Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

I realize, care to try again?
try what, you sound like you lost your mind. You think a candidate won and should do the opposite of what he ran on because the majority voted for the things he/ she did run on. You are quite confused jack.
Well, sadly for you ... yes I do. That's why we have laws regarding smoking in public places, sanitary conditions for eateries, hepatitus vaccinations for food handlers etc etc. And those laws have been upheld in the courts. You are going have an uphill battle with this one.
nope, you have no right to good health, sorry to tell you that.
try what, you sound like you lost your mind. You think a candidate won and should do the opposite of what he ran on because the majority voted for the things he/ she did run on. You are quite confused jack.
So, it sounds like you support Big Government here....when it suits you.
That wasn't what you asked. Are you in the process of moving goalposts?
well you said that it was a mandate, so there are consequences if one doesn't abide by them. Parents do not need to have polio shots if they don't want their kids to have it.
So, it sounds like you support Big Government here....when it suits you.
It does? You think me supporting no mandates is me supporting government? hahahahahahahahaha you sure like to look foolish.
Wait. That’s coming from the state. I thought you wanted these decision made at the school board level.

Ask your handlers to make up your mind for you.
how many people actually make fireworks? Where one can buy fireworks, it is possible to break out the powder. Shit dude, the biggest baddest bomb making material is in a hardware store. Anyone can purchase any of that material. Free to. They are free to make anything they want at a consequence. But they are free to buy the materials. What you are looking for is the boundaries each of us has as to our neighbors, and that is quite a wide generalization. It's why we have courts. All you have to do is show where your freedom is more important than any other's. Can you do that?
Is my freedom any less important than anyone else's?
What sane parent wouldn't want their child to be in the safest possible environment? I consider that a right he is taking away.

Our governor was term-limited so change was inevitable. Youngkin's opponent was lackluster at best and I think the down ballot offices just followed the governor's race.
Lies! How can you lie like that? LT Gov and AG flipped too and McAuliffe got the 2nd most votes in state history. I am a parent and I believe masks are useless. So I would send in my vaccinated kids without them if I could. If you feel differently, that is your right and you may send them in with masks.

The state was deep Blue in November 2020 and then went deep red. Why is that? Well GY ran on giving parents CHOICES not MANDATES.
New Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) began his new job by ensuring that all masks mandates would be banned in schools regardless of what the community and parents want.

Speaking to the press on Sunday, Youngkin was asked about the Arlington school district still requiring masks regardless of what the governor says. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

Youngkin said that clearly, the schools didn't listen to what parents wanted, assuming that the parents in Arlington don't want the mask mandate. Arlington County voted 76.7 percent against Youngkin despite his campaign pledge to kill masks in schools.

First day on the job, don't even know what the law is. This ain't Flori-Duh son. That crap won't fly here.
So how was he “smacked down”? The article just says most of the teachers in that county are already out with COVID. Which is hilarious because you know they are all “vaxxed”.
Is my freedom any less important than anyone else's?
Yep if it infringes on others freedoms. You still do not, in my opinion, understand the difference between rights and mandates. No one says your kids cannot wear a mask, they just say they don't have to. Not the same thing.
well you said that it was a mandate, so there are consequences if one doesn't abide by them. Parents do not need to have polio shots if they don't want their kids to have it.
It is a mandate for having your child in school. The penalty is your child can not attend if the child does not the vaccinations. Like with masks, you can always homeschool and choose not to vaccinate. Why are you talking about vaccinating the parents? This is about children. In school. You're not only shifting the goal posts you are scrambling them.
Yep if it infringes on others freedoms. You still do not, in my opinion, understand the difference between rights and mandates. No one says your kids cannot wear a mask, they just say they don't have to. Not the same thing.
not even in the same ball park. but a demofk has no brain matter left. We're left dealing with incognizant creatures. Dolphins are smarter.
It is a mandate for having your child in school. The penalty is your child can not attend if the child does not the vaccinations. Like with masks, you can always homeschool and choose not to vaccinate. Why are you talking about vaccinating the parents? This is about children. In school. You're not only shifting the goal posts you are scrambling them.
they can if the court allows it. oops

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