimidation, and the formation of Black Lives Matter whose marches, business burnings of black proprietors, and loose cannon shooting resulting in 30 killings in several large Democrat cities threatening to let all the prisoners good and bad out of jail and ending police respect. Nearly a third of those killings were of people under the age of 18. The BLM made a national disgrace of themselves, defeating any cause they may have proffered off to do a royal footshoot upon the blacks of this nation.
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.

In fact he did resist arrest. I am surprised that FAR MORE people who are arrested in NYC are not dead
based on some of the VIOLENT efforts it takes to
keep them down. I am not surprised about the weekly death toll coming out of parts of the city now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with cops, lack of rights or racial inequities. IT CERTAINLY has nothing to do with "too much equipment" for cops. For the many years in which I was on the periphery of it, my wish was that cops would be better equipped so that they could deal with the ongoing disaster, safely. The real disaster that people in "da hood" face is EACH OTHER.
But just remember who the disaster was caused by............. You ready for it, want to take a wild guess at it ???? It was of course, and without further a-do, drum role please - that evil old "WHITEY".

Figured I'd say it before (I'm Mad 2) could or would. LOL
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?

Was it necessary for Floyd to resist arrest? :rolleyes:

Does that justify his murder?
Cops did not know of his preexisting health issues. He was acting with his mouth out of control. The appearance shown on the video did not bother to show the entire evening's scenario of a seasoned criminal trying to get something for nothing with a counterfeit bill for which he would get passable tender in change on his purchase.

The guy got his reward: 10 funerals in different cities with the ruse that all cops are bad that resulted in coordinated Democrat radical protests complete with multiple murders, cop beatings, cop intimidation, and the formation of Black Lives Matter whose marches, business burnings of black proprietors, and loose cannon shooting resulting in 30 killings in several large Democrat cities threatening to let all the prisoners good and bad out of jail and ending police respect. Nearly a third of those killings were of people under the age of 18. The BLM made a national disgrace of themselves, defeating any cause they may have proffered off to do a royal footshoot upon the blacks of this nation.

A funeral is no reward for loss of life.

And there is no excuse for 9 minutes of a knee on his neck oxygen, long after others were expressing alarm and concern.

The excuses people are making for this officer are disturbing.

The victim wasn’t a perfect he deserved to be killed?

Did the woman in the OP deserve to die too?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?

Was it necessary for Floyd to resist arrest? :rolleyes:

Does that justify his murder?
Cops did not know of his preexisting health issues. He was acting with his mouth out of control. The appearance shown on the video did not bother to show the entire evening's scenario of a seasoned criminal trying to get something for nothing with a counterfeit bill for which he would get passable tender in change on his purchase.

The guy got his reward: 10 funerals in different cities with the ruse that all cops are bad that resulted in coordinated Democrat radical protests complete with multiple murders, cop beatings, cop intimidation, and the formation of Black Lives Matter whose marches, business burnings of black proprietors, and loose cannon shooting resulting in 30 killings in several large Democrat cities threatening to let all the prisoners good and bad out of jail and ending police respect. Nearly a third of those killings were of people under the age of 18. The BLM made a national disgrace of themselves, defeating any cause they may have proffered off to do a royal footshoot upon the blacks of this nation.

A funeral is no reward for loss of life.

And there is no excuse for 9 minutes of a knee on his neck oxygen, long after others were expressing alarm and concern.

The excuses people are making for this officer are disturbing.

The victim wasn’t a perfect he deserved to be killed?

Did the woman in the OP deserve to die too?

his "neck oxygen"??? there is no evidence whatsoever that whatshisname died of anoxia.
The findings indicated Myocardial infarction
That SORTA THING shows up on autopsy. The
misinformation thrown around, about the
death of a person who violently resisted arrest is
VERY DISTURBING. You seem to have a problem
defining murder. If the man had NOT struggled and
later said----I WANT TO SEE A DOCTOR----the fact is that he would have had a chance.
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?

Was it necessary for Floyd to resist arrest? :rolleyes:

Does that justify his murder?
Cops did not know of his preexisting health issues. He was acting with his mouth out of control. The appearance shown on the video did not bother to show the entire evening's scenario of a seasoned criminal trying to get something for nothing with a counterfeit bill for which he would get passable tender in change on his purchase.

The guy got his reward: 10 funerals in different cities with the ruse that all cops are bad that resulted in coordinated Democrat radical protests complete with multiple murders, cop beatings, cop intimidation, and the formation of Black Lives Matter whose marches, business burnings of black proprietors, and loose cannon shooting resulting in 30 killings in several large Democrat cities threatening to let all the prisoners good and bad out of jail and ending police respect. Nearly a third of those killings were of people under the age of 18. The BLM made a national disgrace of themselves, defeating any cause they may have proffered off to do a royal footshoot upon the blacks of this nation.

A funeral is no reward for loss of life.

And there is no excuse for 9 minutes of a knee on his neck oxygen, long after others were expressing alarm and concern.

The excuses people are making for this officer are disturbing.

The victim wasn’t a perfect he deserved to be killed?

Did the woman in the OP deserve to die too?

his "neck oxygen"??? there is no evidence whatsoever that whatshisname died of anoxia.
The findings indicated Myocardial infarction
That SORTA THING shows up on autopsy. The
misinformation thrown around, about the
death of a person who violently resisted arrest is
VERY DISTURBING. You seem to have a problem
defining murder. If the man had NOT struggled and
later said----I WANT TO SEE A DOCTOR----the fact is that he would have had a chance.
Depends which autopsy you go with. Either way, would not have died had the officer not what he did, for 9 minutes, even after his fellow officer expressed concern.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.

In fact he did resist arrest. I am surprised that FAR MORE people who are arrested in NYC are not dead
based on some of the VIOLENT efforts it takes to
keep them down. I am not surprised about the weekly death toll coming out of parts of the city now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with cops, lack of rights or racial inequities. IT CERTAINLY has nothing to do with "too much equipment" for cops. For the many years in which I was on the periphery of it, my wish was that cops would be better equipped so that they could deal with the ongoing disaster, safely. The real disaster that people in "da hood" face is EACH OTHER.
But just remember who the disaster was caused by............. You ready for it, want to take a wild guess at it ???? It was of course, and without further a-do, drum role please - that evil old "WHITEY".

Figured I'd say it before (I'm Mad 2) could or would. LOL
I know it's difficult for a particular type of white person to understand that if you want to brag about building a country, you also are responsible for the mistakes that were made. In this case a confrontation was started by whites by using the n word. However, the method used to resolve that conflict was completely unacceptable.
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?

Was it necessary for Floyd to resist arrest? :rolleyes:

Does that justify his murder?
Cops did not know of his preexisting health issues. He was acting with his mouth out of control. The appearance shown on the video did not bother to show the entire evening's scenario of a seasoned criminal trying to get something for nothing with a counterfeit bill for which he would get passable tender in change on his purchase.

The guy got his reward: 10 funerals in different cities with the ruse that all cops are bad that resulted in coordinated Democrat radical protests complete with multiple murders, cop beatings, cop intimidation, and the formation of Black Lives Matter whose marches, business burnings of black proprietors, and loose cannon shooting resulting in 30 killings in several large Democrat cities threatening to let all the prisoners good and bad out of jail and ending police respect. Nearly a third of those killings were of people under the age of 18. The BLM made a national disgrace of themselves, defeating any cause they may have proffered off to do a royal footshoot upon the blacks of this nation.

A funeral is no reward for loss of life.

And there is no excuse for 9 minutes of a knee on his neck oxygen, long after others were expressing alarm and concern.

The excuses people are making for this officer are disturbing.

The victim wasn’t a perfect he deserved to be killed?

Did the woman in the OP deserve to die too?

his "neck oxygen"??? there is no evidence whatsoever that whatshisname died of anoxia.
The findings indicated Myocardial infarction
That SORTA THING shows up on autopsy. The
misinformation thrown around, about the
death of a person who violently resisted arrest is
VERY DISTURBING. You seem to have a problem
defining murder. If the man had NOT struggled and
later said----I WANT TO SEE A DOCTOR----the fact is that he would have had a chance.
Depends which autopsy you go with. Either way, would not have died had the officer not what he did, for 9 minutes, even after his fellow officer expressed concern.

you have ABSOLUTELY no way of knowing that he would not have died. Evidence of myocardial infarction ON AUTOPSY----is not a matter of NOT HERE one minute and then SUDDENLY HERE. It is actually a process that takes time to DEVELOPE. The man was on his way to a Heart Attack----that was no time for him to commit a crime and subject himself to the stress of an arrest (and a bunch of drugs) Your theory that the FORCED arrest CAUSED the heart attack is something like THE OPERETTA form of heart attack------wayward son suddenly comes home and previously healthy mom DROPS DEAD
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?
They're the real deal, IM2.
That word started the conflict. Had that word not been said by the white person there would have been no tragedy. This is what racist trash like you can't understand. So let me break it down for you.

If the white person had not said the n word, the blacks would not have replied with "black lives matter." Without that said, the woman would not have amplified the situation with her racist response, "all lives matter." There would have been no confrontation. So just who in this situation really is your so called read deal?
All lives matter is not racist response. Did this woman use a version of th N word? Is that reason for murder? Making excuses for killing is shameful.
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.

In fact he did resist arrest. I am surprised that FAR MORE people who are arrested in NYC are not dead
based on some of the VIOLENT efforts it takes to
keep them down. I am not surprised about the weekly death toll coming out of parts of the city now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with cops, lack of rights or racial inequities. IT CERTAINLY has nothing to do with "too much equipment" for cops. For the many years in which I was on the periphery of it, my wish was that cops would be better equipped so that they could deal with the ongoing disaster, safely. The real disaster that people in "da hood" face is EACH OTHER.
But just remember who the disaster was caused by............. You ready for it, want to take a wild guess at it ???? It was of course, and without further a-do, drum role please - that evil old "WHITEY".

Figured I'd say it before (I'm Mad 2) could or would. LOL
I know it's difficult for a particular type of white person to understand that if you want to brag about building a country, you also are responsible for the mistakes that were made. In this case a confrontation was started by whites by using the n word. However, the method used to resolve that conflict was completely unacceptable.
One thing - Are you sure that the white's started it ??? Do you have a transcript, witnesses, video tape etc ??? How do you make such claims if not ???
Go crawl back into your pity party thread.
White men like you are running around crying about a anti white racism that does not exist and tell someone else about a pity party.
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.

In fact he did resist arrest. I am surprised that FAR MORE people who are arrested in NYC are not dead
based on some of the VIOLENT efforts it takes to
keep them down. I am not surprised about the weekly death toll coming out of parts of the city now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with cops, lack of rights or racial inequities. IT CERTAINLY has nothing to do with "too much equipment" for cops. For the many years in which I was on the periphery of it, my wish was that cops would be better equipped so that they could deal with the ongoing disaster, safely. The real disaster that people in "da hood" face is EACH OTHER.
But just remember who the disaster was caused by............. You ready for it, want to take a wild guess at it ???? It was of course, and without further a-do, drum role please - that evil old "WHITEY".

Figured I'd say it before (I'm Mad 2) could or would. LOL
I know it's difficult for a particular type of white person to understand that if you want to brag about building a country, you also are responsible for the mistakes that were made. In this case a confrontation was started by whites by using the n word. However, the method used to resolve that conflict was completely unacceptable.
One thing - Are you sure that the white's started it ??? Do you have a transcript, witnesses, video tape etc ??? How do you make such claims if not ???
The interviewed person stated that someone in their group used the n word.
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.

In fact he did resist arrest. I am surprised that FAR MORE people who are arrested in NYC are not dead
based on some of the VIOLENT efforts it takes to
keep them down. I am not surprised about the weekly death toll coming out of parts of the city now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with cops, lack of rights or racial inequities. IT CERTAINLY has nothing to do with "too much equipment" for cops. For the many years in which I was on the periphery of it, my wish was that cops would be better equipped so that they could deal with the ongoing disaster, safely. The real disaster that people in "da hood" face is EACH OTHER.
But just remember who the disaster was caused by............. You ready for it, want to take a wild guess at it ???? It was of course, and without further a-do, drum role please - that evil old "WHITEY".

Figured I'd say it before (I'm Mad 2) could or would. LOL
I know it's difficult for a particular type of white person to understand that if you want to brag about building a country, you also are responsible for the mistakes that were made. In this case a confrontation was started by whites by using the n word. However, the method used to resolve that conflict was completely unacceptable.
One thing - Are you sure that the white's started it ??? Do you have a transcript, witnesses, video tape etc ??? How do you make such claims if not ???
The interviewed person stated that someone in their group used the n word.
Wow, so we are dealing with possible lies or a cover up after the fact, rumors, conjecture, conspiracy, assumptions, and possible biases ??? How about some hard core proof for a change ??? Hearsay or listening to witnesses that could be biased is not good proof at all. We need facts not lying or compromised witnesses that might say anything in the situation.

Investigator's know how to get to the truth, but the media has to condem, conduct their media trial, and convict before any proper investigations can be done these days. This nation is finally over the deep end.
George Floyd never resisted arrest. He tried to resist dying but that was not allowed.

In fact he did resist arrest. I am surprised that FAR MORE people who are arrested in NYC are not dead
based on some of the VIOLENT efforts it takes to
keep them down. I am not surprised about the weekly death toll coming out of parts of the city now. It's nothing new and it has nothing to do with cops, lack of rights or racial inequities. IT CERTAINLY has nothing to do with "too much equipment" for cops. For the many years in which I was on the periphery of it, my wish was that cops would be better equipped so that they could deal with the ongoing disaster, safely. The real disaster that people in "da hood" face is EACH OTHER.
But just remember who the disaster was caused by............. You ready for it, want to take a wild guess at it ???? It was of course, and without further a-do, drum role please - that evil old "WHITEY".

Figured I'd say it before (I'm Mad 2) could or would. LOL
I know it's difficult for a particular type of white person to understand that if you want to brag about building a country, you also are responsible for the mistakes that were made. In this case a confrontation was started by whites by using the n word. However, the method used to resolve that conflict was completely unacceptable.
One thing - Are you sure that the white's started it ??? Do you have a transcript, witnesses, video tape etc ??? How do you make such claims if not ???
The interviewed person stated that someone in their group used the n word.
So, the mom didn't use it, and yet she got dead for it. How about "who said the N-word" before convicting and condemning someone to death if that is what was to come next ??? Sounds to me that the racist against white's decided to kill one in order to send a message regardless of who the actual culprit was, and they did this to cast fear into the group, and not to cast fear into the individual. This is why the wrong white person got shot, because it didn't matter to the shooter who got shot in the group, just as long as they were white.
Were these BLM Staff or just random people saying Black Lives Matter?

This story is dishonest.

This one seems to be more honest.

" According to Ramirez, Jessica Doty Whitekar’s fiancé, he and the others were peacefully strolling near the Canal but as soon as someone among them used a slang version of the N-word as stated in the report by Fox 59. "

Murder is wrong period, but was it necessary for the N word to be said?

Was it necessary for Floyd to resist arrest? :rolleyes:

Does that justify his murder?
Cops did not know of his preexisting health issues. He was acting with his mouth out of control. The appearance shown on the video did not bother to show the entire evening's scenario of a seasoned criminal trying to get something for nothing with a counterfeit bill for which he would get passable tender in change on his purchase.

The guy got his reward: 10 funerals in different cities with the ruse that all cops are bad that resulted in coordinated Democrat radical protests complete with multiple murders, cop beatings, cop intimidation, and the formation of Black Lives Matter whose marches, business burnings of black proprietors, and loose cannon shooting resulting in 30 killings in several large Democrat cities threatening to let all the prisoners good and bad out of jail and ending police respect. Nearly a third of those killings were of people under the age of 18. The BLM made a national disgrace of themselves, defeating any cause they may have proffered off to do a royal footshoot upon the blacks of this nation.

A funeral is no reward for loss of life.

And there is no excuse for 9 minutes of a knee on his neck oxygen, long after others were expressing alarm and concern.

The excuses people are making for this officer are disturbing.

The victim wasn’t a perfect he deserved to be killed?

Did the woman in the OP deserve to die too?

his "neck oxygen"??? there is no evidence whatsoever that whatshisname died of anoxia.
The findings indicated Myocardial infarction
That SORTA THING shows up on autopsy. The
misinformation thrown around, about the
death of a person who violently resisted arrest is
VERY DISTURBING. You seem to have a problem
defining murder. If the man had NOT struggled and
later said----I WANT TO SEE A DOCTOR----the fact is that he would have had a chance.
Depends which autopsy you go with. Either way, would not have died had the officer not what he did, for 9 minutes, even after his fellow officer expressed concern.

you have ABSOLUTELY no way of knowing that he would not have died. Evidence of myocardial infarction ON AUTOPSY----is not a matter of NOT HERE one minute and then SUDDENLY HERE. It is actually a process that takes time to DEVELOPE. The man was on his way to a Heart Attack----that was no time for him to commit a crime and subject himself to the stress of an arrest (and a bunch of drugs) Your theory that the FORCED arrest CAUSED the heart attack is something like THE OPERETTA form of heart attack------wayward son suddenly comes home and previously healthy mom DROPS DEAD

Why did the officer continue to kneel on his neck long after he had stopped moving?

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