Your Faith On Trial

I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Yeah, its stranger, and worse.
Ding isn't trying to act like any sort of messiah, just a believer towing the party line without thinking very deeply about it, admittedly confused.

Hashev has manage to suck the soul out of his dear friend shimon, turning him into a golem.

Ding isn't that brazen, subtle, or sophisticated.
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I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Really? I would have thought you would have been all over this, but since he was attacking Christianity, he gets a hall pass from you? Thus proving yet again that your mission is to subordinate religion.
I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Yeah, its stranger, and worse.
Ding isn't trying to act like any sort of messiah, just a believer towing the party line without thinking very deeply about it, admittedly confused.
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.
I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Really? I would have thought you would have been all over this, but since he was attacking Christianity, he gets a hall pass from you? Thus proving yet again that your mission is to subordinate religion.
No, I'm just comparing two sets of nonsense and judging them pretty equal.
I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Yeah, its stranger, and worse.
Ding isn't trying to act like any sort of messiah, just a believer towing the party line without thinking very deeply about it, admittedly confused.
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.
You're welcome.

The problem with you thinking your level of depth is over my head is the problem with the hierarchy of hell, the higher you think you are the lower you have fallen.
I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Yeah, its stranger, and worse.
Ding isn't trying to act like any sort of messiah, just a believer towing the party line without thinking very deeply about it, admittedly confused.
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.
You're welcome.

The problem with you thinking your level of depth is over my head is the problem with the hierarchy of hell, the higher you think you are the lower you have fallen.
I don't think I am high at all. I worry about my salvation each and every day. I guess that blows a hole in your argument.
I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Yeah, its stranger, and worse.
Ding isn't trying to act like any sort of messiah, just a believer towing the party line without thinking very deeply about it, admittedly confused.
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.
You're welcome.

The problem with you thinking your level of depth is over my head is the problem with the hierarchy of hell, the higher you think you are the lower you have fallen.
I don't think I am high at all. I worry about my salvation each and every day. I guess that blows a hole in your argument.
Did you think I was arguing? Don't be silly.

Do you disagree that in hell the higher you think you are the lower you have fallen?

You think that you are "saved" by just believing in and praying to a false three in one mangod.

You should worry.
I wouldn't worry too much about what he says, he thinks he is God's top prophet, archangel Michael. He even has a website. It's in his signature line. Go ahead and ask him.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Really? I would have thought you would have been all over this, but since he was attacking Christianity, he gets a hall pass from you? Thus proving yet again that your mission is to subordinate religion.
No, I'm just comparing two sets of nonsense and judging them pretty equal.

I see one being several deeper levels of evil than the other, even if they are both going in the same direction, further and further away from truth and reality, the land of the living.
That doesn't sound any stranger than most of the stuff you spout.
Yeah, its stranger, and worse.
Ding isn't trying to act like any sort of messiah, just a believer towing the party line without thinking very deeply about it, admittedly confused.
I suspect my level of depth is over your head. But other than that, thanks for acknowledging that Ha Shev is bat shit crazy.
You're welcome.

The problem with you thinking your level of depth is over my head is the problem with the hierarchy of hell, the higher you think you are the lower you have fallen.
I don't think I am high at all. I worry about my salvation each and every day. I guess that blows a hole in your argument.
Did you think I was arguing? Don't be silly.

Do you disagree that in hell the higher you think you are the lower you have fallen?

You think that you are "saved" by just believing in and praying to a false three in one mangod.

You should worry.
I don't think about hell at all. Why should I? I live in the present. What I do believe is that a bad man does not know just how bad he is, only a good man knows how bad he is. No man who is good will believe he is good. If you believe you are good, you aren't. That applies to everyone, even me.

No, I don't believe I am "saved" because I believe in the Trinity. I believed I am blessed because I believe in the Trinity and if I follow their ways, I will become the best version of myself that I can be. I don't worry about destinations. I focus on the journey. Specifically the present. Now go fuck yourself for being such an asshole and disparaging my faith.
God would persist and not die out until his (HaShev) i.e. return.

And you ended that speach by saying my name in conjunction with God's truth...
God's truth prevails. :)
I always get you to say my name, even when you reinvent Jesus name to be more Judaic I get you to say my name, which is why you hate using the Hebrew and refuse to use the proper transliteration.
God would persist and not die out until his (HaShev) i.e. return.

And you ended that speach by saying my name in conjunction with God's truth...
God's truth prevails. :)
I always get you to say my name, even when you reinvent Jesus name to be more Judaic I get you to say my name, which is why you hate using the Hebrew and refuse to use the proper transliteration.
You are barking up the wrong tree. He hates Christians as much as you do, Top Prophet of God.

Did God actually come to you and anoint you as the Top Prophet? Was there some kind of ceremony? Or did you just get a certificate from some online site?
There are no donations links, I never ever ask for money for what should be shared freely...You lose...your faith is only about the money and now you got caught stepping in the mouse trap again deflecting your bel harvest seed (money) scams.
Funny isnt it... It always boils down to money with guys like Ding Ding Ding Ding.. But then one always hears that sound of money in the casinos which are not unlike the places Ding visits like the Catholic Church when they pass around their donation plate... Ding Ding Ding...
Funny isnt it... It always boils down to money with guys like Ding Ding Ding Ding.. But then one always hears that sound of money in the casinos which are not unlike the places Ding visits like the Catholic Church when they pass around their donation plate... Ding Ding Ding...
Hey everything has its place. A friend once took me to lunch at a restaurant in a casino and two quarters I had put in my pocket that were in the ashtray telling self, "Self don't forget to put those in a slot machine after lunch before leaving". Those two quarters provided enough for groceries for a few weeks when things were pretty slack. I generally don't gamble as it is to hard earning it just to throw it away but it did work out that one day.
Funny isnt it... It always boils down to money with guys like Ding Ding Ding Ding.. But then one always hears that sound of money in the casinos which are not unlike the places Ding visits like the Catholic Church when they pass around their donation plate... Ding Ding Ding...
Hey everything has its place. A friend once took me to lunch at a restaurant in a casino and two quarters I had put in my pocket that were in the ashtray telling self, "Self don't forget to put those in a slot machine after lunch before leaving". Those two quarters provided enough for groceries for a few weeks when things were pretty slack. I generally don't gamble as it is to hard earning it just to throw it away but it did work out that one day.

Churches in NV are said to often accept casino chips as donations. *Oy vey*

Your story can be intuitive or selective recognition.
Christianity ITSELF is based on poorly
and fallaciously forced selective recognition, while Christians DARE to question my PROVEN AND QUALIFIED intuitive gift.
Being what you bring up, it reminds me of a time in my last year of High School where the last month is no longer meaninful to grades and school attendence becomes less and less closer to the final week.
I was infamous for doing the whole skipping out thing done up right- almost like the movie Ferris Bueller. Most kids went to McDonalds, I would go to South Street in Philly and grab a Steak sandwich at Pats, or take the free reimbursed bus trips to Atlantic City Casinos even though I didn't gamble you get the free trip and hang by the water and boardwalk with a fresh hot bag of planters peanuts.
Well one of those last days of High School trying to decide what to do my friend holds a deck of cards pulls one out and asks me, what card am I holding, well when I quickly responded with the right card we both looked like deers in headlights at each other and at the same time blurted out that this meant we had to go to "Atlantic City!"
And yes the only time I ever did gamble(besides stock market *L*) I won Roullette and Slots picking the right machines, but my friend would lose it all back. Luck goes in waves, but my intuitive
skills does not and I've freaked out many a people over the years because of it. People who never heeded my warnings about looming Gulf wars before they joined the Navy, warnings about Saddam, warning about the Baath party's long range goals (now called Isis), warning about living in NO under sea level (hell that's just common sense), warning about bullying in schools causing a rise in shootings, warning about protesting riots, etc etc.
The majority of the MIKra (i.e.the Bible)
is based on story after story of prophets warning people that don't ever listen even as they prove right and helpful all along.
Why have a lifeline from the stable perfected world to come to our unstable imperfect world in your houses if you aren't gonna pick it up and gain insight about good and poor choices by reading the result of their choices to save you from yours?
What else would be the purpose of such book proven to be from that which already knows? Nostradamus knew this and used the secreting of Torah his Grandfather taught him, to help guide his predictions.
He also used methods to enhance his intuitive gifts, one particular one which even the church uses that dates back to the Temple priests.
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There are no donations links, I never ever ask for money for what should be shared freely...You lose...your faith is only about the money and now you got caught stepping in the mouse trap again deflecting your bel harvest seed (money) scams.
So you admit that you are archangel Michael? It took you long enough.
Funny isnt it... It always boils down to money with guys like Ding Ding Ding Ding.. But then one always hears that sound of money in the casinos which are not unlike the places Ding visits like the Catholic Church when they pass around their donation plate... Ding Ding Ding...

You mean you don't have any money? You don't use money? I smell a hypocrite.

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