Your 2016 Republican Nominee Will Be...

Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

You heard it here first, folks!

He's a little bit Establishment, he's a little bit teabagger

He's an Evangelical, but not obnoxiously so.

He's been a Congresscritter, he's been a Governor.

He's in deep with the Koch brothers.

He went against the Party and expanded Medicaid - and no one in the Party (or Americans For Prosperity) attacked him for it.

He's media-friendly and is ready to discuss issues without looking like a dope.

No controversy.

He's well-liked by his colleagues. After just one term in the House, he became chairman of the Republican Study Committee. He's a first-time governor and was elected to the Executive Committee of the Republican Governors Committee.

He's not an ideologue, just a fairly orthodox conservative.

He has a history of going against his Party, intelligently. He opposed No Child Left Behind, Bush's 2003 Medicare expansion, and immigration reform in 2007. All three are issues that Republicans NOW deride and reject.

He's a Reaganite, economically.

I'm gonna look like a freakin' genius, over here!

Percysunshine / Synthaholic 2016 !!!

We can do it Bro!
Hillary might be the best candidate for Republicans. Left enough to satisfy the GOP "establishment" yet considerably to the right of both Fauxahontas and Romney.

Sad, that, but true.
The field widens!


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