Your favorite perfume/cologne...

i enjoy to many..... have to many, and dont wear them very often.

I enjoy the scent of my neutrogena body oil which i use ever day.

I am quite the fan of Jo Malone perfumes.... I prefer the citrus notes and the surgery notes. Grapefruit, Vetyver, Nectarine and Honey, Earl Grey & Cucumber, bitter orange and chocolate and lemon tart.

l'occitane's retired vanilla. A very pure single note Tahitian vanilla scent. I horde it since sadly its gone forever.

another one i adore, amazingly enough comes from a the St. George Spirits distillery. It was a failed batch of liqueur that they gave to a perfumery that they turned into a heavenly creation.... omg its wonderful. Its called cacao..... made from Scharffen Berger cacao shells, jasmine, and blood oranges. I love it for the bottle alone! (i know silly but i do)

Nancy Boys Signature scent is enough to make me swoon.... i was ever so happy when they came out with it in soap, shampoo, body wash...and body spray! The signature scent is mint, lavender and rosemary. [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] you should think about the ultimate save for a gift. :)

Ultimate Shave - Shaving Gifts

Thanks for the link....I'm definitely interested as my husband loves the after shave cream, and that's a pretty reasonable price for the set....sounds like something he would definitely go for. :) :)

Just know, once you go this way....he will never go back to regular shaving stuff. :eusa_angel:

That would be fine for me.... we order a lot of stuff through the internet, saves me having to run around to the Mall or Base exchange! I'm liking "easy" more and more each Christmas. Gift cards, money and internet purchases! :)
Thanks for the link....I'm definitely interested as my husband loves the after shave cream, and that's a pretty reasonable price for the set....sounds like something he would definitely go for. :) :)

Just know, once you go this way....he will never go back to regular shaving stuff. :eusa_angel:

That would be fine for me.... we order a lot of stuff through the internet, saves me having to run around to the Mall or Base exchange! I'm liking "easy" more and more each Christmas. Gift cards, money and internet purchases! :)

me too!!!

Just know, once you go this way....he will never go back to regular shaving stuff. :eusa_angel:

That would be fine for me.... we order a lot of stuff through the internet, saves me having to run around to the Mall or Base exchange! I'm liking "easy" more and more each Christmas. Gift cards, money and internet purchases! :)

me too!!!

I hate to admit this, but I'm not all that hep on decorating, either. Last two years we went away to spend Christmas with family and all I did was put up Christmas wreaths on the me lazy, hmmmmmm.
Ironically, just a brief whiff of the perfume Poison gives my wife a blinding headache.

She likes White Diamonds and Chanel No. 5. Both smell wonderful on her.

OMG, same here! That stuff will make Baby Jesus cry. :(
There's something...I don't know what it is...that smells like old pee.

I smell that on a woman, and I want to tell her to buy Depends.
Ironically, just a brief whiff of the perfume Poison gives my wife a blinding headache.

She likes White Diamonds and Chanel No. 5. Both smell wonderful on her.

OMG, same here! That stuff will make Baby Jesus cry. :(
There's something...I don't know what it is...that smells like old pee.

I smell that on a woman, and I want to tell her to buy Depends.

:lol: i know how you feel!

there is and old scent called jungle gardenia.... i swear some of the old ladies just bathe in it.....

Ironically, just a brief whiff of the perfume Poison gives my wife a blinding headache.

She likes White Diamonds and Chanel No. 5. Both smell wonderful on her.

OMG, same here! That stuff will make Baby Jesus cry. :(
There's something...I don't know what it is...that smells like old pee.

I smell that on a woman, and I want to tell her to buy Depends.

Some women put way too much on, and some of the cheaper stuff is overwhelming.
Haven't worn cologne is so long, hell I can't remember the last time.

But I did put some on, I think I have a bottle of Stetson somewhere.
The one an ex-girlfriend used to wear. I have no idea what it's called.

It was pretty common, but every once in a while, in an unexpected place, I will smell it and it will hit me hard and take me back 20 years ago to a good place.
I love love Patchouli (well done,not headshop, French perfumiers know how to get it right, it's expensive but worth, with a bit of vanilla ....hmmm beautiful.)

Also white flowers...particularly Orange Blossom perfumes (Italian or French juice)

Niche perfumes always....very hard to find and impossible to get at the Mall.
oh... there is one cologne that i adore in summer and it's very easy to's 4711.
I love love Patchouli (well done,not headshop, French perfumiers know how to get it right, it's expensive but worth, with a bit of vanilla ....hmmm beautiful.)

Also white flowers...particularly Orange Blossom perfumes (Italian or French juice)

Niche perfumes always....very hard to find and impossible to get at the Mall.

patcchouli..... reminds me to much of the hippies and the whole height ashberry crap. Not a good memory smell for me.
I love love Patchouli (well done,not headshop, French perfumiers know how to get it right, it's expensive but worth, with a bit of vanilla ....hmmm beautiful.)

Also white flowers...particularly Orange Blossom perfumes (Italian or French juice)

Niche perfumes always....very hard to find and impossible to get at the Mall.

patcchouli..... reminds me to much of the hippies and the whole height ashberry crap. Not a good memory smell for me.

i know :) that's why i said "well done" :) and not headshop.

having said that..... I like to smell of incense and hippie and spiritual and karma and all dat!:D:tongue:
Was just watching an episode of "How Do They Do It" talking about making perfume.

So what's your favorite smelly-good?

Mine: Amouage Gold Man. Very spicy, very musky. Also VERY expensive. Made in Oman, which is where I tried it. One small spritz from a mall shop tester bottle lasted two days and three showers. It's oil-based, not alcohol-based, so it soaks into the skin. 120 ingredients, including Rock Rose, Lily of the Valley, Silver Frankincense, Myrrh, Orris, Jasmine, Ambergris, Civet, Musk, Cedarwood, and Sandalwood.

Given the price, I've never purchased any. But it's still my favorite.

What I like that I CAN afford: Stetson. Good ol' workhorse Stetson. :)

After reading Jiterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins, I can't get enough perfume. Perfume has spiritual significance in the Bible. I want whatever is expensive, but my favorite is Ysatis by Gevenchy. I don't buy cologne. I spring for the more expensive perfume. It packs a better punch.

That is for women. If you refer to men, Paul Mitchell used to make a nice one for men. A BF wore that. Don't know if they still make it.
oh... there is one cologne that i adore in summer and it's very easy to's 4711.

i dont know that one at all....

4711 it's sold everywhere and its very refreshing for hot is unisex... a bit of citrus and not expensive... doesnt last long its only cologne ... but ok for summer nice! :)


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