Your Favorite Things About Israel

Truly Hashem has comforted Tzion, Comforted all her ruins; He has made her wilderness like Eden, Her desert like the Garden of Hashem. Gladness and joy shall abide there, Thanksgiving and the sound of music
Isaiah 51:3 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

kee ni-KHAM a-do-NAI tzi-YON ni-KHAM kol kho-r’-vo-TE-ha va-YA-sem mid-ba-RAH
k’-AY-den v’-ar-va-TAH k’-gan a-do-NAI sa-SON v’-sim-KHA yi-ma-TZAY VAH to-DA
v’-KOL zim-RAH

Israel's Supernatural Quality

The Land of Israel has a supernatural quality to it. While under foreign occupation, it resembles an arid desert. However, under Jewish sovereignty, it comes to life, flourishes, and yields great produce. Indeed, for nearly two millennia, as the land switched hands numerous times between various foreign powers, including the Romans, the Arabs and the Turks, the land lay utterly desolate. Amazingly, the modern rebirth of the Jewish state in 1948 has brought with it an astounding development of the land, to the point where once again the Jewish people can claim a flourishing country all their own.

But you, O mountains of Yisrael, shall yield your produce and bear your fruit for My people Yisrael, for their return is near
Ezekiel 36:8 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-a-TEM ha-RAY yis-ra-AYL an-p’-KHEM ti-TAY-nu u-fer-y’-KHEM tis-U l’-a-MEE yis-ra-AYL kee kay-r’-VU la-VO

The Final Redemption is Near

In this prophecy, Hashem (God) promises that the land will again be inhabited by the house of Israel and that it will flourish, pledging that the mountains will grow trees and produce fruit. Since the Jewish people have returned to Israel, the land has indeed begun to flourish, and there are once again trees growing throughout the land. While the world struggled with deforestation, Israel is the only country that ended the twentieth century with more trees than it had at its start. The flourishing of the Land of Israel described in this verse is a clear sign that the complete and final redemption is near.
Two thousand years of exile
Knew our soul
Until we were able to see your beauty
Tears choked our throats
We stood at the gates of Yerushalem
Do not get sad city of the King
Messiah ben David will call on your behalf
From all corners of the world they will be on their way
Pray in your honor Yerushalem

From the Babylonian exile, we returned
Our prayers have been dedicated to you
Did you hear our voice Yerushalem
In the alleys of Your city we marched
To the wall that has survived
Your House will be built in Yerushalem

The legends tell, at the time of the evening
A voice emanates from Mount Tzofim
Prayers find the way
The Way to the Gate of Mercy
Do not get sad city of the King ...

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I Hashem, in My grace, have summoned you, And I have grasped you by the hand. I created you, and appointed you A covenant people,
a light of nations

Isaiah 42:6 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-NEE a-do-NAI k’-ra-TEE-kha v’-TZE-dek v’-akh-ZAYK b’-ya-DE-kha v’-e-tzor-KHA
v’-e-ten-KHA liv-REET AM l’-OR go-YIM

A Holy Mission Statement

This verse captures the mission statement of the People of Israel, to be "a light of nations." Yeshayahu (Isaiah) calls on the Jewish nation to ignite the world with righteousness. The establishment of the State of Israel enables the people of Israel to carry out this Biblical mandate through its democratic government housed in the Knesset in Jerusalem.

In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a sacred occasion: you shall not work at your occupations. You shall observe it as a day when the shofar is sounded
Numbers 29:1 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ba-KHO-desh ha-sh’-vee-EE b’-e-KHAD la-KHO-desh mik-ra KO-desh yih-YEH la-KHEM kol ma-le-KHET a-VO-dah lo ta-A-SU yom T'-RU-ah yih-YEH la-KHEM

Rosh Hashana

The two days of Rosh Hashana (The Jewish New Year) mark the beginning of a period known as Aseret Yemei Teshuvah (Ten Days of Repentance) culminating with Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashana is a time of great joy and celebration as well as a time for prayer and repentance. There are many beautiful traditions associated with Rosh Hashana such as enjoying sweet foods as a symbol of the sweet year ahead and eating round challah bread symbolizing the circle of life.

He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey
Deuteronomy 26:9 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

vai-vi-AY-nu el ha-ma-KOM ha-ZEH va-yi-ten LA-nu et ha-A-retz ha-ZOT E-retz za-VAT kha-LAV ud-VASH

A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey

In the Bible, Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) is described as flowing with milk and honey. In a literal sense, this refers to goat's milk and date honey. On a metaphorical level, milk is a nutritional necessity, whereas honey is a savory delicacy. Hashem (God) promises that the Land of Israel will not only sustain His nation with the basic essentials for survival, but He will bless the land with sweetness and prosperity.

At the turn of the year, the season when kings go out to battle, Yoavled out the army force and devastated the land of Ammon, and then besieged Rabbah, while David remained in Yerushalayim; Yoavreduced Rabbah and left it in ruins
I Chronicles 20:1 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

vai-HEE l’-AYT t’-shu-VAT ha-sha-NAH l’-AYT TZAYT ha-m’-la-KHEEM va-yin-HAG yo-AV et KHAYL ha-tza-VA va-yash-KHAYT et E-retz b’-NAY a-MON va-ya-VO va-YA-tzar et ra-BAH v’-da-VEED yo-SHAYV bee-ru-sha-LA-im va-YAKH yo-AV et ra-BAH va-ye-her-SE-ha

A Time For Repentance
In the above verse, the beginning of the year is called teshuvat hashanah which literally means 'the turn of the year.' The Hebrew year is cyclical in nature, and the holidays are repeated at the same time each year. In a certain sense, the beginning of a new year is in fact a return to the same period in previous years. Furthermore, the Jewish New Year focuses on God's judgement and man's repentance. The word teshuva, which means 'return', also means 'repentance'. Hence, the expression teshuvat hashanah also refers to the time of year when we are obliged to repent. As we find ourselves in the "ten days of repentance", between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Day of Judgement), this is the time of year where the Children of Israel focus on repentance and returning to Hashem(God).

A good man has what to bequeath to his grandchildren, for the wealth of sinners is stored up for the righteous
Proverbs 22:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

TOV yan-KHEEL b’-nay va-NEEM v’-tza-FUN la-tza-DEEK KHAYL kho-TAY

A Spiritual Inheritance
A righteous man leaves more than a physical inheritance for his children and grandchildren, as the merit of his good deeds is also bequeathed to them. By contrast though, the sinner's wealth will ultimately pass to more worthy hands. The greatest inheritance left to the Jewish people is the Land of Israel, not to be squandered or given away, but passed down to their children's children for eternity.

Let those who seek my life be frustrated and disgraced;
let those who wish me harm, fall back in shame

Psalms 70:3 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

yay-VO-shu v’-yakh-p’-RU m’-vak-SHAY naf-SHEE yi-SO-gu a-KHOR v’-yi-kal-MU
kha-fay-TZAY ra-a-TEE

Forced Introspection
As the leader of Israel, David lead two lives: A public, national life, and a private one. This psalm focuses on the personal suffering of David which he sought to remember as he writes in the title of this psalm, lehazkir, which means to 'remind' or 'mention'. David had enemies who sought to destroy him personally. They mocked him, deceived him, and acted traitorously toward him. David sought the ultimate failure of these enemies and their shame and humiliation, not out of vengeance, but rather to force them into repentance. Often, it is only the shock and humiliation of defeat that brings one to introspection and to change his errant ways.

But David captured the stronghold of Tzion;
it is now the City of David

II Samuel 5:7 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-yil-KOD da-VID AYT m’-tzu-DAT tzi-YON HEE EER da-VID

The City of David
Yerushalayim has always been the capital of the Jewish people. It is where King Davidruled for 33 years, where King Shlomo (Solomon) built the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) and where the Jews returned in the time of Cyrus. The United States became the first nation to recognize this eternal truth when in 2018 it moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Yerushalayim.

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