Your Favorite Things About Israel

Israeli big breakfast.



For you are going to conceive and bear a son; let no razor touch his head, for the boy is to be a nazirite to Hashem from the womb on. He shall be the first to deliver Yisrael from the Philistines
Judges 13:5 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

KEE hi-NAKH ha-RAH v’-yo-LAD-t’ BAYN u-mo-RAH lo ya-a-LEH al ro-SHO kee n’-ZEERe-lo-HEEM yih-YEH ha-NA-ar min ha-BA-ten v’-HU ya-KHAYL l’-ho-SHEE-a et yis-ra-AYL mi-YAD p’-lish-TEEM

The Story of Shimshon
The promised child, who will be the strong and fearless judge Shimshon (Samson), is to be a nazarite from birth. This is an unusual situation; most nazarites choose this status temporarily, for a limited period. Though typically people do not take such vows nowadays, a famous exception was Rabbi David Cohen (1887-1972). Known as “The Nazir,” ‘nazirite,’ he was a close student of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, and was a nazirite for most of his life. Following his move to the Land of Israel, Rabbi Cohen also refused to leave Jerusalem. Along with Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook, he was brought by his students serving in the Israeli Army to the Western Wall shortly after its liberation during the Six Day War. When secular Israeli soldiers saw Rabbis Cohen and Kook at the Kotel in the midst of the war, they gasped and pointed, assuming the two saintly rabbis were none other than the Mashiach (Messiah) and the Prophet Eliyahu (Elijah). The Nazir of Jerusalem was a reminder of the holiness that special people can achieve, even today.

All the nations of the earth shall bless themselves by your descendants, because you have obeyed My command
Genesis 22:18 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-hit-ba-r’-KHU v’-zar-a-KHA KOL go-YAY ha-A-retz AY-kev a-SHER sha-MA-ta b’-ko-LEE

The Wonder of Israel
After Avraham (Abraham) demonstrates his unwavering faith in Hashem (God) with the binding of Yitzchak (Isaac), the Lord assures Avraham that all the nations of the world will be blessed through him. When we look at the many contributions that the State of Israel makes to the entire world even beyond its spiritual message – such as its technological, agricultural and humanitarian innovations – we see that the State of Israel is a fulfillment of this biblical promise. Israel plays an outsized role in the global economy, proving this blessing’s efficacy.

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