Your Favorite Things About Israel

A Jewish man proudly waves his Israeli flag atop a mountain peak (Shuttertock).
They shall inquire for Tzion; in that direction their faces shall turn; they shall come and attach themselves to Hashem by a covenant for all time, which shall never be forgotten.
Jeremiah 50:5 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

tzi-YON yish-A-lu DE-rekh HAY-nah f’-nay-HEM BO-u v’-nil-VU el a-do-NAI b’-REET
o-LAM LO ti-sha-KHAY-akh

While Nations Come and Go, the Jewish People Remain Connected to Their Beloved Land of Israel
For most of Yirmiyahu’s prophecies, the mighty nation of Babylonia serves as a messenger or agent, carrying out God’s will. When the People of Israel wish to challenge Babylonia’s rule over them, Yirmiyahu tells them that to do so is tantamount to challenging Hashem Himself. However, like the other nations before them, Babylonia will eventually be punished for its arrogance and sinful behavior. Like Israel, they shall face an enemy “from the north” (verse 3). When this occurs, Israel will once again be returned to its homeland. As Yirmiyahu says in verse 19, “And I will lead Yisrael back to his pasture.” While nations come and go, the Jewish people remain connected to their beloved Land of Israel in “a covenant for all time, which shall never be forgotten.”

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