Your Favorite Things About Israel

Every spot on which your foot treads I give to you,
as I promised Moshe

Joshua 1:3 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

kol MA-kom a-SHER teed-ROKH kaf gag-le-KHA bo la-KHEM ne-ta-TAV ka-a-SHER
dee-BAR-tee el MO-she

The Promised Land

Hashem (God) instructs Yehoshua (Joshua) the new leader of the nation of Israel, to rise up and lead them across the Jordan River, and to inhabit the land that Hashem is giving them. Taking possession of the Land of Israel will require human action, which will be supported by God's miracles. At the very beginning of Yehoshua's leadership, the nation is reminded that the entire Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People, and they must do their part to take possession of this special gift from Hashem.
Hashem will take Yehuda to Himself as His portion in the Holy Land, and He will choose Yerushalayim once more
Zechariah 2:16 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-na-KHAL a-do-NAI et y’-hu-DAH khel-KO AL ad-MAT ha-KO-desh u-va-KHAR OD bee-ru-sha-LA-im

Do you love Jerusalem?

There are many explanations of the meaning of Yerushalayim ( ), the Hebrew name for Jerusalem. According to the Sages, the name Yerushalayim comes from the words Yirah ( ) and Shalem ( ). Yirah is the Hebrew word for ‘awe’, and shalem means ‘complete’. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach explained that the name Yerushalayim, therefore, means complete, self-effacing awe; completely submitting oneself to God. The holy city is special and beloved to man because God loves it so much. This is also how we relate to the entire land of Israel. We love it because He loves it.

For instruction shall come forth from Tzion,The word of Hashemfrom Yerushalayim
Micah 4:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

KEE mi-tzi-YON tay-TZAY to-RAH ud-var a-do-NAI mee-ru-sha-LA-im

Awakening the Will of God

The job of awakening the will of Hashem (God) to rebuild the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) is not limited to the Jewish people. Rather, the third Temple will be built by all of mankind. And if the Beit Hamikdash is to be built through prayers and good deeds, as Jewish tradition teaches, it is the prayers and good deeds of all of humanity that will rouse Hashem to build it. Once built, it will be a house of God for all nations. People of all backgrounds will visit there in order to learn God’s Torah (Bible) and walk in His ways. Our generation is blessed to see this promise being fulfilled, with millions of non-Jews realizing that “from Tzion shall come forth the Torah and the word of Hashem from Yerushalayim.

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The people gave their blessing to all the men who willingly settledin Yerushalayim
Nehemiah 11:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-ye-var-KHU ha-AM le-KOL ha-a-na-SHEEM ha-MEET-nad-VEEM la-SHE-vet

The First Zionists

Many people associate the term “Zionism” only with the movement that began in the late 19th century when Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in what became known as the “First Aliya." In truth, however, the term Shivat Tzion (returning to Zion) was first used in reference to those who returned from the Babylonian exile with Ezra and Nehemia some 2,500 years ago. Scholars have pointed out the two events share similar characteristics. In both cases, the majority of exiles did not opt to return to Israel, and most of those who did come were young, driven by idealism and without strong ties to their host countries. Indeed, history, especially Jewish history, tends to repeat itself.

North and south— You created them; Tavor and Chermon sing forth Your name
Psalms 89:13 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

tza-FON v’-ya-MEEN a-TAH v’-ra-TAM ta-VOR v’-kher-MON b’-shim-KHA y’-ra-NAY-nu

Praise the Lord

The first segment of this psalm calls out to Hashem (God) in praise of the wonderful acts of kindness and love He does for the world. While praising Hashem and acknowledging that He is Creator and Master of the world, the psalmist turns to the great mountains Tavor and Chermon. Mount Tavor is where the great battle of Barak against the army of Sisera, king of Canaan, took place. Mount Chermon is the highest point in the land of Israel, soaring over 2200 meters above sea level in the currently Israeli-controlled part of the mountain range, and reaching over 2800 meters above sea level at its peak. These magnificent mountains rejoice in Hashem’s name, and testify to the greatness of their Creator.

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