Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

I'm always sad when people exercise their freedoms in a way that negatively affects others. You give up many freedoms to live with other people. I don't want my next door neighbor making their own fireworks.
Fireworks? Shit my neighbors blow off tons of fireworks. Cops don't do shit about it. What other negatives you referring to? Fireworks are usually July 4 and new year's, two days of 365, so stay with schools, since it is the topic.
especially against a virus that can survive on a doorknob for a month.....

that was transferred because one is constantly putting on, off and adjusting a contaminated mask. That swell mask that a manufacturer scientifically observed can't protect against wuhan 19
Before I report your thread to the mods I suggest you change your title....because it is misleading.
He's not at odds with parents.
He's with them.
It's the schools he's at odds with.

The mods have nothing to do with this. Obviously Arlington voters disagree with Younkin.
We were just talking about the difference between the two sides. This is one area where they seem different but they really are not.

The Dem Govs want to tell the local school boards they cannot make the call for their schools.
The Repub Govs want to tell the local school boards they cannot make the call for their schools.

Things like mask should be decided at the local level by the one's the parents have the most control over.

But that is not allowed by either party.

Voters can remove school board members if they seriously disagree. That should be made by schools and school boards.
2 of the boards biggest dildos post the same dumb thing. You faggot bitches

Masks don't work you stupid cabbage headed bastard

Actually, masks DO work. They are successful in preventing liberal control freaks from stroking out when they see someone's bare face.
On day one yesterday, Virginia's Governor Glenn Youngkin issued and executive order which guarantees the fundamental right of parents to make medical/developmental decisions for their children, including whether or not they wish to wear an arguably-ineffective face mask for eternity.

Here's his order (pdf)...

Arlington County Public Schools has issued a public statement in response the same day, stating that masks are still required of all students on all school grounds and buses....

For the record, Arlington County voted 81% for Biden and 17% for Trump in the 2020 presidential election. No wonder they are control freaks.

Youngkin fired back when questioned. He says he is going to do everything in his power to support parents' rights...

(sorry for the twitter link - spit)

Thank God. Let our children be children.

When I voted for Youngkin, I thought there was little chance he would be as effective as DeSantis, but I am getting so hopeful now, after watching his notable initial actions.

It will be interesting to see how this conflict works out. School officials overruling the Governor? Masks on children? Really?

Could it not be more clear that the Democrats want to control every aspect of our lives, while the Republicans continually stand for the right of the people to live in freedom and prosperity? Get the heck out of my personal life, Democrats, you have no right to be control freaks when you fail at absolutely everything.

News articles on the subject here:

Republicans believe in anarchy. This is not about freedom. You havce no concept what freedom is. You have certain freedoms but there are limits. The greater good overrules certain freedoms such as yelling fire in a crowded theater.
Alexander Hamilton in The Federaliat No 57 wrote, "The aim of every political Constitution is or ought to be first to obtain for rulers, men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue the common good of the society;"

If you want to stay at home then you can do anything you want. If you go out in society, freedom is not limitless. Younkin is a right wing fascist. A typical Republican.
that was transferred because one is constantly putting on, off and adjusting a contaminated mask. That swell mask that a manufacturer scientifically observed can't protect against wuhan 19
exactly Jc

all PPE is one time use, this is why bio-hazard bags exist


The child's parents should ultimately be the ones to decide whether their child should wear a mask or not. And that's exactly what Youngkin's order stated.

"Executive Order Number Two delivers on his Day One promise to empower Virginia parents in their children’s education and upbringing by allowing parents to make decisions on whether their child wears a mask in school."

Governor Glenn Youngkin |

Schools have every right to determine what goes on with school property. You cannot have thousands of parents telling schools what can be taught on a individual basis.
That is my opinion. How can an opinion be wrong? He basically won on anti mask and anti CRT as I understand it.
  • vast majority would not want their kids masked
    • Either they do or they don't regardless of your opinion and the polls I saw say you're wrong
  • or else they would not have elected him and his cohorts
    • He did run on parent involvement in schools (no masks or mandates mentioned as I recall) and CRT so masks or mandates were not why he was elected
Fireworks? Shit my neighbors blow off tons of fireworks. Cops don't do shit about it. What other negatives you referring to? Fireworks are usually July 4 and new year's, two days of 365, so stay with schools, since it is the topic.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. I didn't say setting off fireworks, I said making fireworks. As in mixing gunpowder (or any other hazardous material) in my neighbor's basement. The point being, his freedom to make explosives ends when he is a danger to others. And that my friend is the reason you can be mandated to mask or vax in public spaces.
  • vast majority would not want their kids masked
    • Either they do or they don't regardless of your opinion and the polls I saw say you're wrong
  • or else they would not have elected him and his cohorts
    • He did run on parent involvement in schools (no masks or mandates mentioned as I recall) and CRT so masks or mandates were not why he was elected
What polls? Post a poll from this week or last week. Again, if you're a parent you may still send your kid in with a mask. He is taking away the mandate not the right. What sane parent would be opposed to that? Why was he elected then in your "purple" state. Why were the LGov and AG elected? Obviously at least to me the people wanted a change.
The mods have nothing to do with this. Obviously Arlington voters disagree with Younkin.
that's why he won, right? dude, how do you manage yourself so conflicted like this. for fk sake. He fking won!!!!!!!
What polls? Post a poll from this week or last week. Again, if you're a parent you may still send your kid in with a mask. He is taking away the mandate not the right. What sane parent would be opposed to that? Why was he elected then in your "purple" state. Why were the LGov and AG elected? Obviously at least to me the people wanted a change.
dude, it's obviously a concept the demofks can't manage in their head. They don't know that politicians can keep promises they made on the campaign trail and institute what they ran on. It's really obvious, the demofks have all broke their water.
  • vast majority would not want their kids masked
    • Either they do or they don't regardless of your opinion and the polls I saw say you're wrong
  • or else they would not have elected him and his cohorts
    • He did run on parent involvement in schools (no masks or mandates mentioned as I recall) and CRT so masks or mandates were not why he was elected
then how did he when campaigning that? You realize that doesn't make sense right? oh wait, your water broke and all concept of life gone.
Schools have every right to determine what goes on with school property. You cannot have thousands of parents telling schools what can be taught on a individual basis.
nope, the schools are owned by the county. Not the schools. for fk sake.
Republicans believe in anarchy. This is not about freedom. You havce no concept what freedom is. You have certain freedoms but there are limits. The greater good overrules certain freedoms such as yelling fire in a crowded theater.
Alexander Hamilton in The Federaliat No 57 wrote, "The aim of every political Constitution is or ought to be first to obtain for rulers, men who possess most wisdom to discern, and most virtue to pursue the common good of the society;"

If you want to stay at home then you can do anything you want. If you go out in society, freedom is not limitless. Younkin is a right wing fascist. A typical Republican.
show me where the greater good is in the constitution.
Again, if you're a parent you may still send your kid in with a mask. He is taking away the mandate not the right. What sane parent would be opposed to that?
What sane parent wouldn't want their child to be in the safest possible environment? I consider that a right he is taking away.

Why was he elected then in your "purple" state. Why were the LGov and AG elected? Obviously at least to me the people wanted a change.
Our governor was term-limited so change was inevitable. Youngkin's opponent was lackluster at best and I think the down ballot offices just followed the governor's race.

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