Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

The mods have nothing to do with this. Obviously Arlington voters disagree with Younkin.

The thing is, Local control in most States flows from the State level government, which can take supremacy whenever it feels like it.

They are called home rule provisions, and can be waived by the State level government as they see fit.

They are citizens of Virginia, not Arlington.
What sane parent wouldn't want their child to be in the safest possible environment? I consider that a right he is taking away.

Our governor was term-limited so change was inevitable. Youngkin's opponent was lackluster at best and I think the down ballot offices just followed the governor's race.

Parents may worry about the social impact of masking, or the breathing impact, or even the simple matter of making a 5 year old cover their mouth for up to 6 freaking hours.
You need to work on your reading comprehension. I didn't say setting off fireworks, I said making fireworks. As in mixing gunpowder (or any other hazardous material) in my neighbor's basement. The point being, his freedom to make explosives ends when he is a danger to others. And that my friend is the reason you can be mandated to mask or vax in public spaces.
how many people actually make fireworks? Where one can buy fireworks, it is possible to break out the powder. Shit dude, the biggest baddest bomb making material is in a hardware store. Anyone can purchase any of that material. Free to. They are free to make anything they want at a consequence. But they are free to buy the materials. What you are looking for is the boundaries each of us has as to our neighbors, and that is quite a wide generalization. It's why we have courts. All you have to do is show where your freedom is more important than any other's. Can you do that?
What sane parent wouldn't want their child to be in the safest possible environment? I consider that a right he is taking away.
again jack ass, there are no rights of good health. So please, go pick up your brain matter from the floor.
Agreed but it is the local school board, elected by the parents, that should make the decision, not the governor.
there is no right to good health. You want your kid covered up, cover them up, you have no right to make anyone do anything you want done. Now that is in the constitution.
Agreed but it is the local school board, elected by the parents, that should make the decision, not the governor.
Exactly...the school board (which is often comprised of parents themselves) are supposed to represent the parent's views for that district.
there is no right to good health. You want your kid covered up, cover them up, you have no right to make anyone do anything you want done. Now that is in the constitution.
So kids have a right to go to school naked?
Exactly...the school board (which is often comprised of parents themselves) are supposed to represent the parent's views for that district.
yep and the parents elected an official that told them they can't mandate masks. you have no right to good health, nor do you have the right over any other person.
show us where it is a mandate.
doesn't say what will happen.
yep and the parents elected an official that told them they can't mandate masks. you have no right to good health, nor do you have the right over any other person.
Well, sadly for you ... yes I do. That's why we have laws regarding smoking in public places, sanitary conditions for eateries, hepatitus vaccinations for food handlers etc etc. And those laws have been upheld in the courts. You are going have an uphill battle with this one.

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