Your Favorite Things About Israel

Thereupon all the Israelitesā€”from Dan to Beā€™er Sheva and [from] the land of Giladā€”marched forth, and the community assembled to a man before Hashem at Mitzpa.
Judges 20:1 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-yay-tzā€™-U kol bā€™-NAY yis-ra-AYL va-ti-ka-HAYL ha-ay-DAH kā€™-EESH e-KHAD lā€™-mi-DAN vā€™-ad bā€™-AYR SHE-va vā€™-E-retz ha-gil-AD el a-do-NAI ha-mitz-PAH

From Dan to Beā€™er Sheva
Beā€™er Sheva, mentioned in this verse as the southern boundary of Jewish settlement in Eretz Yisrael, was a vital city in biblical times. Beā€™er Sheva is one of the primary places where Avraham lives and digs a well, beā€™er (בא×Ø) in Hebrew. Yitzchak builds an altar there, and Yaakov passes through on the way to Beit El and later stops to bring sacrifices there on his way down to Egypt. In contemporary Israel, Beā€™er Sheva is known as ā€œthe capital of the Negev Desert.ā€ It is a thriving, multicultural city with a population including many Jews from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union, a major hospital and a large university. The city is one of the many ancient cities in the Land of Israel that the Children of Israel have revived and developed.
The Rebbe of Lubavitch - "My Soul Thirsts For You"

"...My soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You, in an arid and thirsty land, without water.
As I saw You in the Sanctuary, [so do I long] to see Your strength and Your glory."

Gal Elyahu - Love Your Fellow As Yourself

Love your neighbor as yourself, help without thinking, give without being angry, receive the different from you, and know to hug, know to honor, we are all brothers.

Between prayer and excitement, between imagination and blur, the never-ending race, it's so crazy. People are just talking, people are hiding again, the truth is already waiting to come out, a new world has opened

Love your neighbor as yourself...

Days always pass, times change, what was right then, so different from this,
"Here's what's good and what's nice, a tribe of brothers together"
Values always pass, who invented the rules, the future wants more rosy,
change and starts now

Love your neighbor as yourself...

We'll dance and we'll be happy, we'll forget and we'll laugh, forgive and not worry, crazy lives.

Avraham Tzaliah -"Yigdal Elokim Chai" (R' Avraham ibn 'Ezra)

Yigdav Elokim Chai is a Shabat piyyut based on the thirteen principles of the Rambam (in his commentary on chapter 26), in piyyut 13 lines, one for each of the principles, in the Sephardic version, at the end of the piyyut there are two more verses.

Rise will Living G-d and be praised, exists and there's no time to His existence
One and there's not a singe one as His uniqueness, concealed and there's no end to His unity
He has no form of a body and He's not a body, unmeasured to His holiness
Ancestor to all created, first and there's no beginning to His beginning
He is the Master of the world to all that exists, commands His greatness and majesty
Abundance of His prophecy He gave to, the people of His quality and glory
There was no in Israel as Moshe again, a prophet seeing His vision
Torah of truth gave to His nation G-d, by His prophet loyal to His house
G-d will not change and will not convert, His law forever to eternity to another
Watching and knowing our hidden, looks at the end of things from the outset
Rewards the kind man for his actions, gives bad to the wicked according to his wickedness
Will send to the end of days our anointed, to redeem those who wait for the end of His salvation
Dead will revive G-d in plenty of His kindness, blessed be forever to eternity the name of His glory

(The Torah of Moses is truth and his prophecy, blessed be forever to eternity the name of His glory.)

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Avraham Tzaliah - "Esmacha Bah" (R' Yisrael Abahtzeira)

Thank will my thoughts to You G-d from the womb of my creation
For Your closeness at Sinai to light my candle
Therefore in my plea I'll glorify in my song
During all my days and years forever to eternity

I'll rejoice in You, I'll rejoice in You, I'll rejoice in You
I'll rejoice in You for eternity, I'll rejoice in You redeemer of my soul
The redemption of the world

They are the celebration of my heart
In my remembering of His kindness
For chose of all nation Yisrael his servants
Scion of innocent planting, the fathers His friends
Complete rock of justice, You've grown from root

I'll rejoice in You...

For the One doing wonders, alone will fight my rivals
Always will hope for His kindness, from waking to night
And won't cover on his behalf, will bring down his castle
And then we will sing in His honor, the songs in their allegories

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How fair are your tents, O Yaakov, Your dwellings, O Yisrael!
Numbers 24:5 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ma TO-vu o-ha-LE-kha ya-a-KOV mish-kā€™-no-TE-kha yis-ra-AYL

How Fair are Your Dwellings, O Yisrael
Ramban points out that when referring to the homes of the Children of Israel, the verse first mentions tents of Yaakov and then dwellings of Israel. He explains that ā€œtentsā€ are temporary living quarters, referring to Israelā€™s sojourn in the desert, while ā€œdwellingsā€ implies a permanent living space, hinting to the established life of the Jews in the Holy Land. Just as they are taken care of and protected in the desert, the Children of Israel will ultimately be blessed with success, prosperity and security in Eretz Yisrael.

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