Your 2016 Republican Nominee Will Be...

Pence, from what you've said about him would be a terrible idea. He's apparently wishy - washy which tells me he has no spine and doesn't believe in anything.
Because he's not an extremist?
He opposed No Child Left Behind, Bush's 2003 Medicare expansion, and immigration reform in 2007. All three are issues that Republicans NOW deride and reject.

I'm gonna look like a freakin' genius, over here!
Nope. There weren't Republicans that opposed Bush's liberal fiscal policies? You want to go with that huh?
Sure there were. But nobody who is going to run for POTUS.

OTOH, Jebbie was a full-throated supporter of all those policies, along with everything his brother did.
Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

You heard it here first, folks!

He's a little bit Establishment, he's a little bit teabagger

He's an Evangelical, but not obnoxiously so.

He's been a Congresscritter, he's been a Governor.

He's in deep with the Koch brothers.

He went against the Party and expanded Medicaid - and no one in the Party (or Americans For Prosperity) attacked him for it.

He's media-friendly and is ready to discuss issues without looking like a dope.

No controversy.

He's well-liked by his colleagues. After just one term in the House, he became chairman of the Republican Study Committee. He's a first-time governor and was elected to the Executive Committee of the Republican Governors Committee.

He's not an ideologue, just a fairly orthodox conservative.

He has a history of going against his Party, intelligently. He opposed No Child Left Behind, Bush's 2003 Medicare expansion, and immigration reform in 2007. All three are issues that Republicans NOW deride and reject.

He's a Reaganite, economically.

I'm gonna look like a freakin' genius, over here!
The republican nominee in 2016 will be............the next POTUS....period.
I'm predicting that Rand Paul will be the Republican nominee. I don't think he'll win the general election, but I like him more than Hillary Clinton.
shit stain

You think establishment repubs, attached at the hip to defense contractors, would back a professed non-interventionist?
Ayn Rand Paul is flip-flopping every day, taking the establishment positions and dropping his Libertarian, Isolationist views. A few months ago he was saying stay out of Iraq/Syria/ISIL. Now he's practically John McCain.

Of course, flip-flopping was the ultimate sin when they were accusing John Kerry of doing it in 2004.
I think the country has had enough of the Bush family. The only guy who has the chops to stand toe to toe with both Hillary and the MSM and make them both look a fool AND make people laugh while he's destroying them is Chris Christie. Remember people we have to run against both the slime lowlife Democratic candidate and the lying scum biased MSM there are two opponents. While I like Rand Paul personally I think he's no match for the gutter politics of the Dem's and MSM, they will throw him to the ground and kick dirt in his face.

Christie is a Liberal. He's not a Conservative he'd be no better than the last two pseudo - Liberals the Republicans ran for POTUS.

You are preaching to the choir I'm not a Christie fan but facts are facts, whomever the GOP candidate is will be flat out assaulted by the lying scum Democratic party and the MSM. And as we saw in the last election they will have to debate not only the Democratic party candidate but the biased scum liberal debate moderator as well. So don't pick some wet noodle to run the GOP candidate will have to give as good as he/she gets.

Awwwwwwwww! Pooooah baaaby! Da wamestweem media is gunna mess up your candidate. So sad.
I think the country has had enough of the Bush family. The only guy who has the chops to stand toe to toe with both Hillary and the MSM and make them both look a fool AND make people laugh while he's destroying them is Chris Christie. Remember people we have to run against both the slime lowlife Democratic candidate and the lying scum biased MSM there are two opponents. While I like Rand Paul personally I think he's no match for the gutter politics of the Dem's and MSM, they will throw him to the ground and kick dirt in his face.

Christie is a Liberal. He's not a Conservative he'd be no better than the last two pseudo - Liberals the Republicans ran for POTUS.
Romney was severely conservative. Don't you remember?
Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

You heard it here first, folks!

He's a little bit Establishment, he's a little bit teabagger

He's an Evangelical, but not obnoxiously so.

He's been a Congresscritter, he's been a Governor.

He's in deep with the Koch brothers.

He went against the Party and expanded Medicaid - and no one in the Party (or Americans For Prosperity) attacked him for it.

He's media-friendly and is ready to discuss issues without looking like a dope.

No controversy.

He's well-liked by his colleagues. After just one term in the House, he became chairman of the Republican Study Committee. He's a first-time governor and was elected to the Executive Committee of the Republican Governors Committee.

He's not an ideologue, just a fairly orthodox conservative.

He has a history of going against his Party, intelligently. He opposed No Child Left Behind, Bush's 2003 Medicare expansion, and immigration reform in 2007. All three are issues that Republicans NOW deride and reject.

He's a Reaganite, economically.

I'm gonna look like a freakin' genius, over here!
The republican nominee in 2016 will be............the next POTUS....period.

Weeeeeeeeeee! A preDICKshun!
I think the country has had enough of the Bush family. The only guy who has the chops to stand toe to toe with both Hillary and the MSM and make them both look a fool AND make people laugh while he's destroying them is Chris Christie. Remember people we have to run against both the slime lowlife Democratic candidate and the lying scum biased MSM there are two opponents. While I like Rand Paul personally I think he's no match for the gutter politics of the Dem's and MSM, they will throw him to the ground and kick dirt in his face.

Christies national aspirations are about to blow up in his face.

Because he cancelled a major works program because NJ was going to be asked to foot too much of the bill, traffic is going to be snarled when the repairs of some major tunnels begin next year.

This upcoming traffic apocalypse will be the end of Chris Christie - The Week
Yup. He turned down a great deal for New Jersey. Now they are going to have to foot a much larger bill.

He's doomed because of his incompetence. Google Chris Christie pensions.

He's now viewed negatively by Democrats AND Republicans in Jersey.
I think the country has had enough of the Bush family. The only guy who has the chops to stand toe to toe with both Hillary and the MSM and make them both look a fool AND make people laugh while he's destroying them is Chris Christie. Remember people we have to run against both the slime lowlife Democratic candidate and the lying scum biased MSM there are two opponents. While I like Rand Paul personally I think he's no match for the gutter politics of the Dem's and MSM, they will throw him to the ground and kick dirt in his face.

Christie is a Liberal. He's not a Conservative he'd be no better than the last two pseudo - Liberals the Republicans ran for POTUS.

You are preaching to the choir I'm not a Christie fan but facts are facts, whomever the GOP candidate is will be flat out assaulted by the lying scum Democratic party and the MSM. And as we saw in the last election they will have to debate not only the Democratic party candidate but the biased scum liberal debate moderator as well. So don't pick some wet noodle to run the GOP candidate will have to give as good as he/she gets.

Awwwwwwwww! Pooooah baaaby! Da wamestweem media is gunna mess up your candidate. So sad.
He believes that conservatives are stupid, easily swayed by Scott Pelley and the CBS Evening News.
I think the country has had enough of the Bush family. The only guy who has the chops to stand toe to toe with both Hillary and the MSM and make them both look a fool AND make people laugh while he's destroying them is Chris Christie. Remember people we have to run against both the slime lowlife Democratic candidate and the lying scum biased MSM there are two opponents. While I like Rand Paul personally I think he's no match for the gutter politics of the Dem's and MSM, they will throw him to the ground and kick dirt in his face.

Christie is a Liberal. He's not a Conservative he'd be no better than the last two pseudo - Liberals the Republicans ran for POTUS.

You know, Christie has some real strengths. I wonder about him though. If he gets advice during the campaign from image consultants that tell him to be contrite and PC, which goes against who he is, then I am afraid that he will look weak. That would hurt him. However, if he just stays like he is - which is a loud-mouth, sometimes asshole, who sometimes says things he regrets - then the party can utilize his strengths. He will suffer set backs, either from acting like an asshole or looking neutered. If I were him, I would prefer to look like a decisive asshole than a wishy washy little worm.

I do not dig his left leanings on certain issues. But I strongly prefer him over anything the Democrats can drag up to the nomination. I personally would not be opposed to Jeb. I like the Bush family, particularly Herbert Walker and Jeb. They are proud to be Americans, smart, successful, and have good character. Also, they are not evangelical. I hate evangelicals. I hate the mixing of religion and politics. I just do not think people like Santorem, Huckabee, and the like will get us anywhere except for having another Dem president. To be candid I will disclose that while I am a Republican I am also an atheist. Thus, I find all of the evangelical politicians to be repulsive. I admit to being blindly biased in this area. It is a weakness. I would rather hit myself on my head repeatedly with a hammer than have to choose between HILLARY and an evangelical Republican (I would vote for the Republican, btw).

I could support Christie. I would prefer Jeb. I would vote for Paul over ANY Dem, but not over most Republicans due to his statements on foreign policy. Paul is a putz.
Romney was severely conservative. Don't you remember?

Yeah. Just like Josef Stalin and Chairman Mao
Then, all the conservatives on this board, and every other board, in addition to all the national conservatives and talk show conservatives - all of them are liars?

Or are they all just stupid?
Then, all the conservatives on this board, and every other board, in addition to all the national conservatives and talk show conservatives - all of them are liars?

Or are they all just stupid?

Anyone who thinks Mitt Romney is a Conservative is either mentally deficient or is lying to themselves. I lived under his reign for 4 years And trust me he's no Conservative.
I think the country has had enough of the Bush family. The only guy who has the chops to stand toe to toe with both Hillary and the MSM and make them both look a fool AND make people laugh while he's destroying them is Chris Christie. Remember people we have to run against both the slime lowlife Democratic candidate and the lying scum biased MSM there are two opponents. While I like Rand Paul personally I think he's no match for the gutter politics of the Dem's and MSM, they will throw him to the ground and kick dirt in his face.

Christie is a Liberal. He's not a Conservative he'd be no better than the last two pseudo - Liberals the Republicans ran for POTUS.

You know, Christie has some real strengths. I wonder about him though. If he gets advice during the campaign from image consultants that tell him to be contrite and PC, which goes against who he is, then I am afraid that he will look weak. That would hurt him. However, if he just stays like he is - which is a loud-mouth, sometimes asshole, who sometimes says things he regrets - then the party can utilize his strengths. He will suffer set backs, either from acting like an asshole or looking neutered. If I were him, I would prefer to look like a decisive asshole than a wishy washy little worm.

I do not dig his left leanings on certain issues. But I strongly prefer him over anything the Democrats can drag up to the nomination. I personally would not be opposed to Jeb. I like the Bush family, particularly Herbert Walker and Jeb. They are proud to be Americans, smart, successful, and have good character. Also, they are not evangelical. I hate evangelicals. I hate the mixing of religion and politics. I just do not think people like Santorem, Huckabee, and the like will get us anywhere except for having another Dem president. To be candid I will disclose that while I am a Republican I am also an atheist. Thus, I find all of the evangelical politicians to be repulsive. I admit to being blindly biased in this area. It is a weakness. I would rather hit myself on my head repeatedly with a hammer than have to choose between HILLARY and an evangelical Republican (I would vote for the Republican, btw).

I could support Christie. I would prefer Jeb. I would vote for Paul over ANY Dem, but not over most Republicans due to his statements on foreign policy. Paul is a putz.

You LIE you can't be a Republican and an atheist (sarcasm), its impossible at least according to the liberals, right libs? Libs tell us daily we hate people like you and women and minorities and well anyone who isn't a white male Christian.

As for Christie agreed if his handlers neuter him he's toast.
He opposed No Child Left Behind, Bush's 2003 Medicare expansion, and immigration reform in 2007. All three are issues that Republicans NOW deride and reject.

I'm gonna look like a freakin' genius, over here!
Nope. There weren't Republicans that opposed Bush's liberal fiscal policies? You want to go with that huh?
Sure there were. But nobody who is going to run for POTUS.

OTOH, Jebbie was a full-throated supporter of all those policies, along with everything his brother did.
You said "Republicans", not "nobody who is going to run for president", which is still wrong. You, like most libs, just throw shit on the wall and hope something sticks.
So anyway, all these personal insults are real interesting and all, but back to Pence.

I've seen him a few times and he's obviously not very dynamic, and that would hurt him on the all-important image angle. The field is wide open, obviously, is he someone who might be a serious contender? What do the Tea Partiers think of him?
Then, all the conservatives on this board, and every other board, in addition to all the national conservatives and talk show conservatives - all of them are liars?

Or are they all just stupid?

Anyone who thinks Mitt Romney is a Conservative is either mentally deficient or is lying to themselves. I lived under his reign for 4 years And trust me he's no Conservative.
Well, that's what we were told constantly leading up to 2012.

Thanks for confirming that conservatives are liars.

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