Your Favorite Things About Israel

Return, Maiden Yisrael! Return to these towns of yours!
Jeremiah 31:20 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

shu-VEE be-TU-lat yis-ra-EL shu-VEE el aray-EKH elah

Prophecies of Promise

While Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) is known as the prophet of doom, his prophecies also contain much promise. By the time he becomes a prophet, the destruction of Yehuda (Judea) and the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) is almost inevitable. Yirmiyahu tries one last time to awaken the Israelite nation to return to Hashem (God), but they refuse to listen and are exiled from their land. However, even in exile, far from their land, the Jewish people are not to abandon hope. As Hashem promises through Yirmiyahu, “I will delight in treating them graciously, and I will plant them in this land faithfully, with all My heart and soul” (32:41). The ingathering of the exiles to the Land of Israel during the past 70 years has seen this amazing prophecy fulfilled before our eyes!

I brought you to this country of farm land To enjoy its fruit and its bounty; But you came and defiled My land, You made My possession abhorrent.
Jeremiah 2:7 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ve-a-VEE et-KHEM el e-RETZ ha-KAR-mel le-e-KHOL PREE-yah va-ta-vo-U
ve-TEET-a-mu et ar-TZEE ve-nakh-la-TEE sam-TEM le-TO-ay-va

Love for the People

The prophet Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) loves his people too much to stand by while they commit national suicide. As such, he never ceases to speak to them, and even when his prophecies are proven true, his only response to the destruction and exile is devastation. This response finds its eloquent and heartbreaking voice in the Book of Lamentations, which, according to tradition, was also authored by Yirmiyahu. The Book of Yirmiyahualso includes several sections which describe the emotional price of being the lone voice of a painful truth.
And then there are those who call Zionism a 20th century movement.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you!

Isaiah 62:1

For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not be quiet, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a burning torch.

Zechariah 8:3
Thus says the Lord: I have returned to Zion and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and Jerusalem shall be called the faithful city, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, the holy mountain.

Fear not, O soil, rejoice and be glad;
For Hashem has wrought great deeds

Joel 2:21 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

al TEER-ee a-da-mah GEE-lee u'-SEEm-khee kee heeg-DEEl a-d-NI la-a-SOT

Who was Joel?

The second book of The Twelve Prophets, Joel consists of four short chapters. Aside his his father's name, we know nothing of the prophet's personal life, and the absence of historical references in the book make pinpointing when he lived nearly impossible. However, Joel's message is clear: Through repentance, disaster can be averted and judgement can be transformed into mercy. Indeed, Joel is one of the few prophets who successfully effects a transformation among the people.
Defending Israel in Antiquity: Legal Sovereignty of the Holy Land: The Talmud on the World to Come, Lesson 7

On the heels of an account of a fascinating exchange between a sagacious hunchback and an insolent sectarian, this chapter’s focus on the future mass-resurrection, is briefly interrupted with three additional exchanges between this insightful Sage who courageously defends the Jewish people from ominous legal challenges presented under the guise of international law. Learn about grave charges levelled against our legal claim to Israel by (real) descendants of an original Canaanite tribe. This ancient face-off is eerily reminiscent of present-day (fake) nations’ fictitious claims against us.

(video online)

Defending Israel in Antiquity: Legal Sovereignty of the Holy Land - The Talmud on the World to Come, Lesson 7
True Tzadik - Rabbi David Grossman
When sincere and unconditional love of Israel breaks barriers and lights whole worlds.


Rabbi Grossman is a true inspiration, for thousands of families who's homes have been lit with Torah, for parents who's hearts have been returned by their children, and for anyone who comes into contact with this truly amazing Tzadik, who doesn't spare anyone of love and care on his life journey.

True love of Israel.:11_2_1043:
"We're believers sons of believers
We have no one to rely upon
Only, only, only on our Father, our Father in Heavens"

*Once Phillistines tried to steal the Ark of the Covenant, they couldn't hold to it.
Now, they try to steal our land and heart - Jerusalem.
We return dancing around the Torah.

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