Your 2016 Republican Nominee Will Be...

the GOP wouldn't do too bad with Pence, but he's about as exciting as Vanilla.

The GOP will nominate Jeb Bush.
the late great David Broder predicted Ohio Senator Robert Portman

He's an idiot.

Here's why it will be Bush.

He's everything the establishment wants. He supports immigration reform and common core. He won't get bogged down in the culture wars. He'll advocate the nice, Country Club Republican platform his father and brother did.

And Hillary will totally kick his ass.

Portman is an idiot? LOL that 's funny coming from the forum's biggest dullard
the GOP wouldn't do too bad with Pence, but he's about as exciting as Vanilla.

The GOP will nominate Jeb Bush.

I tend to agree with you about Bush, but I'm not willing to put money on it. It really doesn't matter whom it is they nominate, because they are not winning the White House in 2016. Despite all the crying from the cons, most Americans are doing fairly well economically right now, and things only continue to get better.

Portman is an idiot? LOL that 's funny coming from the forum's biggest dullard

anyone who still calls himself a republican after 2008 is an idiot.

My kid has stuff in cages that is smarter than you are

Do your stuff in cages constantly make you their bitch like I do?

Just because you are a flaming fairy doesn't mean you can make someone your bitch

I pretty much have branded your sorry ass so many times it looks like a world championship scrabble board

Just because you are a flaming fairy doesn't mean you can make someone your bitch

I pretty much have branded your sorry ass so many times it looks like a world championship scrabble board

Actually, you've branded yourself as another gun whack I can get to dance to my tune.

i don't bother asking a tool why it says what it says because I know it's a tool.

You'll do what Hate Radio tells you to do. and then you'll get all upset because some of your co-workers want union representation.

You can't stop being wrong can you? Of course not, you are an idiot.

Actually, I'm pretty much right on the money. Because I saw the EXACT same thing with Romney.

A bunch of you not wanting to support him before the nomination.

You all got behind him after he got it because Obama was EEEEEEVIL

And then when he lost, you all said, "Well, Romney wasn't a REAL Conservative."

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

What a load of horseshit. Mitt Romney was a terrible candidate, I said that from day one. (I recall my usual description of him being: "a wishy-washy moderate with no discernible core beliefs.") NOBODY was enthusiastic about Romney. NOBODY was excited about Romney. Essentially nobody voted for him...they voted AGAINST Obama.

Joe specializes in horse shit. He makes up whole scenarios in his head and then extrapolates an entire arguement based on something he made up and expects people to believe him. He's an idiot.

But you both still voted for Romney in 2012, which completely proves my point.

That's your point NOW, liar. If that was your point before, it would have been irrelevant.

If the Dens nominate Hillary they are forfeiting the presidency for the next 4 years. The bag will never win a national election, not this late in the game, even if she manages to stay on the wagon.

It's gonna take a lot of spin from the liberal fascist machine to clean that witch off.

Except she beats anyone you have in polls.

Here's the problem you didn't learn in 2012, and you won't learn it in 2016.

Don't tell me why I shouldn't vote for Hillary.

Tell me why I should vote for YOUR guy.

And we have been, but you cannot understand even a simple concept: You should vote for our guy because, as bad as he is, your guy or gal is much worse. It's a sad state of affiars but that's what our politics and politicians have become.

Get it yet stupid?

If the Dens nominate Hillary they are forfeiting the presidency for the next 4 years. The bag will never win a national election, not this late in the game, even if she manages to stay on the wagon.

It's gonna take a lot of spin from the liberal fascist machine to clean that witch off.

Except she beats anyone you have in polls.

Here's the problem you didn't learn in 2012, and you won't learn it in 2016.

Don't tell me why I shouldn't vote for Hillary.

Tell me why I should vote for YOUR guy.

And we have been, but you cannot understand even a simple concept: You should vote for our guy because, as bad as he is, your guy or gal is much worse.
simplistic assumptions

Get it yet stupid?


What a load of horseshit. Mitt Romney was a terrible candidate, I said that from day one. (I recall my usual description of him being: "a wishy-washy moderate with no discernible core beliefs.") NOBODY was enthusiastic about Romney. NOBODY was excited about Romney. Essentially nobody voted for him...they voted AGAINST Obama.

Exactly my point. But you guys all got behind Romney when you had NO OTHER CHOICE.
And why did they have no other choice?

Because there aren't enough conservatives in the U.S. to nominate a conservative.

No big secret. They are just a loud minority.

And we have been, but you cannot understand even a simple concept: You should vote for our guy because, as bad as he is, your guy or gal is much worse. It's a sad state of affiars but that's what our politics and politicians have become.

Get it yet stupid?

So what you are admitting here is that you did vote for Romney and when the GOP establishment forces Bush on you in 2016, you'll vote for him, too.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Synthetic or whatever that posters name yes is an idiot. We all know that. He's dead wrong about this and he forgot all about Kishich being the architect of the federal surplus and working 10 years on federal fiscal issues.

Like I said, "Kasich is by far the most qualified candidate we have. More so than hilary."

This was over before it began.
I'm predicting that Rand Paul will be the Republican nominee. I don't think he'll win the general election, but I like him more than Hillary Clinton.
The military industrial complex (you know- the people that use 60% of the discretionary budget) won't sign-off on a non-interventionist unless he's just putting up a front to get libertarian votes.

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