Your Favorite Things About Israel

A song of ascents. When Hashem restores the fortunes of Tzion ā€”we see it as in a dream
Psalms 126:1 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

SHEER ha-ma-a-LOT bā€™-SHUV a-do-NAI et shee-VAT tzi-YON ha-YEE-nu kā€™-kho-lā€™-MEEM

What Is a Dream?

Psalm 126 refers to Tzion (Zion), one of the Bibleā€™s names for Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), which is also used in a more general sense for the entire Land of Israel. This name is related to the word for ā€˜specialā€™ mā€™tzuyan. This teaches that Godā€™s holy city is more than a location. According to former British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, ā€œTzion is not just a place. It is a way of life. Jews are called to moral excellence, to be differentā€¦ā€ God created a special place on earth which would be the ideal incubator for spiritual growth. The word Tzion, therefore, describes not only where we live, but how we must live. When Hashem (God) finally returns His people to Israel, they will be ā€œas in a dream,ā€ as the actual redemption and heightened spirituality will be even greater than imagined, beyond our wildest dreams.

And live to see your childrenā€™s children.
May all be well with Yisrael!

Psalms 128:6 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

ur-AY va-NEEM lā€™-va-NE-kha sha-LOM al yis-ra-AYL

The Ultimate Goal
In 1936, archaeological excavations in the city of Yericho (Jericho) revealed the remains of an ancient synagogue. A huge mosaic was uncovered with pictures of a menorah(candelabrum), a shofar (ramā€™s horn), a lulav (palm branch), and the concluding words of this psalm, "Shalom al Yisrael" (May all be well with Yisrael or more literally, "Peace be upon Yisrael"). The synagogue was dated to around the seventh century CE, during the Byzantine period. In fact, hundreds of Byzantine-era synagogues have been discovered all over Israel. Unfortunately, the ā€œShalom Al Yisrael Synagogue,ā€ as it has come to be known, which is now under the control of the Palestinian Authority, remains largely off-limits to Jewish worshipers.
Preparations for the Hilulah of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu zt"l

Much preparation and quality are currently being felt for the eighth day of the Hilulah of the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ztz"l.
Tens of thousands are expected to go up and prostrate themselves in the holy graveyard of the rabbi at Har Hamenuhot in Jerusalem.The celebration will begin tomorrow (Thursday) at the end of the 25th of Sivan (7.6.2018) at 18:30.


The organizers of the celebration say that "the greatest and most important Rabbis have announced that they will participate in the status of prayer which in recent years has already spread throughout the country and the world as a very capable of salvation, and every year the number of participants in the celebration grows exponentially."

A huge crowd composed of all shades of the public, yeshiva students and public figures, children with Ba'alei teshuvah, religious and non-religious, who march together towards the holy place on Har Hamenuchot. And especially on the day of the Hilula, is a beautiful gift for the abundance of salvation and mercy. "

Preparations for the Hilulah of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu zt"l

Much preparation and quality are currently being felt for the eighth day of the Hilulah of the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ztz"l.
Tens of thousands are expected to go up and prostrate themselves in the holy graveyard of the rabbi at Har Hamenuhot in Jerusalem.The celebration will begin tomorrow (Thursday) at the end of the 25th of Sivan (7.6.2018) at 18:30.


The organizers of the celebration say that "the greatest and most important Rabbis have announced that they will participate in the status of prayer which in recent years has already spread throughout the country and the world as a very capable of salvation, and every year the number of participants in the celebration grows exponentially."

A huge crowd composed of all shades of the public, yeshiva students and public figures, children with Ba'alei teshuvah, religious and non-religious, who march together towards the holy place on Har Hamenuchot. And especially on the day of the Hilula, is a beautiful gift for the abundance of salvation and mercy. "


Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu - Parashat "Shelach"-
Harm to the Land of Israel is heresy in the Creator of the Universe

Preparations for the Hilulah of Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu zt"l

Much preparation and quality are currently being felt for the eighth day of the Hilulah of the Rishon LeZion Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ztz"l.
Tens of thousands are expected to go up and prostrate themselves in the holy graveyard of the rabbi at Har Hamenuhot in Jerusalem.The celebration will begin tomorrow (Thursday) at the end of the 25th of Sivan (7.6.2018) at 18:30.


The organizers of the celebration say that "the greatest and most important Rabbis have announced that they will participate in the status of prayer which in recent years has already spread throughout the country and the world as a very capable of salvation, and every year the number of participants in the celebration grows exponentially."

A huge crowd composed of all shades of the public, yeshiva students and public figures, children with Ba'alei teshuvah, religious and non-religious, who march together towards the holy place on Har Hamenuchot. And especially on the day of the Hilula, is a beautiful gift for the abundance of salvation and mercy. "


Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu - Parashat "Shelach"-
Harm to the Land of Israel is heresy in the Creator of the Universe

Rabbi Stavsky of Beit Baal Shem Tov in Jerusalem, stops the main cause of lessons, as many Rabbis did , just to explain the magnitude of situation in those days and the meaning of Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu's passing:

When a Tzaddik leaves this world it's usually not a good sign, and specially at that time Rabbis were talking openly and alarming about a Judgment hanging on top of Israel.
Tzaddikim in their passing are called "Chaim" or living, and sometimes when Hashem needs to bring Mercy upon his people and give them time to do Tshuva, He takes the sages of the generation to fill the void in spiritual 'pipes' through which to bring this Chesed, even the virtues that we accomplish collectively can't reach if the pathways are damaged...This was a notable event.

On 25 of Sivan 5770 Rabbi Elyahu was asked to the hidden of heights,
months before that he told his wife Tzvia:

Rabbanit Tzvia- "at 2 oclock in the night I knew that the Character of Judgment is fighting the Character of Mercy, hard decrees are coming upon the people of Israel, and many Jews are going to be killed here in the land. She continues saying what
Rabbi Elyahu told her: "I begged Hashem, told him, Creator of the World, I have a lot, all my life are Torah and Chesed, take all You want, mainly cancel the decrees".
Rabbanit Tzvia : I told him "What? All that we've done in our life? Quickly like that?"
Rabbi Elyahu: "Are You ready for so many Jews to get killed here in the land?
Rabbanit Tzvia: "No!"
Rabbi Elyahu: "So who can pay? Only those who have what to pay. I'm ready to pay"

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Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu z"tzl with the sages of the generation:

With Rabbi Israel Abahzera

With Rabbi Itzhak Kaduri

With Rabbi Menachem Shneiorson

Pray for the well-being of Yerushalayim; ā€œMay those who love you be at peaceā€
Psalms 122:6 (The Israel Bibleā„¢)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

sha-a-LU shā€™-LOM yā€™-ru-sha-LA-im yish-LA-yu o-ha-VA-yikh

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
This psalm starts with the words shaā€™alu shā€™lom Yerushalayim, (pray for the well-being of Jerusalem). Shalom, translated here as ā€˜well-being,ā€™ is the first Hebrew word many people learn. It actually has three meanings: ā€˜hello,ā€™ ā€˜goodbyeā€™ and ā€˜peace.ā€™ It is the word with which friends greet one another, but Shalom is more than a greeting; it is also a blessing. Peace is the most important gift we can ask from Hashem (God), on an individual level, as families, and between nations. It is therefore of utmost significance that the worldā€™s holiest city, Yerushalayim, has the word shalom at its core, because it is meant to be the source for all peace on earth. King David exhorts ā€œPray for the well-being of Yerushalayim,ā€ for when Yerushalayim is confronted with conflict, the whole world suffers. Conversely, though, when Yerushalayim is at peace, the entire world enjoys serenity.

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