Your Favorite Things About Israel

Avi Tzaliah: G-d, Send Redeemer

The Guardian of Israel compassionate and merciful
And in my songs exulted
And send the redeemer who's Yinon
Gather will Israel in song and chant

G-d G-d send a redeemer to the nation asking of You
Plant their light Highest G-d they'll come to the city of Zion
In song and chant

Exalted and Awesome You're our Father
Shine the light of Torah in our eyes
Return the coronet of our dwelling
And build the capital and her palace

G-d G-d send

Who G-d as You dwelling in heavens
Build Your temple a complete stone
Your nation Israel an innocent community
Redeem them quickly because it's time for mercy
- (Shim'on bar Nisim)

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Amir Benyoun - Standing At The Gate

I hear You're coming back all the way
I saw angels setting a table for the King's son
I also saw a ladder, longings coming and going
I heard winds caressing the leaves
I saw You, it's not a mirage

I heard that the sea had declared a happy day
I saw the stars and the moon dancing
They also know how to roll back
I heard that the sun is actually a shadow
I saw a tower shudder and fall

Come! We're waiting for You too many years
We got mad we have no more faces
Just getting consumed all the time, so come!
Yes come, there are no more tools left for us to break
We do not know who's clear here
And who's the drunken person who always falls into a hole indeed
So come, come...

I heard You were standing at the gate
And that an innocent lamb could live in the forest
And I heard that this heart too will not die anymore
Imagination will sign a peace agreement with reality
All sounds will be one simple song

Come! We're waiting for You...

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Uziya Tzadok - Everything Is For The Good
There are moments, I'm about to fall,
Looking up at the sky,
When I'm suddenly covered by clouds
Looking for strength and there's none,
I hear Father's warm voice,
Soothing and reminding me that ..

Everything is for the good, even when He takes,
Anyone who understands this simply says 'thank You',
Receiving lovingly what He sends,
There is no greater mitzvah than a happy neshamah

So sometimes I see clearly,
Any sign that there is a way,
It strengthens me easily,
And brings me closer to the King,
And I have a need to suddenly speak with Father
After all He just reminds me that ..

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The First Almond Blooms in the Heart of Israel
Photo Credit: A.Y. Katsof
"And when ye shall come into the land, and shall have planted all manner of trees...."
Leviticus 19:23

These were vanquished by Moshe, the servant of Hashem, and the Israelites; and Moshe, the servant of Hashem, assigned that territory as a possession to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Menashe.
Joshua 12:6 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

mo-SHEH e-ved a-do-NAI uv-NAY yis-ra-AYL hi-KUM va-yi-t’-NAH mo-SHEH e-ved
a-do-NAI y’-ru-SHAH la-ru-vay-NEE v’-la-ga-DEE v’-la-kha-TZEE SHAY-vet ham-na-SHEH

Moshe, the Servant of Hashem, Assigned that Territory as a Possession
In this chapter, which summarizes the wars fought by the Children of Israel to take possession of the Promised Land, we are also reminded of the wars Moshe fought. Moshe led the people against Sihon and Og, and captured the Gilead and the Bashan. This area became the inheritance of the tribes of Gad, Reuven and half of Menashe (see Numbers 32:33). The Bashan is now known as the Golan Heights, which Israel conquered in the Six Day War from Syria. Towering over the north of the country, the Golan Heights provides an essential strategic perch that is vital for Israel’s security. Coupled with its biblical significance, the Golan Heights remain an important part of the State of Israel. In his final interview before suffering a massive stroke in 2006, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told Japanese reporters, “I am a Jew, and that is the most important thing for me. Therefore when it comes to the security of Israel I will not make any compromises…I don’t see any situation where Israel will not be sitting on the Golan Heights.

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