Your Favorite Things About Israel

be it known to the king that the Yehudim who came up from you to us have reached Yerushalayim and are rebuilding that rebellious and wicked city; they are completing the walls and repairing the foundation.
Ezra 4:12 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

y’-DEE-a le-he-VAY l’-mal-KA DEE y’-hu-da-YAY DEE s’-LI-ku min l’-va-TAKH a-LE-na
a-TO lee-ru-sh’-LEM kir-y’-TA ma-ra-d’-TA u-veesh-TA ba-NA-yin v’-shu-ra-YA
shakh-LEE-lu v’-u-sha-YA ya-KHEE-tu

The Yehudim who Came up From you to us Have Reached Yerushalayim
The chosen people have many biblical titles: Hebrews, children of Yaakov, and Israelites, to name a few. What is the origin of the branding ‘Jew’, in Hebrew Yehudi (יהודי)? The term is first employed as a specific ethnic title during the Babylonian exile, as can be seen in this verse and also in the books of Daniel and Esther. Historically, this name indicated an association with the tribe of Yehuda (יהודה), from which most of the Babylonian exiles descended. However, the name ultimately derives from the Hebrew root which means to ‘praise’ or ‘give thanks’, as it says “She [Leah] conceived again and bore a son, and declared, ‘This time I will praise Hashem.’ Therefore she named him Yehudah” (Genesis 29:35). The name thus highlights the inherent Jewish value of gratitude to God. The fact that this collective name was given in exile shows that sometimes one has to travel far away to discover who he really is.

The Kohanim, the Leviim and some of the people, and the singers, gatekeepers, and the temple servants took up residence in their towns and all Yisrael in their towns
Ezra 2:70 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-yay-sh’-VU ha-ko-ha-NEEM v’-hal-vi-YIM u-min ha-AM v’-ham-sho-r’-REEM v’-ha-sho-a-REEM v’-ha-n’-tee-NEEM b’-a-ray-HEM v’-khol yis-ra-AYL b’-a-ray-HEM

Rebuilding the Ruins

In this chapter of the Book of Ezra, we learn that many of the Jewish families who returned from exile to the Land of Israel established new communities on the sites of their ruined towns and villages. As one travels across the landscape of the contemporary State of Israel, it is amazing to see this very process recurring. The communities of Beersheva, Kibbutz Dan, Givon and dozens of others were all reconstructed in the very same locations as their original, biblical namesakes. It is indeed wondrous to witness the fulfillment of Yirmiyahu's (Jeremiah's) prophecy "...children shall return to their country" (Jeremiah 31:16) and to see "all Yisrael in their towns."
That Time Marvel Dealt With Arab Discrimination of Jews

As a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this comic strip – apparently from Marvel Superhero’s Contest of Champions (1982) – puts a smile on my face.

Or perhaps it is a grimace. Either way, it just goes to show how things have not changed much in 37 years.

But there was an optimistic ending: according to a thread on Reddit, he later saved her from falling with his flying carpet and they fought side by side.

Meanwhile, Marvel need to make a Sabra movie, starring Gal Gadot!
Thou shalt read..


Of Mediterranean origin, Swiss chard has been prescribed by Aristotle since the ninth century BCE. The Talmud also mentions that its consumption is recommended to ensure good health.

To celebrate the 15th of Shevat and reconnect with Sephardic Spanish roots, Here is a historical and healthy dish I call güesmo (in reference to the Spanish word which means “smell”), made with Swiss chard leaves and pine nuts that–in addition to commemorating the renewal of leaves, trees and the consumption of its fruits–will brighten your days.

A Centuries-Old Green Delicacy for Tu B'Shevat

And I will plant them upon their soil, Nevermore to be uprooted From the soil I have given them —said Hashem your God
Amos 9:15 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

un-ta-TEEM al ad-ma-TAM v’-LO yi-na-t’-SHU OD may-AL ad-ma-TAM a-SHER na-TA-tee la-HEM a-MAR a-do-NAI e-lo-HE-kha

Prophecy Fulfilled

The prophet Amos proclaims that the people of Israel will return to the Land of Israel, build houses, plant vineyards and trees, and enjoy their bounty. He promises that Hashem(God) will plant the people in their land, never to be uprooted again. Since Hashem has replanted His people in Israel, they have responded to this prophecy and planted vast vineyards and forests, strengthening and beautifying our homeland. In honor of the holiday of Tu B'shvat (today!), Israel365 planted 300 trees in the Biblical Heartland of Samaria in memory of the 3 day old baby Amiad Yisrael Ish Ran who was killed last month by Palestinian terrorists. Thanks to everyone from around the world who joined us in fulfilling the powerful prophecy of Amos - Happy Tu B'shvat!

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